
Dr T

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I know we are just getting started but my boys are starting out really strong and just wanted to let u all know. They lost their first two then won all the other preseason games. Preseason doesn't count really cause they use all the players and play them few minutes to test them out and see how they do. But they stomped their first two during the regular season so far. WTG BOYS! Lakers will take the whole thing this year. (yes I say that every year)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so some of u might be wondering about the Lakers and how well they are doing this year. Well let me just say that they did really well in preseason but that doesn't count. They lost their first two but won all the others. Then they started the regular season. Through the first 5 games their average point victory was 22! Then they beat the Mavs who put up a good fight and are about to beat the Hornets. 7 and 0 to start. That's a PCT of 1.000 if u were wondering. ok, enough of all that. But my boys are doing really well right now! Let me just say, "The Lakers will take it all this year." Have u heard that before? Yeah, that was me. Ok, let's see how it goes.

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Ok, look, Golden State-where r they again?

Oh yeah: Wins-3 Losses-5 PCT of 0.375. Games back? 4.5 Conference 2-4 Division- 0-1 Home 2-2 Road 1-3 L10 3-5 Streak W 1

Ok, now look at my boys stats Brother.

Wins-7 Losses-0 PCT of 1.000 Games back? 0.0 Conference 7-0 Division- 2-0 Home 3-0 Road 4-0 L10 7-0 Streak W7.

Now I know we're just getting started but come on. Nothing good to say about my Boys? now where's the eye rolls?

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Dear Dr. T,

I write this letter to you with a heavy heart as well as a tremendous amount of personal guilt. :(

Please accept my sincere apology for the events that took place last night. I know how crushed you must be and I can only hope that you do not put to much weight on one game of a long season. After all Dr. T, It is only a game.

I wish I could have told my boys ( THE DETROIT PISTONS :)) to please take it easy on the Lakers but I am not confident they would have listened to little old ceeboo. For the complete domination that was evident, I am indeed sorry.

Although I have not spoke to the entire team, I have talked with AI, Rip, and Sheed this morning. I have explained the whole LDS. NET forum thing as well as the many friends I have gained over the last few months. They ( all 3 ) have expressed much sorrow for destroying the hopes and dreams of many LA fans. They have also asked me to extend a personal apology to you for what they did to your team, especially in light of the fact that this tragic event took place on your floor!!!!!

I hope this " COMPLETE DOMINANCE " by the visiting team, does not weaken our friendship and I look forward to a time when you can find a way to get past this.

If there is anything I can do to help you during this very difficult time, please let me know.

Again, I am deeply sorry for any pain my Pistons may have caused you.




Edited by ceeboo
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