Do you believe in ghosts?


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The general idea of a ghost being the spirit or soul of someone who has died - nope, don't believe it. Why? Because the Bible paints the picture that after you die, you go to one place or the other. (The rich man and Lazarus, Enoch and Elijah went to be with God - skipped death altogether!)

I do believe in spirits, however, and that the ones that people believe are the ghosts of their loved ones are truly evil ones up to no good, leading people astray.

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The general idea of a ghost being the spirit or soul of someone who has died - nope, don't believe it. Why? Because the Bible paints the picture that after you die, you go to one place or the other. (The rich man and Lazarus, Enoch and Elijah went to be with God - skipped death altogether!)

I do believe in spirits, however, and that the ones that people believe are the ghosts of their loved ones are truly evil ones up to no good, leading people astray.

This actually makes me feel better, since I tend to freak myself out at night whenever I'm home alone, and worrying that there might be a ghost in the room or something. :P

But now I'm worried about evil spirits! Eeek! :eek:

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I don't know..I tend to believe in something along that line. Perhaps not a ghost but the spirit of someone who passed away.

I remember about 15 years ago a guy I went to high school with passed away. He had been living with his brother up until the time of his death (who was also a good friend of mine). After Marcus passed away Andy could still feel him in the house. Things that belonged to Marcus would be moved. Lights would turn on. Once Andy announced out loud..Marcus your time on earth is done. You need to move on...never had anything happen again.

I've always believed that there could be times that a spirit gets caught between here and the next place.

Disclaimer: this is only the gospel of pam

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:lookaround::ghost:......there are people that claim they see them...

I admit that I've seen one (it was the scariest and ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life), but it didn't seem to be aware of my presence. It was when you're looking at someone, and they're not aware that you're there looking at them. Just thinking about it gives me the heebie-jeebies! :eek:

Yet, I contradict myself by refusing to believe in this kind of stuff. LOL

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Every human that has ever died is either resurrected or remains a ghost to this day. They are all around us, billions of them. With them are also an unknown number of spirits who are yet to have been born and even more who are on this earth but will never be born. We are ghosts in a body. There is nothing scary or evil about it.

That said, necromancy is against the commandments of the LORD. Most of it is foolishness and phony anyway.


I did like the Poltergeist movie.

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Every human that has ever died is either resurrected or remains a ghost to this day. They are all around us, billions of them. With them are also an unknown number of spirits who are yet to have been born and even more who are on this earth but will never be born. We are ghosts in a body. There is nothing scary or evil about it.

That said, necromancy is against the commandments of the LORD. Most of it is foolishness and phony anyway.


I did like the Poltergeist movie.

And the movie Ghost.

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I see a few classifications of what may be called "ghosts."

1. Valiant spirits sent with messages from God. These are pretty clear on their purposes, and they don't generally appear to mortal man without an important reason.

2. The devil and his spirit followers. They have appeared in the scriptures, and it seems they have the ability to be seen at times.

3. Illusions.

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My grandma, one of the most sober honest people ever, not one to tell fibs, did claim that when she was young she was visited by her grandfather the night he died. I never really thought about it much though, other than all the Hollywood stuff and it makes for great stories. That is until I saw two spirits or ghosts or apparitions right in the middle of the day on an air force base right up close and personal. Then I also saw the glowing-face-type you always hear about at 4:30 a.m. when it was dark. Both events happened when I was an adult and were undeniable so I won't count ghosts out. :cool::eek::o

Why do we refer to the Holy Ghost as a ghost? Wouldn't just to say the 'Holy Spirit' make more sense? Hmmm...

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Why do we refer to the Holy Ghost as a ghost? Wouldn't just to say the 'Holy Spirit' make more sense?

I prefer to, but some times when I have used that term with my fellow LDS, they draw a blank stare. Have to add, " know, the Holy Ghost" and they say, "Oh yeah". I have never understood that since I am certain they must have heard the term Holy Spirit somewhere before.

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I don't rule out the possibility of ghosts and spirits but in general I don't believe they exist because I have not seen any evidence of them, but I have seen many fraud "psychics" who exploit people's grief to make a quick buck.

I do really live sci-fi and shows that deal with paranormal stuff though because I think it would be cool if they did exist :)

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The spirit world is all around us. Sometimes some of us can see them. I have seen a deceased friend in the Temple. That was not at all scary.

Spirits of those who have never had and never will have bodies are all around us too and I think they may often try to trick us into believing something which is untrue of even dangerous. I believe this is what happens when people 'regress' into what they think is a past life. If they take their own spirit back to a time before birth then that spirit did not inhabit their body and so it gives a disembodied spirit a free body to play with for a while. When they come up with convincing stories about their 'lives' it does not surprise me as those spirits have been around observing us from the very beginning so they have every opportunity to learn about the lives of people who have gone before.

Then there's another kind of 'ghostly apparition' where the supposed spirit does not seem to be aware of the people around and in fact seems to be reliving a past experience. A classic example of this is a legion of Roman soldiers in York ho have been seen by many people but do not react to those around, but even more interestingly seem to be walking 2 feet below the present floor level on what would have been the original road in Roman times. I don't believe these are spirits at all but some kind of recording in the place where they were which is somehow played back from time to time.

I have seen such an apparition too at a place called Bolton Abbey. It was a medieval knight and maiden who looked as if they were saying farewell to each other in the chapel.

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as i am fairly new to, i realize that this topic may have been considered before, but i am you believe in ghosts? if so, what do you suppose them to be?

There are two types of spirits in this world, those who are evil [spirits who were casted out and those who are unrepented] and those who minister to the righteous. Many of us most likely had witness one or the other in our probation.

I had encountered many in my life, some of which, as Moshka stated, spooky and frightening. Have you ever waked up in the night to witness a naked tall dead Hawaiian native, standing in your room? That was frightening experience that I had encountered in my earlier years. Later, I realize, where I was stationed was a old native burial grounds. :D

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I never used to believe in ghosts, but since moving to this house I do. It's well over a hundred years old, and it has a ghost cat. I was embarrassed at first and did not tell my husband, then my youngest daughter (19 years old) told me she'd seen this cat. It's dark. It goes through the study sometimes. On several occasions I've thought our cat has landed on my bed, at my feet and snuggled up, only to find, nothing there.

The same has happened to my daughter. Our cat's fur all goes on end, he arches his back, and hisses and runs under the bed, when this ghost cat walks in the room. It used to happen a lot, but now it's only once every couple of months or so. Weird hey? ..but not scary.

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I would guess like with translated or resurrected humans animals that care for something can also return at times. And cats care for where they live.

I believe in Ghosts/apparitions/spirits etc and that deceased can visit and help. It is also my personal belief that memories of past lives come from when we as spirits witnessed the lives of our ancestors and provided help


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If you notice in any paradisaical vision given, something is always missing - animals.

maybe they just weren't mentioned if you believe whole swathes of history women and children didn't exist either. Plus maybe they never met an animal like my Sally - (a very old stinky Jack Russell) who died when my daughter was 1 - my daughter still says Sally helps when she is scared, I believe her Sally would have protected Ellie.


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Collection of visions or dreams indicate this but at least women and children were present. :lol:

Charley, even in John's vision, he could only account what he saw, the symbolism of resurrected animals from various worlds that reached the level of being in GOD's presence. Are animals resurrected? To what end? Will they become GODs? Is there progression for animals? Not to deter from the OP topic but adding ponderous moments here.

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