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How about: God created the world, and our understanding of it is evolving? :-)

I would agree with a slightly different wording: God created the world, and our understanding of it is evolving both spiritually and scientifically.

I would add that from my view of history that the spiritual evolution is slower than the scientific evolution and looks to be sometime before it will catch up. I think it is most unfortunate that many in the religious community claim to understand spiritual truths that are far more difficult to address than scientific truths – and yet they have great difficulty accepting scientific truths.

I would point out that there is much less bickering and un-Christian like treatment of opposing opinions in the scientific community.

The Traveler

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Bless you, Traveler, but in science-oriented academic departments, there is phenomenal back-biting, bitterness and humiliating putdowns. And that's just in the lunch room. (Then again, maybe it's just Australians.)

Stuff like, "Hey mate, my anti-matter will disolve your quarks"?

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Or, "my Federal grant is bigger than yours"...or "so sorry to hear that your article was refused by Nature for the fourteenth time...really". ;)

Of course there are selfish people everywhere - including the scientific community. Although I have not dealt with our Australian friends I have dealt with the New Zealand government’s scientific community back in my days working with the US military.

The point I was trying to make is that in considering new ideas and moving forward with the use of innovative concepts – that scientific community has been quite flexible whereas the religious community seem to hate anything that can better mankind outside of their sphere of influence. As odd as this may seem – I think that in this respect the scientific community is more Christian than the traditional devout Christian community.

Would it not be wounderful if the religious Christian community would lead the way in the use of innovative concepts that better mankind rather than teach their children to distrust scientist for fear that their religious comcepts would be lost.

The Traveler

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  • 1 month later...

Creation is an ongoing process. Although the Bible holds that the world was created in 7''days" these did not mean the same time period as our own 24 hour days. The proper meaning of which, the time it took to do each task was seperated and called "days." Evolution is true in the sense that animals of all kinds are symmetrically created similiarly. This does not mean that we all go back to a common ancester--a puddle of sludge or amoeba. You will find that God first created all the species that ever occupied the earth, simultaniously filling the world, and then let them evolve or grow to one day become these days animals. The animals Noah likely had on his ark were different than what we have today. As for the claim that humans evolving from monkeys, I know for a fact that human-like monkeys must have existed at one point but I have no reason to assume they were our predecessors. I belief that they had their own existence here and lived the fullness off their lives and exists whether we knew of them or not. These "peoples" never needed our permission to have existed. They were granted their own space on earth and though the Bible never mention them does not mean the evidence we now have are a fabrication.

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I think part of the reason why the creation/evolution debate sparks so much acid language among Christians towards each other and towards non-Christian scientists (and this is no excuse, not by a long shot) is that for Christians the issue is much more of a deep routed "heart matter."

Whereas for a scientist, it is more of a "head matter" I would imagine. You have an idea about the world, it gets shot down and your pride is bruised, but then you come up with another idea. For a Christian, you are talking about turning your world-view upside-down.

I remember going from "theistic evolutionist" to full blown "six-day creationist" in college. That was a head-trip. At the time felt tantamount to a religious conversion... LOL!

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