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Found 4 results

  1. I am pregnant with what would be our "rainbow baby" and currently struggling with depression. My husband and I have a large load of medical debt and are living with our in-laws temporarily. I am struggling imensly with my testimony of the gospel and its been extremely difficult for me. I have an unhealthy thought process that if I had been a better Mormon that we wouldn't have lost our first daughter and I know that simply isn't true but I can't stop those feelings from welling up inside of me I feel as though I'm doing something wrong all of the time even though I haven't. I feel like it's a really unhealthy self punishment I've prayed, looked for counsel and each time they simply say that "it's not your fault and you haven't done anything wrong etc" I've had counselors tell me that I should leave the church because it's just giving me unnecessary anxiety and honestly I would give anything to not feel this way but the gospel is a huge part of my life. I've been terrified that if I don't do everything exactly right then I'll lose this baby too so I consistently read the scriptures, pray, go to church I even signed up for institute classes thinking if I immerse myself completely these feelings would go away. I don't know if I need to just take a step back and give myself room to breathe and then come back when I'm ready or continue pushing through this depression and anxiety immersing myself? The reason I mentioned that we live with our in-laws is that this is adding to my ever long list of anxiety.
  2. I have a really hard time turning my life over to The Lord. I want to have trust and faith, but I won't allow myself to trust that God will work it out. I joined the church 13 years ago and have always struggled with parts of my testimony. Sometimes I think I'm so tough I can do it all by myself. Sometimes I feel as a member of the church, I'm told how to act, feel, how to dress, what to drink, what kind of undergarments to wear, what to watch and listen too, what I'm allowed to do on Sundays, and etc. Don't get me wrong, I have a long list of things I love about the church. My thoughts are all over the place. Did I lose everyone?? ..or maybe you fell asleep?? Anyone have any thoughts for me? I really need Heavenly Fathers help to carry this weight on my shoulders or better yet, I would love hand it over. ?
  3. I'm young and have been going through the repentance process with the bishop over some sexual sins. I have been going great until recently, I haven't quite been faithful reading the scriptures for the last couple weeks and I feel the difference. I got caught up in immature emotions and began sexting with a boy. No pictures. just talk. but pretty innappropriate. I started so feel awful and sick with myself. I broke down and really want to be forgiven. I will fast all week if I have too. I don't want to go back to being the person I used to be. and I am disgusted with myself for my moment of weakness. So my question is, if I've already confessed to the Bishop similar sins such as this, do I have to tell him of this one I recently did? I really hope I can work through it as a personal matter between me and the Lord but I'm not sure if that's right? I'd be so embarrassed to tell him. Especially cause he's been so proud of me lately for my progress. I understand what I've done. Can I work this out and keep it between me and Heavenly Father? Or does the Bishop have to know so I can be forgiven?
  4. I had a question regarding what things would a Bishop help someone financially with in the ward that is struggling? My brother has said he is going to ask for financial help with some bills since he is unemployed from a knee surgery. What things are not usually helped with including medical bills, school expenses, rent, various life bills? He asked and I sadly didn't have an answer for him on what the procedure is like. Thanks you guys!