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I was reading another thread and it got me to thinking. Instead of attacking other peoples beliefs LDS vs others or others vs LDS let's share some some of our beliefs and see what we have in common.

I believe in a loving Heavenly Father, in His Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. I believe, as stated in John, that all things were created by Jesus Christ and that he was with God and is a God. I believe that Jesus Christ took on a physical body as the son of Mary. That he came to earth to teach his chosen people, that he was rejected by them, that he atoned for the sins of the world and paid the ultimate price, his death, when he didn't have to. He could have called down angels from heaven to rescue him, if he had so wished.

Most importantly I believe that he resurrected on the third day after his death. His body, in a perfect form, was reunited with his spirit. He walked and talked with his apostles and continued to teach them and then he returned to be with his Father in Heaven.

These are a few of the things I believe.

Ben Raines

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I believe that the resurrected Christ came to visit a group of people in the America's shortly after His ascension into heaven. I love reading about the account in the BofM. I love how each individual came unto the Savior and felt the prints in his hands and feet and were able to look into his face. And he healed all their sick and afflicted and called all the children to gather around him. And then I love how he set up his church the same way he did in Jerusalem. And then I love how he prayed and wept with them and for them.

I love this account because it has helped me understand that I can come to Christ too and have and individual relationship with him. I have struggled to get my insides to understand that his sacrifice was for me too and that this kind of love and open compassion and healing is available for little, broken me. And it is thru the reading of the BofM that has helped me to believe in those intimate and personal truths.

I have come to really love the song "Amazing Grace" because so often in my life, I have felt like a wretch and then dared to believe that his grace was there for me and abundant for me. So much so, that I could be embraced by it and find rest.

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I believe in Love! Love -that the Father and Son has shown me and the Holy Spirit working in me through my reading the Word of God understanding the traditions of my Church and receiving the Sacraments of my Church.

I believe in the Goodness of other people-that we are created in God's image-that we have strayed from the straight path by "sin" but that we can be brought back to that path again

As the Prophet Mohammed wrote in the Holy Quran-Surah 1:6-"Show us the Straight Path."

For me-a Christian -that straight path leads to and through Jesus Christ to our Heavenly Father.

The closest I am to Jesus is in the Holy Eucharist-where I believe I take in the Body and Blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.

I believe in tolerance. I believe that there is some truth and much good found in all major religious traditions.

As His Holiness-The Dalai Lama explained it from the writings of The Budda-for me--I believe "It is more useful to be aware of a single weakness in myself than a thousand weaknesses of someone else"

Oh-Lord-I am weak---but Thou Art Strong!-Help me in my weakness!

I believe in social justice-that in many respects-the poor are the face of Christ.

The person I would most like to emulate (but poorly do) is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

I believe in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

I believe in a God of justice and love-who will hopefully welcome me at the end of this earthly journey as a Father would welcome one of his children.

I believe I am on a journey of faith with many ups and downs-at times my faith is strong-and at times it is weak.

I believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church-as the best expression of the Christian community of faith in guiding me on my journey of faith.

Carol--a child of the Heavenly Father

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I do believe after the Second Coming, there will be many religions and beliefs left in the world. What it will be comprised of is those, to include our own church, individuals who do live already live the Terrestrial laws. Eventually, we will all surrender to the will of the Lord to either become as one belief and one church or be left outside. We shall become known as the followers of Christ’s.

I cannot understand why a few others in this world would deny the Latter-day Saints the privilege of not being called Christians, when in-fact, by seeing the name of the church was called after Him and our faith is centered on our Savior [Jesus Christ].

Elder Porter stated in a heavy handed discussion that Mormons are not Christians, “Are Mormons Christian? By self-definition and self-identity, unquestionably so. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints affirms that it is a Christian-faith denomination, a body of believers who worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and who witness that salvation is possible only by his atoning blood and grace. By the simple dictionary definition of a Christian as one who believes in or worships Jesus Christ, the case is compelling. To the title Christian a critic of Mormonism may add any modifiers he deems appropriate—unorthodox, heretical, non-Nicene, different—but blanket assertions that we are not Christian are a poor substitute for informed argument and dialogue.”

I do know without any doubt or faith, the FATHER, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are separate and living beings. As I do know that Joseph did indeed witnessed the Godhead in person and his questions were answered. There is but one truth…there is but one church…in the end that will be the driving force of the world to come. I hope and pray, we will all be part of that wonderful and joyous upcoming event.

I am anxious for that coming day, I will fall at the feet of my Savior and weep with deep gratitude for my life, for His atoning sacrifice, for His love. As I also am anxious to be with my Heavenly Parents, Joseph Smith, and others I failed to mention that has helped me and my family in our probation. As I wait for that day, when I can be crowned with my beloved mortal and eternal partner, with our elder brother for ever.

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I believe in G-d and I believe that there are 5 eternal principles that govern man’s relationship with G-d. They indicate why I have complete faith in G-d and all his works.

1. G-d will not do for any man what that man can do for himself.

2. G-d will do for every man what they cannot do for themselves.

3. G-d will not do anything for any man that is not eternally beneficial for him.

4. G-d will do everything possible for all men that are eternally beneficial for each of them.

5. G-d will not do anything to any man without their concurrence.

I believe that whatever G-d allows to happen will be for the eventual good – even those not saved. I believe if it comes from G-d it is both good and beneficial – even his “punishments” and his wrath.

The Traveler

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  • 1 month later...

I believe that a true Christian follows two 'simple' rules as laid down by the Savior in Mark 12:30-31:

1) "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength." If one loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then he/she will put more energy into his/her faith than a simple confession of faith.

2) "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Those that claim to be Christians must have a servant's heart. We must treat others with respect and dignity. Afterall, we are children of God!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe that one day.. there will be ONE Lord.. ONE Faith.. ONE baptism. And that is being ONE with God... just as Christ is ONE with God.. we too can be ONE with Christ.. and ONE with God.

I believe our destiny is to become just like our Father in Heaven.

I believe as we strive to "be ye perfect.. even as your Father in Heaven is perfect" we will one day achieve it!

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