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Part of the goal of the More Good Foundation AND this website is to explain stuff to non LDS-folk in terms they understand! We get caught up in our own vernacular, it's easy to forget that to other people we're speaking gibberish!

When I first heard about "wards" my first thought was hospital wings, and when I heard about all these activities at the "stake center" I thought "Why're they eating steak so much?"

If any terms aren't clear, unabashedly demand for a non Mormon vernacular definition! It's what we're here to do!

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Very good point. I think we as members sometimes forget that acronyms are lost on those investigating or searching for answers.

They are also lost on some of us members too- Adult converts especially :lol:
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They are also lost on some of us members too- Adult converts especially :lol:

Very true I agree with you. Hey I've been a member all my life and some are still even lost on me.

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I worked for several years with Britt's who loved to have their Earl Grey. I am sorry to report that it falls into the true tea category. Thank you for your willingness to seek clarification and dedication to the gospel principles. It is much more then just a law of Health, it is forgoing things that the world indulges in. Good luck,


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Based from the Word of Wisdom (this page, specifically: - Aaronic Priesthood Chapter Detail - The Word of Wisdom ) the reason to avoid coffee and tea are because of the addictive effects of caffeine. (Okay, well, I added the "of caffeine, but what else are you getting addicted to in there?) Reading some other posts here, sodas are okay, but some pops have just as much or more caffeine than some teas.

Er, there really isn't a question attached... just an observation.

I personally put this in the "Drinking (wine/alcohol) is not a sin, but drunkenness is" category.

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I was told by missionaries that the reason that coffee and teas are

harmful is from the tannic acid , and that in almost everything,

there could be implied restrictions

in regards to excessive consumption,

In my heart, i believe that caffeinated soda is harmful, but I am

thankful that it is allowed. I had to quit enough other things and

think that soda would really be the hardest one to quit..


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I was told by missionaries that the reason that coffee and teas are

harmful is from the tannic acid , and that in almost everything,

there could be implied restrictions

in regards to excessive consumption,

In my heart, i believe that caffeinated soda is harmful, but I am

thankful that it is allowed. I had to quit enough other things and

think that soda would really be the hardest one to quit..


I thought so too, until I went to the Dr about the cramps that I had been having. I thought I was potassium deficient. Well, it turns out that the cramping is brought on by the soda's (soft drinks). For every 12 oz can you drink it depletes your body of 3X that amount of water. Not enough water in your body causes cramps.

Go without soda's for a month then drink a Big Gulp (60oz.) you'll find that you will be cramping. Your feet, your mid-driff. While I am awake I can tolerate those, it is the legs and buttock muscles cramping while I am asleep that literally tear me apart!

The only thing that stops the cramps is drinking LOTS of water. Oh, for the night time cramps I drink a cup of chicken or beef broth made 2x as strong as directed. Then 32 to 48 oz of water. Yes I am sleepy, but with my feet cramped up like dead chicken feet and my calf muscles burning I guzzle the water down and make yet another promise to steer clear of the Barq Root beers and Classic Cokes.

Why is it that knowing sodas will cause me to cramp, and to hurt terribly- yet I order them, buy them and then drink them?? I say it is because I am also addicted to them.

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I know I am addicted. I start and end my day with a caffeinated drink. I went for 6 months drinking only water. Never felt better. One day decided to have just one...well that was a year ago.

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I don't think anyone can rightfully call themselves an "expert" or know the answers to this particular question. I served a mission in Japan and, yes, there are absolutely certain types of teas that are perfectly fine for us.

The rule of thumb that I followed (which as far as I can tell is accurate) is that any (I use the word "any" with caution) teas that are not made from leaves are ok. We drank jasmine, lemon, wheat, and other teas. According to what I have heard, there has been recently discoveries about a certain chemical in non-edible leaves (like tea leaves) that eats away at bone (which might explain the old hunch-back grandmas/grandpas we saw in Japan)

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Based from the Word of Wisdom (this page, specifically: - Aaronic Priesthood Chapter Detail - The Word of Wisdom ) the reason to avoid coffee and tea are because of the addictive effects of caffeine. (Okay, well, I added the "of caffeine, but what else are you getting addicted to in there?) Reading some other posts here, sodas are okay, but some pops have just as much or more caffeine than some teas.

Er, there really isn't a question attached... just an observation.

I personally put this in the "Drinking (wine/alcohol) is not a sin, but drunkenness is" category.

Hey Heavenguard, thanks for sharing your experiences but I would be really careful about "adding" things to doctrine. In my mission we had some members and missionaries teaching that caffeine was what was against the word of wisdom and not actually tea/coffee. So, instead, the investigators and members started drinking "non-caffeinated" teas/coffees. Upon discovering that chocolate has caffeine in it, we inevitably lost a few members because Mormons love their chocolate, so the church couldn't be true.

Here is a quote from the D&C Institute manual -

D&C 89:9. Are Other Drinks Forbidden by the Word of Wisdom?

What about cola drinks, kava, some health or sports

drinks, or other drinks containing stimulants? An

official statement by the Church’s leaders reads:

“With reference to cola drinks, the Church has never

officially taken a position on this matter, but the

leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now

specifically advise, against the use of any drink

containing harmful habit-forming drugs under

circumstances that would result in acquiring the

habit. Any beverage that contains ingredients

harmful to the body should be avoided.” (Priesthood

Bulletin, Feb. 1972, p. 4.)

In other words, no, caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom. Is it a bad idea to consume, I certainly think so (just like its a bad idea not to get any exercise which is also part of the WoW). Also, to paraphrase the very first verse of D&C 89 - the WoW is for "the weakest of saints" aka "the bare minimum". If you want to go above the "bare minimum" and not drink caffeine, that is a good thing, but it is false to preach drinking it as a sin or an explanation for the WoW. Side note - there is sugar alcohol in apples. Doesn't that make some of us think twice before eating an apple!

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KuriChan you make some really good points. Sometimes we can spend more time trying to anaylize the WOW instead of learning to follow it. It all comes from learning and praying about doctrine. Sometimes we really don't know the WHY and following the commandments is at times blind for a while I think we will know the answers when the Lord is ready to teach it to us. The WOW is quite clear about not partaking of coffee, tea, alcohol and drugs and yes we could try and read into it but I think we do know the answer.

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Drinking alcohol is not a sin?

HoosierGuy, Heavenguard is not LDS. Check out the Alcohol thread. Yes, drinking it is a sin, at least for LDS it is.

It is posts like Heavenguard's that make me wish that each persons religion was posted under their icon in the thread. So that one can look at it at a glance and know from where this poster speaks. It is a pain in the back side to have to click on their icon and go to their profile. Some, like me don't allow just anyone to check out their profile, so that wouldn't help anyone. Knowing what faith one is, puts their post into perspective.

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This topic is getting so beat to the ground. The orginal question was can mormon's drink tea. Many are doing their best to answer it. The gospel is not ment to be debated, yes it is to be learned but not in an agressive way. Many of us feel it an honor to follow the Lord and teach his word. That should be enough to answer why we have The Word of Wisdom and why we believe it is ment for us, our body, mind and spirt. Many of us will not find the answer why. Achohol, hot drinks, drugs and smoking are not ment for our pleasure. That is why many LDS people chose to follow it. Some of the things said specifically, that is why we believe in Modern day Scripture and prophets to help us. When the Word of Wisdom was recorded in The Doctrine and Covenants it said hot drinks, that we know means Tea and Coffee. Because we believe the church is under the direction of the Lord through a Prophet we believe that is what the Lord sayes.

Those wanting to know what the beliefs are welcomed to ask questions, when you get an answer you have the right to ask in prayer to ask if the answer is correct. You only stay in the dark when you try to reason something you don't understand.

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Herbal teas (and floral teas) are actually called "tissane." Tissane is not really tea, as it is not caffeinated. However, many people call it "tea" anyway.

A few examples of tissane are:

peppermint "tea"

jasmine "tea"

chrysanthemum "tea"

As you can see, the plants mentioned above do not have caffeine.

Only caffeinated teas are REAL teas, which are:

Green tea

White tea

Black tea

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Excellent posting on herbal products...

Noting the keyword in your posting, it is not the “caffeine” that was spoken about in Word of Wisdom [WoW] but that we should not be drinking “hot drinks”, whether it is coffee or tea. If it was so, chocolates, coco products, and various soda pops, to mention a few consumer products, would be also in opposition to the WoW.

Members must make their own decision beside what is given on what is conducive to ones health or what is considered a poison.

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Excellent posting on herbal products...

Noting the keyword in your posting, it is not the “caffeine” that was spoken about in Word of Wisdom [WoW] but that we should not be drinking “hot drinks”, whether it is coffee or tea. If it was so, chocolates, coco products, and various soda pops, to mention a few consumer products, would be also in opposition to the WoW.

Members must make their own decision beside what is given on what is conducive to ones health or what is considered a poison.

Exactly. Thanks Hemi. Caffeine, though not good for you, has not been specified as the reason for us not drinking coffee or tea. The revelation says "hot drinks" and the Church has officially specified that that means coffee and tea. Even decaffeinated coffee or tea are prohibited, and consuming them are a violation of the Word of Wisdom.

The revelation does not specify alcohol as a prohibited substence, but the Church has officially stated that it is prohibited. So, the ingredient in "strong drinks" that is prohibited is alcohol.

Consuming caffeinated products will not have an effect on your standing in the Church, unless your consumption constitutes drug abuse. That is a fact. I know this is hard for some people to process, and this has come up time and time again. There may be a day when the Church includes caffeine as a specific, like alcohol is. At that time, those consuming caffeine, should stop, if they want to maintaing their standing in the Church.

That said, if you don't consume caffeine at all at this point, then more power to you! You are going above and beyond the WoW, which was adapted to even the weakest of the Saints, and God will bless you for it. Just don't go to Sunday school and teach it as official doctrine for why tea and coffee are prohibited. :) You are probably eating healthy and getting exercise as well, and avoiding many other harmful substences; which are all good things that you are doing of your own free will (D&C 58:27).

See LDS Newsroom - Health Practices



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There may be a day when the Church includes caffeine as a specific, like alcohol is. At that time, those consuming caffeine, should stop, if they want to maintain their standing in the Church.

I hope not. Though I do not drink caffeinated pop habitually, there are times when eating out, that the only choice of drink (that I like) will not be caffeine-free. I am not an addictive-prone personality, so that aspect does not bother me. My area, unlike other states/areas, does not offer a large variety of caffeine-free drinks. And yes, I drink water...but I can take only so much of it!!!:lol:

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  • 4 months later...
Guest DeborahC

Earl Grey is a blend of Indian and Ceylon teas. The tea gets its unusual flavor from oil of BERGAMOT. Bergamot is a small acidic orange. The latest research indicates that the Bergamot orange is a cross between the sweet or pear lemon (Citrus Limetta) and the Seville or sour orange (Citrus Aurantium). The sour orange is native to southern Vietnam, hence the Chinese connection.

Indian and Ceylon teas are "black" teas and although I love this tea, I guess it's against the rules :::crying:::

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