I am reading LDS scripture as I am contemplating returning to the Church. I came upon 2 Nephi 5:23 and WOAH! I can see how people find that offensive. Is there any context I am missing? Something to explain away how terribly racist it sounds? Or is it to be accepted at face value? I miss the LDS church and mostly enjoy the LDS church and do disagree with some things but not enough to not go to the LDS church... but this is just wow... Again, I am just questioning is there context I am missing? I know this is a constant for LDS people to be questioned about people of color in the LDS church, but I just need to hear responses from some LDS who know the scripture better than I do and better than those who have spoken about 2 Nephi 5:23 without knowing all LDS scripture. Please be nice in your responses, I know this is a super sensitive subject and I am not trying to attack in any way. I just need to know if I am missing something. Thanks!