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Found 5 results

  1. Hello All. Recently I find myself getting far to worked up over certain issues of politics, and religion when someone has strong opinions contrary and often somewhat antagonistic to my own. It seems like the internal calm I used to maintain is easily turned into a raging fire lately. I am a firm believer is sharing differing beliefs, thoughts, ideas, world views, and experiences. How do you find that you keep yourself from getting engulfed in the misery others seem to enjoy spreading? How has applying the Gospel of Jesus Christ helped you?
  2. Many Clinton-supporters perceive that Christians supported Trump. The truth? Some did, some did not, and many cast their votes with noses firmly pinched. Nevertheless, the perception has non-believers asking us how we could support someone who did-said-behaved so un-Christ-like. Those Christians who did vote for our President-Elect should take care in their answers not to excuse sin, but rather to focus on those issues and polices that persuaded them. What is eternally more important is our belief that God does not give up on anyone. Clinton or Trump, I would have prayed daily for either one. Two common charges lobbed against our President-Elect, and us, are that we are under-sensitive about racism and sexism. Jesus highlighted the moral superiority of the despised foreigner—the Good Samaritan—against the insular leadership of his own community. He forgave the adulteress, spoke with the foreign woman at the well and surrounded himself with competent, empowered women. He modeled inclusion and integration. Likewise, we believe the church is a place where there is no longer male or female, Greek or Jew, free or slave--we are all one, in Christ. Finally, there is the anger and meanness that Mr. Trump’s opponents accuse him and us of trafficking in. It is folly to engage in arguments over which side is worse. The internet is gummed up with left-wing stories of Trump-supporters engaging in racist, sexist trouble-making. Right-wing media carries similar episodes of violence against Trump-supporters, or just of minorities attacking whites, in the name of protesting. Christians are commanded to live at peace, as much as is possible. We love our enemies and pray for those who insult us. So, what’s a Christian to do in this ramped-up social environment? * We love God and our neighbors. * We care for the widow, the orphaned, and the poor. * We treat the stranger at our gates fairly. * We use just weights and measures in our business. * We work harder and more competently. * We listen hard. * We speak carefully and compassionately, as led by the Holy Spirit. The bottom line is that, in a very tiring age, we refuse to grow weary in doing good. They can malign our politics, and reject our religion, but they cannot argue against the testimony of our good lives.
  3. I love this time of day when the sky is faintest blue and the sun lies a pale yellow-white glow above the distant trees with shadows fading with the sun into the coming dusk and the air lies still save barest breeze which stirs not bough but leaves and its quiet now when most have gathered in from the hot, humid of the day and the rise and fall of insect hums is all of day's remains
  4. There is, has and always will be good in the very souls of all, for all of those souls are good. I believe that as many are seen good many shall be thus. All of mankind are truly great and therefore they can all do many great and marvelous things, in this knowledge we shall see the wisdom in the marvelous, never ending glory of god to giving us all love. I am ever grateful for the amazing gift of love that we all have, do and will receive for the very existence holds all degrees as a gift from the very love of the father and proves of his love. “There is much to be seen in the eyes of all men, the wise man sees the very glory of potential ... in all.” “I pray that through all we do, all we see, all we become, we always believe in more. There is always more!” Love is the very reason we live, this is why always we must love. There is much in this great world and what defines it is what we see. Let all love, dream and bring forth the very peace of the spirit, then all shall see. I know of this great and marvelous blessing. Let us pray, live and love... that all may know that all may see.
  5. Dear readers, okay i have a really hard time reciving answers. i have a friend who has had conversations with the spirit, where as i dont get anything. and its really hard. each time i really feel like i am going to be answered i really belive that somthing will happen a feeling or someone says somthing perfectly, or even just a scripture screams out the answer and then nothing. and each time its harder and harder to psych my self up. but i do and i do belive that i will get an answer i just need some help. so i am writing this tread to see if i see an inspired reply and i could use some encouragement as well as maybe some advise as to what i should do better or different. ive been to the temple and got a blessing in the past 2 days. i have been reading my scriptures and praying every day. a few months ago i belive i recived my answer. in fact it is the only time i have ever felt like i have gotten an answer while praying and that "feeling" overcame me. problem is i only told a few ppl and they all said that not only was that answer wrong but that i wouldnt have gotten that as an answer. that it was just what i wanted. and i have seriously been wondering if thats true. then while praying it hit me. you've gotten your answer. then the blessing i got is making me re-consider. and i want to do what the lord wants me to do bc i know things will turn out right if i do what he wants me to do. i just need to know what that is bc i have been getting so many mixed signals. and there are some eternal things that i have to decide between. i hope this is enough infprmation. if i need to later i will give more. i am sealing this thread with a prayer and begging for help. -confused