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Found 5 results

  1. Hey everybody! well as the title suggests this is my second time around. Im 29 and was excommunicated about 3 years ago. to make a long story short...I grew up in the church, got married in the temple had two children, wife had an affair, had a child as a result, I fell off the wagon... Anyways, Its taken some time but I finally feel lie its time to make my way back. I have a incredible, strong, non member woman by my side who i not religious but is supportive of the change I want to make. I have a lot of questions and need a lot of support right now. For the sake of those that may need the same I plan to keep a journal of sorts as i make this journey so keep track of me! Remember...its never too late to be what you might have been!
  2. I have been a member of the church my whole life. In my early 20s I strayed from the church and did not participate in church activities for a couple years. During that time I fell in love with a man and married him. Since we have been married I have started showing interest in returning to living a Christ-centered life and through constant prayer I have come to know a fullness in my heart that the church is true and that I want to strive to live my life according to Christ's example. I have become active in church and have a calling. Anyway, I have tried to share this with my husband. He comes to church sometimes, participates in my family's FHE, and he has talked with the missionaries. When he goes to church he seems to enjoy it while e is there. But when we come back home and go back to daily living he seems disinterested. He always tends to find something that he doesn't like about the church. He tries to argue with me sometimes and I don't want to fight. The missionaries have asked him to read the Book of Mormon with me and pray about it. He says he will then when they leave he doesn't want to and complains that they just want to baptize him. I don't think he prays about these things but lives day to day not wanting to focus on spiritual needs. I don't know where his head is at an he doesn't really tell me what he thinks, he just doesn't want to talk about it. We both share strong values about family. But he doesn't like the thought that without baptism and sealing he can't be with his family again, I told him that even of people don't accept the gospel in this life they can accept it in the next life. The both of us do not use alcohol nor tobacco or drugs. But we differ on thoughts of eternal marriage, living the gospel, prayer, scripture. His mother has taught him that he is perfect the way he is and doesn't need to change his ways for anyone or anything. I just don't believe that. I know that this life is a testing to learn from mistakes and constantly strive to become better. Lately my husband seems prideful and irreverent. I had been praying constantly everyday that he may be able to feel the spirit with him that he may become humble and kind. I know it's a process and I'm trying to be patient with him when he acts like this. I am just looking for advice. What can I do to help my home feel peaceful and happy? What can I do to help persuade my husband to find out the truth? I want to be with him I see his potential everyday and know that he is a child of God too. I hope one day that he will come around and we can marry in the temple, any advice please? Thank you
  3. I am not active since my divorce but still getting church visits as i am in a domestic partnership with a difference she accepts that i don't wish sexual connections before marriage and other boundaries but she accepts my church values but does not accept them for herself how with non church members as her bridle party that we live but not sleep together and that i dont do strippers or anything alike ... thanks to all who comment
  4. Hi everyone! I have registered to learn more about LDS. My girlfriend is a devote worshiper and I feel it is important to learn more to grow closer to her. Whilst I believe in god, I am not a member of the LDS Church and havent been a traditional active worshiper. Right now I feel happy in learning more with my curiosity in my level of faith, which has arisen as a result of my relationship. Id be particularly keen to speak to people who have non-LDS partners (or are indeed the non-LDS partner). First post over :)
  5. I am new here. I am a member and a mother of 8 children and 4 grandchildren. My husband is non-member and so I find that I am almost in search of answers on how to be a good Mormon woman with a good Baptist husband. I hope I will find those answers here.