Constitution Hanging by a Thread


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Here's the White Horse Prophecy. It's the one about the Constitution hanging by a thread. What do you think? Has any of it been fulfilled? Or did Joseph Smith not really make this prophecy, as some people believe.

Joseph Smith talking to Elder John J. Roberts, of Paradise, Utah.

"I want to tell you something of the future. I will speak in a parable like unto John the Revelator. You will go to the Rocky Mountains and you will be a great and mighty people established there, which I will call the White Horse of peace and safety." When the Prophet said, "You will see it," I said, "Where will you be at that time?" He said, "I shall never go there. Your enemies will continue to follow you with persecutions and they will make obnoxious laws against you in Congress to destroy the White Horse, but you will have a friend or two to defend you and throw out the worst parts of the law so they will not hurt you so much. You must continue to petition Congress all the time, but they will treat you like strangers and aliens and they will not give you your rights, but will govern you with strangers and commissioners.

"You will see the Constitution of the United States almost destroyed. It will hang like a thread as fine as as a silk fiber." At that time the Prophet's countenance became sad, because as he said, "I love the Constitution; it was made by the inspiration of God; and it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse, and by the Red Horse who will combine in its defense.

"The White Horse will find the mountains full of minerals and they will become rich (at this time, it must be remembered, the precious metals were not known to exist in either the Rocky Mountains or California). You will see silver piled up in the streets. You will see the gold shoveled up like sand. Gold will be of little value then, even in a mercantile capacity; for the people of the world will have something else to do in seeking for salvation.

"The time will come when the banks of every nation will fall and only two places will be safe where people can deposit their gold and treasure. This place will be the White Horse and England's vaults. A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be left without a Supreme Government, and every specie of wickedness will be practiced rampantly in the land. Father will be against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother. The most terrible scenes of bloodshed, murder and rape that have ever been imagined or looked upon will take place. People will be taken from the earth and there will be peace and love only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause many hundreds of thousands of the honest in heart of the world to gather there, not because they would be Saints, but for safety and because they will be so numerous that you will be in danger of famine, but not for want of seed, time and harvest, but because of so many to be fed. Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the calamities for there will be no escape except only by escaping and fleeing to Zion. Those that come to you will try to keep the laws and be one with you for they will see your unity and the greatness of your organization.

"The Turkish Empire of the Crescent will be the first power to be disputed, for freedom must be given for the Gospel to be preached in the Holy Land. The Lord took of the best blood of the nations and planted them on the small islands now called England and Great Britain and gave them power in the nations for a thousand years and their power will continue with them that they may keep the balance of power; and they will keep Russia from sweeping her power over the world. England and France are now bitter enemies but they will be allied together and be united to keep Russia from conquering the world. The two popes, Greek and Catholic, will eventually come together in their decline and be united. The Protestant Religions do not know how much they are indebted to Henry VIII for throwing off the Pope's bill and establishing the Protestant faith. He was the only monarch who could do so at that time and he did it because the nation was at his back to sustain him. One of the peculiar features in England is the established Red-coat; a uniform making so remarkable a target to shoot at, and yet they have conquered wherever they have gone. The reason for this will be known to them some day as red is seen in a different color threading through under all history. The lion and the unicorn of England comes from there being so much blood of Israel in the nation. While the terrible things of which I have mentioned are going on, England will be neutral until it becomes so inhuman that she will interfere to stop the shedding of blood and history will be more properly understood. England and France will unite together to make peace, not to subdue the nations. She will find this nation so broken up and so many claiming government, till there will be no reasonable government. Then it will appear to the other nations, or powers, as though England had taken possession of the country. The Black Horse will flee to the invaders and will join them for they have fear of becoming slaves again; knowing that England did not believe in slavery, they will flee to them that they believe will make them safe. Armed with British bayonets, the doings of the Black Horse will be terrible." Here the Prophet said that he could not bear to look longer upon the scenes as shown to him in vision and he asked the Lord to close the scenes.

"Continuing, he said: "During this time the Great White Horse will have gathered strength, sending out elders to gather the honest in heart from among the Pale Horse, or people of the United States, to stand by the Constitution of the United States as it was given by the inspiration of God. In these days which are yet to come God will set up a Kingdom never to be thrown down, but other Kingdoms to come into it, and those Kingdoms that will not let the Gospel be preached in their lands will be humbled until they will."

"England the Germany, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Holland and Belgium have a considerable amount of the blood of Israel among the people which must be gathered out. Those nations will submit to the nations of God. England will be the last of the nations to surrender, but when she does she will do it as a whole in comparison as she threw off the Catholic power. The nobility knows that the gospel is true, but it has not pomp enough, and grandeur and influence for them to yet embrace it. They are proud and will not acknowledge the Kingdom of God or come into it until they see the power it will have. Peace and safety in the Rocky Mountains will be protected by the Guardians, the White and Red Horses. The coming of the Messiah among his people will be so natural that only those who see him will know that he has come, but he will come and give his laws unto Zion and minister unto his people. This will not be his coming in the clouds of Heaven to take vengeance on the wicked of the world."

"The temple in Jackson county, Missouri, will be built in that generation. The saints will think that there will not be time to build it, but with all the help you can receive, you can put up a great temple quickly. You will have all the gold, silver and precious stones you need, for these things will only be for the beautifying of the temple. Also, all the skilled mechanics you want and the Ten Tribes of Israel will help build it. When you see this land bound with iron, you may look forward to Jackson county."

"At this point, he made a pause, and looking up as though the vision were still in view, he said: "There is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese unless great care and protection be given." Speaking of the heathen nations, he said: "Where there is no law there is no condemnation; this will apply to them. Power will be given to the White Horse to rebuke the nations afar off, and you obey it, for the laws go forth from Zion. The last great struggle that Zion will ever have to contend with will be when the whole of America will be made the Zion of God. Those opposing will be called Gog and Magog. The nations of the earth will be led by the Russian Czar and his power will be great, but all opposition will be overcome and this land will be the Zion of our God. Amen."

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I do know many will come to denounce this prophecy, whether it was second hand written account or first hand, but something we need to remember that was given by Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated;

See BIBLE, BOOK OF MORMON, CANON OF SCRIPTURE, DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS, HOLY GHOST, LOST SCRIPTURE, MORMON BIBLE, PROPHECY, PROPHETS, REVELATION, STANDARD WORKS, WHITE HORSE PROPHECY. Any message, whether written or spoken, that comes from God to man by the power of the Holy Ghost is scripture. If it is written and accepted by the Church, it becomes part of the scriptures or standard works and ever thereafter may be read and studied with profit. Much of what is in the scriptures was given orally in the first instance and was thereafter recorded either by the uttering prophet or an inspired scribe. Other portions of what is in holy writ were written by the inspired authors by way of revelation and commandment.

The elders of the Church are sent forth "to proclaim the everlasting gospel, by the Spirit of the living God," and they are commanded to "speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost. And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation." (D. & C. 68:1-4.)

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Here's the White Horse Prophecy....

Your login id and sig line denote that you are affiliated with something called I think "The Nation of Deseret".

I'm curious about your website and entity but am very far from convinced that you are going to go anywhere with it or that has or ever will have any legitimacy.

Your intentions may be honorable but is it your opinion that ordinary people such as yourself with no direct connection to LDS General Authorities (if that is your status) are going to be the ones to set up a Council of Fifty and a government that will endure throughout the Millennium?

Why would you think that now is the time for such a government to be organized, and that you are the one who should be organizing it? What or who motivated you to build that website?

Just curious, I don't mean to be offensive, I just discovered your website today.

Edited by justamere10
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In the Ensign Magazine someone asked a question concerning this topic:

What do we know about the purported statement of Joseph Smith that the Constitution would hang by a thread and that the elders would save it?

D. Michael Stewart, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, June 1976, 64–65

D. Michael Stewart, Brigham Young University, Department of History The documents show that Joseph Smith did prophesy a number of times that the United States and the Constitution would be imperiled and that the elders would have a hand in saving them. The first known record of the prophecy dates to July 19, 1840, in Nauvoo, when the prophet spoke about the redemption of Zion. Using Doctrine & Covenants 101 as a text, he said, “Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.” (Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844.)

There are also other documents in Church History files that show that five different early Saints recorded some remarks by the Prophet Joseph Smith on this same prophecy, perhaps voiced by the Prophet a number of times in a number of ways after 1840. Parley P. Pratt wrote in 1841 that the prophet said, “The government is fallen and needs redeeming. It is guilty of Blood and cannot stand as it now is but will come so near desolation as to hang as it were by a single hair!!!!! Then the servants goes [sic] to the nations of the earth, and gathers the strength of the Lord’s house! A mighty army!!!!!! And this is the redemption of Zion when the saints shall have redeemed that government and reinstated it in all its purity and glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (George A. Smith Papers, Church Archives, Box 7, Folder 5, January 21, 1841.)

James Burgess related that the Prophet, while addressing the Nauvoo Legion several miles east of Nauvoo in May 1843, said that “the time would come when the constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the latter-day saints will step forth and save it.” (James Burgess Journal, 1818–1904, Church Archives, vol. 1—found among loose sermons.)

Orson Hyde recalled that the Prophet predicted that “the time would come that the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and said he, if the constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church. I believe this is about the language as nearly as I can recollect it.” (JD, 6:150.)

In a Pioneer Day celebration in Ogden in 1871, Eliza R. Snow said, “I heard the prophet say, ‘The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints—the Elders of Israel—will step forward to its rescue and save it.” (Journal History, MSF 143 #28, July 24, 1871.)

Jedediah M. Grant, during the dark days of threatened invasion of Utah by a federal army, referred to the Prophet’s utterance as he addressed a Mormon Battalion gathering in Salt Lake City, February 6, 1855.

“What did the Prophet Joseph say? When the Constitution shall be tottering we shall be the people to save it from the hand of the foe.” (Deseret News Weekly, January 19, 1870.)

On various occasions, Joseph Smith referred to the Constitution, the country, and destiny of the nation; and there is clear evidence that he anticipated future peril. Furthermore, he pronounced the prophecy at various times and places. Perhaps he himself interchanged the simile “on the brink of ruin,” “hang by a brittle thread,” “hang by a single hair,” etc., to describe the anticipated crisis. It is also clear that the redeemers or rescuers of the Constitution were to be either the Saints generally or priesthood officers specifically.

Since no particular time was given for fulfilling this prophecy, members of the Church have often wondered about its timing. The prophecy clearly indicates a single, identifiable episode yet to come. However, it is helpful for us to constantly be on guard against threats to the central elements of the Constitution. It is not wise to sit by and think that the protection of the Constitution is the problem of someone else at some other time.

In support of this view of “constant vigilance,” it is most instructive to note that Church leaders have seen the Constitution imperiled a number of times. Brigham Young, reflecting on the prophecy of 1868, expressed: “It would not be many years before these words come to pass.” (JD, 12:204.) President John Taylor in 1884 declared: “It may be nearer … than some of us think.” (JD, 25:350.) President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., warned in 1942: “Whether it [the Constitution] shall live or die is now in the balance.” (Conference Report, October 1942, p. 58.)

Students of history and the Constitution know that the Constitution has been imperiled a number of times in its history and has been saved a number of times both by vigorous political action and by vocal public opinion.

Thus, rather than simply wait for the one time when the Constitution shall hang by a thread, Latter-day Saints must continually be vigilant. Our commission to save the Constitution is, like salvation, a continuing task, and Church leaders have pointed out the tools available: analysis of constitutional principles, personal study of the history of our nation, reading the Constitution to children at home and in schools, teaching them self-sacrifice—the principle that makes freedom possible—teaching them their obligations as mature citizens, recognizing and resisting ideologies that threaten constitutional principles, and developing loyalty to principle rather than to men or parties.

Politicians and statesmen must grapple with tough questions, painstakingly familiarize themselves with vital issues, and be decisive; but finally, an antidote to abusive government, to corruption, and to constitutional peril lies in private character. Humble people in prayerful homes will contribute immeasurably to a lasting constitutional government. And it should be apparent that consistent efforts in these areas will prepare us both to continually protect the Constitution and to prepare us for possibly a yet future rendezvous with our Constitution’s destiny.

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More research into this statement [collections from Understanding the Signs of the Times by Jay A. Parry, Donald W. Parry]

The Constitution of the United States Will Hang by a Thread

Joseph Smith

Even this Nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the constitution is upon the brink of ruin this people will be the Staff[up[on] which the Nation shall lean and they shall bear the constitution away from the very verge of destruction. . . . I know these things by the visions of the Almighty. 46

One of the conditions of the last days is that the Constitution of the United States will be in jeopardy and will seem to hang as though upon a single thread. Our source of this prophecy is not the scriptures but Joseph Smith. Brigham Young recalled the prophecy in this way: "Will the Constitution be destroyed? No; it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, 'The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At this critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.' It will be so." 42

Joseph Smith said we would see the time when the nation was on the "verge of crumbling to pieces" and "the constitution is upon the brink of ruin." President Wilford Woodruff said "the time will come when the country will be distracted and general lawlessness prevail. Then the Mormon people will step forward and take an active part in rescuing the nation from ruin." 43 Speaking of this prophecy, Elder Ezra Taft Benson said: "I have heard our present Prophet leader [President David O. McKay] say we are very near to that time. It is my solemn conviction we are near the time which the Prophet saw. What are we going to do about it? Will we, as Latter-day Saints, favored of the Lord, 'arise and shine forth,' as the Lord has commanded, 'that thy light may be a standard for the nations' (D&C 115:5)?" 44

How will "this people step forward" to save the Constitution? Elder Benson suggested that "it is entirely possible that that may come about in a rather natural way. Our young people—as they mature and develop and take their positions in industry, in the professions, and in agriculture clear across this land—might represent the balance of power in a time of crisis, when they will stand up and defend those eternal principles upon which this Constitution has been established." 45 On another occasion he said: "I have faith that the Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith. But it will not be saved in Washington. It will be saved by the citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church—men and women who will subscribe to and abide by the principles of the Constitution." 46 Elder Mark E. Petersen offered another possibility of how this prophecy would come to pass: "You will remember that there have been prophecies made that the Constitution sometime will hang by a thread and that the elders of Israel will save it. I don't believe that that is through some political means particularly. I believe that the way this Church may save our country is by being the leaven in the lump which will be so recognized by the Almighty that he will spare the country for the Church. The country, our nation, was made by act of God to bring about the purposes related to the restoration of the gospel and to the final fulfillment of his work which will lead to the second coming of Jesus Christ." 47

Footnotes References:

41. Words of Joseph Smith, 416. President J. Reuben Clark Jr. warned that if we continued on the course that allowed "one man, or . . . a small group of men, . . . [to] amend the Constitution,"— referring perhaps to amendment by interpretation of presidents or government regulators or inappropriate judicial decree—"then we shall lose the Constitution." He continued, "I say unto you with all the soberness I can, that we stand in danger of losing our liberties, and that once lost, only blood will bring them back; and once lost, we of this Church will, in order to keep the Church going forward, have more sacrifices to make and more persecutions to endure than we have yet known, heavy as our sacrifices and grievous as our persecutions of the past have been" (Conference Report, Apr. 1944, 116). 42. Discourses of Brigham Young, 469.

43. "Discourse by President Wilford Woodruff," 788.

44. Vietnam—Victory or Surrender, 12.

45. Four-Fold Hope, 7.

46. "Constitution, a Heavenly Banner," 43-44.

47. Our Divine Destiny, 2-3.

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Speaking of this prophecy, Elder Ezra Taft Benson said: "I have heard our present Prophet leader [President David O. McKay] say we are very near to that time. It is my solemn conviction we are near the time which the Prophet saw. What are we going to do about it? Will we, as Latter-day Saints, favored of the Lord, 'arise and shine forth,' as the Lord has commanded, 'that thy light may be a standard for the nations' (D&C 115:5)?"

I'm trying... I'm trying...


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I'm trying... I'm trying...


The interesting part of this prophecy, to me, has not been that the Constitution would "hang by a thread". Rather, it is that we, the Priesthood, would save it from ultimate destruction.

I must say that it is a gigantic leap of faith on my part to believe that LDS people will save the Constitution.

Most have essentially no knowledge of what it even says. How therefore are we to save it?

There are so many things happening that are not constitutional in this nation of ours. We are nearly overwhelmed by them.

In fact, I can't think of any recent Federal Government action that has been Constitutional. Can you?

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The interesting part of this prophecy, to me, has not been that the Constitution would "hang by a thread". Rather, it is that we, the Priesthood, would save it from ultimate destruction.

I must say that it is a gigantic leap of faith on my part to believe that LDS people will save the Constitution.

Most have essentially no knowledge of what it even says. How therefore are we to save it?

There are so many things happening that are not constitutional in this nation of ours. We are nearly overwhelmed by them.

In fact, I can't think of any recent Federal Government action that has been Constitutional. Can you?

There are many people that like to interpret the constitution according to their individual impressions. The Constitution is somewhat vague. This allows some flexibility to evolve.

There are many people that have agendas to usurp the majority voice demanding that their voice is the only legitimate. Often they whine that most people have no idea what is in the constitution or if they do have a constitution at their reading disposal they think they do not understand what they read.

I am sorry that you cannot recognize anything going on around you that touches on the freedoms this document provides. That fact that someone is not hunting you down for your post is one of them. I am sorry that you do not recognize the Federal Government actions concerning the internet. If you meat to worship according to your faith and not a state religion – it was because of the constitution. My personal use of fire arms is part of the Federal Government action. I used my passport not too long ago. And I voted.

It is not perfect but for all the problems that some minority groups complain about – the Constitution works quite well as far as I am concerned.

The Traveler

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I must say that it is a gigantic leap of faith on my part to believe that LDS people will save the Constitution.

Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name. But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: (Acts 9:13-15)


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Here's the White Horse Prophecy. It's the one about the Constitution hanging by a thread. What do you think? Has any of it been fulfilled? Or did Joseph Smith not really make this prophecy, as some people believe.

Joseph Smith talking to Elder John J. Roberts, of Paradise, Utah.

I confused about the historical context of this. As I understand it, Joseph Smith never made it to Utah. In fact, Paradise, Utah didn't exist until 1860(ish). That's 15 years after President Smith's death.

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I confused about the historical context of this. As I understand it, Joseph Smith never made it to Utah. In fact, Paradise, Utah didn't exist until 1860(ish). That's 15 years after President Smith's death.

I am not saying it is or is not accurate, but one possible explanation could be that the person in question eventually resided in Paradise, Utah. Or he could have revealed the letter while he was living there. If that were the case, the appropriate way to document the supposed revelation would have been to tell the date and location he received it, not when and where he showed it to others. Or, it could be fake and you caught something that many others had not picked up on. I'm interested to see the explanation, though.

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I found this on FAIR. The "White Horse prohecy" by George Cobabe: pg. 6:

Finally, authorities of the Church have denounced portions of the account [the prophecy]. In General Conference in October 1918, Joseph Fielding Smith made the following comments:

I have discovered that people have copies of a purposed vision by the Prophet Joseph Smith given in Nauvoo, and some people are circulating this supposed vision, or revelation, or conversation which the prophet is reported to have held with a number of individuals in the city of Nauvoo. I want to say to you, my brethren and sisters, that if you understand the Church articles and covenants, if you will read the scriptures and become familiar with those things which are recorded in the revelations from the Lord, it will not be necessary for you to ask any questions in regard to the authenticity or otherwise of any purported revelation, vision, or manifestation that proceeds out of darkness, concocted in some corner, surreptitiously present, and not coming through the proper channels of the Church. Let me add that when a revelation comes for the guidance of this people, you may be sure that it will not be presented in some mysterious manner contrary to the order of the Church. It will go forth in such form that the people will understand that it comes from those who are in authority, for it will be sent either to the presidents of stakes and the bishops of the wars over the signatures of the presiding authorities. Or it will be published in some of the regular papers or magazines under the control and direction of the Church or it will be presented before such gatherings as this, at a general conference. It will not spring up in some distance part of the Church and be in the hands of some obscure individual without authority, and thus be circulated among the Latter-day Saints. . . .

His father and President of the Church, Joseph F. Smith, followed immediately after his speech and said:

The ridiculous story about the “red horse” and the black horse,” and the “white horse,” and a lot of trash that has been circulated about and printed and sent around as a great revelation given by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is a matter that was gotten up, I understand, some ten years ago after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by two of our brethren who put together some broken sentences from the Prophet that they may have heard from time to time, and formulated this so-called revelation out of it, and it was never spoken by the prophet in the manner in which they have put it forth. It is simply false; that is all there is to it.


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Just dropped in for a few minutes today. Jsustamere10 I'll get to your post later tonight.

MarginOfError I found the text of the prophecy online somewhere. The actual opening line of the webpage is says something like: Taken from the Journal of John J. Roberts, of Paradise, Utah.

The opening o fthe journal enrty was included on the webpage. I excluded it to make it shorter and so I would post only the text of the revelation. I rephrased the opening sentance so everyone would know who Joseph Smith was talking to.

Here's the website.

White Horse Prophecy

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That's what I was asking everyone. Personally I think it's irrelevant. It's a fact that the Constitution is being disregarded by the leaders of this country. And whether the prophecy is real or not it's our responsibility to uphold the principles of the Constitution.

Eventually, overtime in being observant, we can see what shall befall this nation when there is more government intervention into our lives. Let you know, President Benson was an advocate of less government and more people involvement. He is right when I reading many accounts of the founder of this last dispensation, with the same familiar voice message.

After reading a length thread concerning 'GOG & MAGOG', I made it a point to make a collection of articles written [over 400 plus pages later] on this subject and found wealth on what to expect. As resounding to the last living known prophet in the America, Moroni's vision for us in the last days as written in the BoM:

A day of "secret combinations and the works of darkness";

A day "when the power of God shall be denied";

A day when churches would "become defiled and be lifted up in the pride of their hearts";

A day when "there shall be murders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations";

A day when people would "walk in the pride of [their] hearts";

A day of "envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities";

A day when people would "love money, and . . . substance";

Aday when people would "build up . . . secret abominations to get gain" (see also Morm. 8:27-41).

Nephi even witnessed this same tragdy for us....

"For behold," Nephi wrote, "at that day shall he [satan] rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good. And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, . . . and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. And behold, others he flattereth away, . . . and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance" (2 Ne. 28:20-22).

DG, these are troublesome times. "Considering conditions in the world generally," President Hugh B. Brown said, "there never was a time more cut off from Christ than ours, or one that needed him more." 1 Satan, the "prince of this world" (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11), the "god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4), the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2), is in the great day of his power—and he is doing all he can to conquer as many souls as will hearken to him.

"We are meeting the adversary every day," President Ezra Taft Benson said. "The challenges of this era will rival any of the past, and these challenges will increase both spiritually and temporally."

We will eventualy beat out those of Noah time...^_^

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SO.....I am confused. Is the White Horse prophecy legit or not???

It appears to be a mishmash of things Joseph said to various people at various times. It was never recognized as official revelation given to the church. As such, it is not relevent as much more than a nice story to illustrate how JS may have personally felt at various times.

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. As resounding to the last living known prophet in the America, Moroni's vision for us in the last days as written in the BoM:

A day of "secret combinations and the works of darkness";

A day "when the power of God shall be denied";

A day when churches would "become defiled and be lifted up in the pride of their hearts";

A day when "there shall be murders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations";

A day when people would "walk in the pride of [their] hearts";

A day of "envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities";

A day when people would "love money, and . . . substance";

Aday when people would "build up . . . secret abominations to get gain" (see also Morm. 8:27-41).

These "days" have existed in every culture since the dawn of man.


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