Prepared to defend yourself?


Does someone in your home own a gun or other means of self defense?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Does someone in your home own a gun or other means of self defense?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other (explain)

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Simple question. Whether you consider a gun relevant for preparadness or not, I'm interested.

My answer: Yes. And in a week or two, my wife will be taking a personal protection class offered by our local law enforcement folks that fill her training requirements to carry legally.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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Guest JHM-in-Bountiful

My mother and step-father did not have any guns while I was living with them. If they did, I would have used the gun on myself years ago. Now as an adult, I think it is against the law for me to purchase or even own a gun. That is because the federal government see me as mentally ill. I'm on social security disability for social anxiety disorder and depression. I'm on medication, and have individual & group therapy.

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I have a beautiful Mossberg 500A Persuader/Cruiser that I love very much. I also have a "generous" amount of ammo :) I have some other random guns around, but I really love that Mossberg.

My gun is for home defense and for just plain old fun. It's fun to go to the shooting range or to a nice piece of land in the middle of nowhere, set up some targets, and shoot at them.

I like knives, too...and bows and arrows :)

When times get bad if someone asked for for help, that's one thing... but if someone plans to harm me in order to take from me, well, they better hope they've got me outgunned because things may not be as easy as they thought it would be. It's one thing to have a need and ask... it's a whole different thing to try to overpower and/or kill someone to steal.

I would never go out of my way to cause trouble, but if trouble comes through my door, I'm prepared to deal with it.

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My mother and step-father did not have any guns while I was living with them. If they did, I would have used the gun on myself years ago. Now as an adult, I think it is against the law for me to purchase or even own a gun. That is because the federal government see me as mentally ill. I'm on social security disability for social anxiety disorder and depression. I'm on medication, and have individual & group therapy.

I'm really sorry to hear you feel that way and have to deal with such issues. As things stand, it's probably best to avoid firearms. It's good you recognize your strengths and weaknesses and are working through the issues. Edited by amightyfortress
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I grew up with guns and have used them in the USAF, etc. I currently don't own any.

My son does have a nice collection of swords and knives, and I have a hand crossbow, which I could always use for defense, if necessary. However, I live in a fairly safe town, with a cop as a neighbor, so am not too concerned.

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I grew up with uncles who had guns and can sort of shoot but I always have my Uncle (an armed police officer in the UK in 60s and 70s which was a massive honour) - who believed the fewer idiots on the streets with guns the better and that to him included police officers.

He firmly believed if you had guns, knives etc in your house you were far more likely to be killed.


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When times get bad if someone asked for for help, that's one thing... but if someone plans to harm me in order to take from me, well, they better hope they've got me outgunned because things may not be as easy as they thought it would be. It's one thing to have a need and ask... it's a whole different thing to try to overpower and/or kill someone to steal.

That's one reason I started this poll. We've all heard folks just laugh and say "I'll just come over to your house when things get bad." But I've also heard maybe 3 or 4 stories of people saying they'll come armed.

Comments like "I don't need food storage, I've got my gun and mormon neighbors".

Or this story, told to me by a Police Officer in Utah:

I was at my part time job today and bumped into an old high school friend. This is a semi-regular occurence and we talk whenever we see each other. We were talking about the economy and eventually got onto what could cause food to stop getting to the grocery store. This moved into food storage concepts. This guy is not a member of the church, but is aware of the church position. We talked about anarchy and what would happen. He commented that those who were strong would be the "haves" and the weak would be the "have nots". He then said that it was a good thing his LDS neighbor had a two year supply of food. I commented that I had been talking about this concept for years and that very few members actually did have food storage. I then commented that most who do have food storage are well armed (trying to make a point to him). His response, "she is 85 years old".



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That's one reason I started this poll. We've all heard folks just laugh and say "I'll just come over to your house when things get bad." But I've also heard maybe 3 or 4 stories of people saying they'll come armed.

Comments like "I don't need food storage, I've got my gun and mormon neighbors".

Or this story, told to me by a Police Officer in Utah:



I'd convert that old high school friend into a veryyyy veryyyy distant old high school friend. What an awful thought process he has. I wouldn't want to risk being anywhere near someone like that or letting them have any kind of contact with any of my family members.

That unfortunately 85 year old lady probably doesn't even know she has a potential psychopath living next door who has no qualms about attacking her to take her food.

That story is just so sad. Terrible. How can people even think such things?

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It is a sad story, but far from a solitary attitude.

I've abandoned many forums because of that testosterone brained concept. (When I get exposed to that stuff I rear up on my hind legs and show my butt too, I hate that.) Many jocks (pronounced 'jerks') think preparedness is strictly a matter of having the most guns and ammo.

That system is a lopsided as one that relies heavily on stockpiling supplies with NO guns.

There has to be a balance.

I don't want to be a 'wolf', shot at out of fear; nor a 'sheep', easy meat for all takers. Rather think of me as a skunk or porcupine, simply better left alone.

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It is a sad story, but far from a solitary attitude.

I've abandoned many forums because of that testosterone brained concept. (When I get exposed to that stuff I rear up on my hind legs and show my butt too, I hate that.) Many jocks (pronounced 'jerks') think preparedness is strictly a matter of having the most guns and ammo.

That system is a lopsided as one that relies heavily on stockpiling supplies with NO guns.

There has to be a balance.

I don't want to be a 'wolf', shot at out of fear; nor a 'sheep', easy meat for all takers. Rather think of me as a skunk or porcupine, simply better left alone.

LOL I could not agree more. Around these parts I'm more of a bear. Cute to look at but don't poke me with a stick.
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I recently bought a handgun. I take my concealed carry class next Saturday and will apply for my permit as soon as I get my certificate from class. This past April a man threatened to bash my skull in with a rock. In the past I relied on my dogs to keep guys like that away. Since I no longer have my dobermans I now have a weapon. Its a sorry state in this world that I feel the need to be armed for a Sunday walk in the park.

I have always enjoyed shooting. Im a reasonably good shot with a rifle and my husband and I spend a fair amount of time at the range target shooting. I like the skill and precision involved. I dont want to have to carry but it seems like I may need to sometimes so I will make sure I know what I am doing and that I will be prepared to the best of my ability to do the right thing.

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I grew up with uncles who had guns and can sort of shoot but I always have my Uncle (an armed police officer in the UK in 60s and 70s which was a massive honour) - who believed the fewer idiots on the streets with guns the better and that to him included police officers.

He firmly believed if you had guns, knives etc in your house you were far more likely to be killed.


Well, no one is getting killed with guns in the UK now, are they? Oh, wait... That didn't work out like it was supposed to, did it? Now the only sure thing is that the victim won't have a gun. It didn't change much for the gun totin' criminal, did it?

I mean no disrespect to your uncle but your uncle was wrong. Though citizens don't own guns in the UK, criminals are killing them anyway.

By way of edit and to tie my post to the poll and topic at hand, let me just say that yes, we are prepared to defend ourselves; not because our TV set is worth a human life but because bad guys often kill even submissive victims.

Edited by dalepres
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Well, no one is getting killed with guns in the UK now, are they? Oh, wait... That didn't work out like it was supposed to, did it? Now the only sure thing is that the victim won't have a gun. It didn't change much for the gun totin' criminal, did it?

I mean no disrespect to your uncle but your uncle was wrong. Though citizens don't own guns in the UK, criminals are killing them anyway.

By way of edit and to tie my post to the poll and topic at hand, let me just say that yes, we are prepared to defend ourselves; not because our TV set is worth a human life but because bad guys often kill even submissive victims.

Firstly in the UK we are not citizens we have a monarchy - we are subjects a fact I am very proud of - secondly people in the UK can own guns outside of handgun ban its not much stricter than some US states and I can look out my window and see several houses I know own guns.

Actually knife crime is still a much bigger problem in the UK than gun crime as gun crime is restricted to parts of the major cities, and within that most that get shot are those with guns anyone else is major news which distorts things. The major gun crime came in from other countries with gangs, and forced the police to be better armed which is in turn creating better armed criminals. Our armed officers are still much better armed and much better trained than in the US, because it is specialised. So no I think events are showing my Uncle was correct, he was a Churchill scholar officer so had knowledge of US policing and was a top police officer in anti corruption in Hong Kong. Had they better armed police in his day gun crime now would be much worse now than it is.

In my area one person has been shot in the last hundred years - no police officers have been killed

And the UK has yet to have a single school shooting.


Edited by Elgama
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We don't own any guns. I do know how to shoot -- had a boyfriend way back who owned a couple of guns and taught me to use them -- but I never wanted one in the house while the kids were small, and now that they're teens (in the past six months our high school has experienced two suicides and two attempts) I'm still not sure I want one. We live in out in the 'burbs of a large Midwestern city and feel pretty secure -- there's no crime to speak of in our town -- but I would probably buy a gun if we lived in a more remote area, and I may buy one eventually after the kids have left the nest. The dh is not into preparedness, and I'm not sure he's ever shot a gun. He might roll his eyes a little if I decided to buy one^_^, but he mostly is glad someone in the family thinks about things like preparedness. In general, as far as preparedness is concerned, he thinks I'm going a little overboard with the 50-pound sacks I ask him to take down to the basement for me so I can put them into mylar-lined buckets, but he doesn't dismiss it.

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Really do have to go along with Elgama on this.

"The major gun crime came in from other countries with gangs, and forced the police to be better armed which is in turn creating better armed criminals."

And may i also add, the more people with guns in their homes would also encourage more criminals to carry guns into the victims homes, whilst doing their dastardly deeds.

I can understand though that the usa is a much more unsafe place to live than the Uk, dont flame me for that last remark, i am going by how many of you seem proud of the fact you have them for protection.

A gun is made for killing, yes i know its used as a play thing in target shooting, but killing is its main reason for being in existance.

It is a good source for satan stopping you fulfilling your way to salvation don't you think.

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No guns or weapons here. I would think if things got that dire then they wouldn't help you for very long.

Yes it makes sense to have food storeage...but it's a discipline and the benefit is also non-materialistic.

The non-materialistic benefits outweigh the food storeage altogether. It's one thing to have a bag of's another thing to know what to do with it.

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"And may i also add, the more people with guns in their homes would also encourage more criminals to carry guns into the victims homes, whilst doing their dastardly deeds."

Thats funny, & shows the difference in conditioned thinking between the US & the UK. Here intruders are armed because even Granny may attack them with a cane, we aren't conditioned to pacifism.

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I'm kinda laughing here about the comment that because there aren't many guns around in that other country, the criminals tend to use knives. Is that supposed to be reassuring? I know with 100% conviction to the bottom of my very soul, that if I was given a choice between being quickly shot to death, or stabbed over-and-over-and-over-and-over-somemore... I'd totally choose the bullet.

I have no intention of just sitting there quietly in my home if I hear someone breaking in. Even if a person could make a call for the police to come... how long will it take them to arrive? They'd be arriving to a murder scene, probably mine, if I didn't have a gun. That's why I have a gun and need a gun. Yes, NEED a gun. I am not the type to listen to what the intruder says. I'm not the type to allow myself to be tied or ducttaped up. For what? So I can be tortured and raped for a few hours before he ends up killing me anyway? I'd be fighting the entire time with everything I could get my hands on. My 12-gauge shotgun is so much easier.

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Call me old fashioned, but I grew up with guns in the home. My father was a gunsmith, so taught us early on what to do and not do with one. A gun is a tool like anything else, it can be used for fun like plinking, for hunting, or for violence. If a criminal is going to go after someone, it will be with whatever tool is at hand. It is a deterrant to one if they know you are armed for them to come into your home, but it will not stop someone who is really determined unless you are forced to use it against them.

I have lived in a few rough areas in my time. I know just how horrible it can be to face a killer who has told you that they are going to kill you, and have nothing there to defend yourself with but your wits. I am one of the lucky ones who outwitted the guy by divine providence. When you are face to face with someone invading your home, someone that is determined to kill you and harm your family, what would you rather have, a knife, a gun, a bat... They have already stated their intention to kill and harm, so where do you stand? Are you going to just sit there and tell me that you would not want to have some form of protection on hand?

How many people over in the disaster areas post flood and hurricane now have guns after the post disaster looting when law enforcement was gone? They stated to my friends there that the police were not there to protect them, but to try to maintain order, which meant they were busy running from place to place just pulling people out of the fallen structures and everyone was on their own for protecting themselves from the starving human predators out there.

It sounds like a bleak reality, but sometimes you do have to protect yourself. As for me, I would rather have a weapon and have a half a chance, then have no weapon and be the one that got hit in the end when things turn ugly. I am a pacifist by nature, but if they threaten my kids, they are the ones who will have to watch out.

Life is not always about black and white, or about making something like this sound simple, but it is about free choice, and what to do when someone else has gone bad or desperate and is willing to do whatever it takes to take all of what you have.

The real issue here is not guns, but what to do about the ones who have them illegally and are using them to harm others. It is about the criminal element and how to stop them when they are attacking. Having a gun or not on your part does not stop someone who is already set on harming and stealing to get gain from getting one and using it. That is very evident in all the places that have banned guns. Those are the areas too that are the highest for violent crime in the united states, maybe not with just guns, but with whatever the criminal has at hand to attack.

A criminal will use a bomb, threat, guns, knives, cars, glass, whatever means at hand to attack. They often do not have mercy, they will not listen to a plea to stop, and they certainly often do not care about who they hurt or what they do to get what they want. When it comes down to the line, and you finally end up in the position of having to try to get away or stop someone of this nature that comes into your home, where would you rather be, holding a gun, or holding a knife or other handy object to defend yourself?

Think on it and see.... I know what I would rather have.

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Actually, me having a 12-gauge could save the intruders life. If I pull back on that thing and he hears that sound, he's either going to turn and run... or maybe I can hold him "hostage" until the police arrive and can arrest him.

(Or, he'll be fool enough to keep approaching and end up full of whatever amount of buckshot and slugs it takes to stop him from approaching)

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"A criminal will use a bomb, threat, guns, knives, cars, glass, whatever means at hand to attack. They often do not have mercy, they will not listen to a plea to stop, and they certainly often do not care about who they hurt or what they do to get what they want."

Very true, Auroasungem. Not only will they not have mercy or listen to a plea to stop, but some of them actually get off on that sort of thing. They WANT to torture you just so they can enjoy listening to your pleas. Must be some psychotic-God-complex power trip for them or something.

I live alone, so I only have to worry about myself. But I can't imagine what it would be like to be a parent, have some intruder break in, tie me up... and then have some "fun" with my kids while I had to hear them crying and calling out for help. Can you imagine that? Or the husband who gets tied up and has to see his wife and daughters raped in front of him.

I know this is grim... but these are things that happen in the real world now... when we have still reasonably low unemployment, food available, etc. Can you imagine how much worse people's souls will become if times get worse?

I'm sorry to be so doom-n-gloom, but there are dark souls out there and we are to be prepared for anything and I hope this gives some of those people sitting on the neutral-fence something to think about. Better to have a gun and never use it... than need a gun and not have one.

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Interesting isn't is how different countries have different cultural views. I think the law in Oz says that if you harm an intruder/criminal you will have to justify that in court. That's to protect them... ; ) Yep, a country where the offenders need protection from angry victims LOL. The gun restrictions are there to protect them as well. It's not exactly because we're pacifists.

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