Zimmern and Bourdain


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My two favorite shows on TV both are on the Travel Channel. Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods and Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations. They go places I will probably never see, and experience things I have always wanted to try. (Within reason of course.) Bourdain is crass, but inside him you do see a fellow who is genuinely interested in the people he meets, and when he's not showing off, is quite friendly and appreciative. Andrew Zimmern is just a hoot. Eating the fried scorpions is always fun to watch.


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While not my favorite shows, I do enjoy watching Bizarre Foods; and Andrew Zimmern IS fun. I like his personality. I will admit though, to having to "click" to another chanel when he is sampling some of the more bizarre foods!!!:eek: I just do not have the stomach for it.:lol::lol:

Bourdain I can mostly leave...:D

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Wish Prisonchaplain could join them for some Filipino balut.

They both have eaten items on the show that would make most of us nauseous. However, some of the dishes look delicious and made my mouth water. The travel portion of the show is fun as well. You won't find Rick Steves and Rudy Maxa going native in this fashion.

My ultimate yuck with Bourdain was when he gobbled a raw seal eyeball. However, that was an honored treat bestowed upon him by his Inuit hosts in their home. So the experience of witnessing this hospitality made up for my squeamishness.

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While Bourdain can be crass, his show is about the only thing that interests me enough to turn on the TV. He has the best dry humor and sarcasm going these days! LOVE HIM!!!

I'd like to sit and have a cheese burger with Anthony Bourdain, and then head to the kitchen for some chef lessons. He is incredible at what he does. The Food Channel lost a huge bargaining chip when they lost him and Zimmern.


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