What should I do with my life?


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I come from a dysfunctional family. My father didn't allow me to go to school. I had to work so he had more money to spend on alcohol and women. I'm 21 soon and work in a mental asylum. I'm getting my high school diploma while working. I take Internet courses for my GED. I'm not sure what to do after that, but I guess it will be some form of higher education. Maybe I'll be able to go and study abroad, like in the UK. If I don't make someone pregnant then I'll be lucky to keep my current job.

I'm also going to get baptized, will I be expected to do the missionary thing since I'm still young?

What should I do? Should I go to college? Should I keep working? Should I become a missionary?

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The big question to answering your question would be, "What do you WANT to do with your life?" Yes, answering a question with a question. Please don't tar and feather me, hehe. My first suggestion would be to pray for some guidance. It could not hurt. =)

Edited by SMG
proof-reading is my friend!
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The whole "keep my job if I don't get someone pregnant, getting baptized" thing kind of runs together as a series of things that don't necessarily go together.

Sorry about your dad being the way he was, good luck on your GED and keeping your job. You'll find your way, one way or the other, there really isn't a lot anyone here, in a forum can do to help you.


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To answer the missionary question, you must be a member for 1 year before you can become a missionary. You are not required to serve a mission. Good luck with the GED - you might want to take some vocational tests that help determine where your strengths and interests lay. Praying for guidance is also a very good idea now and for the rest of your life.

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I come from a dysfunctional family. My father didn't allow me to go to school. I had to work so he had more money to spend on alcohol and women. I'm 21 soon and work in a mental asylum. I'm getting my high school diploma while working. I take Internet courses for my GED. I'm not sure what to do after that, but I guess it will be some form of higher education. Maybe I'll be able to go and study abroad, like in the UK. If I don't make someone pregnant then I'll be lucky to keep my current job.

I'm also going to get baptized, will I be expected to do the missionary thing since I'm still young?

What should I do? Should I go to college? Should I keep working? Should I become a missionary?

I tend to agree with some of the quotes above. You seem a bit disoriented in general and lacking even a short term plan for yourself. That would be a priority, to seek from God personal direction for your life. There is no expectation of serving a mission but it is a call to the Priesthood. Your task is to get ready if that is the desire of your heart, to serve the Lord as a full time missionary.

If you are single/unmarried and intend to be a member of the Church in full standing there is no room for sex and/or pregnancy before marriage. That part also seem a bit vague to me but I thought worthy to make the clarification.

Do you live in the US? Do you have a mother, siblings? You seem to have taken an awful lot of responsibility early on in your life. Why do you want to go "abroad" to study?

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If you are single/unmarried and intend to be a member of the Church in full standing there is no room for sex and/or pregnancy before marriage. That part also seem a bit vague to me but I thought worthy to make the clarification.

Yeah I forgot about that.

Do you live in the US? Do you have a mother, siblings? You seem to have taken an awful lot of responsibility early on in your life. Why do you want to go "abroad" to study?

I live in Sweden. And no I've been very lucky. There are people younger than me that are parents. I want to study abroad cause it seems fun. Especially the UK, might move there if I'm lucky.

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Hey for my 2cents I think you should make a list of every possibilty including getting married and becomming a parent and then prioritize what you want to do most and then make short term goals that will get you there. EX (study abroad) save money, work extra job to keep out of mischief, get passport, research expense etc. Just my 2cents

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I agree with praying for guidance in what you should do. Here is just an example of what i do when i pray for guidance.... and pease remember that your Father in Heaven will not take away your agency... go to him with your ideas and plans. Ask him if those will be the best thing for you As you pray actively listen for the whisperings of the spirit. Then be prepared to act on the promptings you receive. I heard a saying a long time ago about praying and working.... "pray like everything depends on the Lord... work like everything depends on you"

Just my thoughts,


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I agree with praying for guidance in what you should do. Here is just an example of what i do when i pray for guidance.... and pease remember that your Father in Heaven will not take away your agency... go to him with your ideas and plans. Ask him if those will be the best thing for you As you pray actively listen for the whisperings of the spirit. Then be prepared to act on the promptings you receive. I heard a saying a long time ago about praying and working.... "pray like everything depends on the Lord... work like everything depends on you"

Just my thoughts,


Mags good to see you back.

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Sweden is beautiful, have always wanted to head there for awhile. Didn't mean to sound too flippant up above, but you have a lot of decisions to make, and truly I am sorry about your upbringing. You do have the choice to turn it around and be different, but I have a feeling you know that.

Good luck on your baptismal decision, and then from there the mission/work/family question is something to pray and meditate on. It's not easy.


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To answer the missionary question, you must be a member for 1 year before you can become a missionary. You are not required to serve a mission. Good luck with the GED - you might want to take some vocational tests that help determine where your strengths and interests lay. Praying for guidance is also a very good idea now and for the rest of your life.

I agree with SundaeSarah, Vocational Guidance is a very important first step. Your babtism is important too, they needn't be mutually exclusive.

Find A Vocational Psychologist , where you are working there may already be a good reference system to someone that can help you. Vocational guidance can also light up some personal issues you may have to deal with in order for you to move on and successfully advance in whichever career there is for you.:twocents:

One's personality, Interests, Values, Life Story, Aptitude, is all taken into consideration in matching you with a possible career. God will guide you there and will continue to do so wherever your life journey takes you, if you are sensitive to his guidance and accept it :)

Good Luck and God Speed

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A higher education is a wonderful idea. The more you learn the better you will do. Decide on what goals will be the best for you, and then pray about it. If you feel good, make the steps to do it. If you don't feel good about it, choose something else. Let the Holy Ghost be your guide.

I would stay away from getting someone pregnant. It would only complicate your life. And it is better to raise a new born baby with a loving mother and father who are married (from a statistical point of view). ;)

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