What’s So Bad about the Devil?
Satan, Lucifer—the devil—just why is he so vilified? His troubles began in the heavens. He attempted to raise his throne above the stars of God. He was the angel of light, God’s most beautiful, powerful angel. One given so much should be grateful. After all, to whom much is given much is required. Instead, the created one attempted a coup against the Creator.
God cast him out of heaven, so he targeted humanity. He encounters Eve, and asks her if God really forbade them to eat from the trees of the Garden. He knows that only one tree is prohibited, but his question implies that God is unjust—unreasonable. Eve clarifies the command, yet she accepts Satan’s implication that God needs a defense. The devil then lies directly, saying that she and Adam will not die if they eat the fruit. He adds that they will become like God, knowing (deciding) good from evil.
The devil burns in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. He rules no kingdom. His only pleasure comes by deceiving us—making us believe that we can decide good and evil for ourselves—that we can be like God. Of course, if we are like God then we do not need him. Those who buy the lie also reside in that horrid lake forever.
Deceiver and rebel—that’s the devil! There is nothing attractive, cute, or noble about Satan. Truth and gratitude—creation must embrace these, as we humble ourselves before God. The Creator means us only good—only love!