Reactivating the Inactive


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Recently I noticed that although the Forum has over 16,000 members, only about 2,000 members are active. This got me thinking...

What can be done to reactivate the inactives? The moderators could divide them up and assign them to active members for fellowshipping. Or there could be firesides in the chat room focused on the benefits of being active. Any other suggestions?


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Perhaps if permission granted by the member ---a moderator could email them.

After a certain amount of time-they should be dropped-but I would make an effort to re-engage before dropping.


Recently I noticed that although the Forum has over 16,000 members, only about 2,000 members are active. This got me thinking...

What can be done to reactivate the inactives? The moderators could divide them up and assign them to active members for fellowshipping. Or there could be firesides in the chat room focused on the benefits of being active. Any other suggestions?


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Guest SisterofJared

Carol, the picture of you and your husband standing in front of the beautiful red rocks with a blue sky in the background makes me homesick every time I see it! *sniff sniff!


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Hahaha! I thought you were talking about inactive mormons....

Yeah, I was going to say I'm planning to start coming to my Ward meetings in January. I told a member of the Bishopbric at a birthday party the same just last week.

He looked hopeful, but I think maybe that's because he's the one in charge of the ward choir... :rolleyes:


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If someone stops visiting this message board, then obviously s/he does not want to be here. And since most everyone is an adult, I say you respect their decisions.

If I left a board, and someone from it tracked me down, it would feel creepy to me.

There is a reason the person left, and even if you were able to recruit that person back into the fold, s/he will only leave again.

Obviously there would be exceptions to my scenarious. Still, I think it has the potential to do more damage than good.

Besides, it's not like this is church or anything. :P


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If someone stops visiting this message board, then obviously s/he does not want to be here. And since most everyone is an adult, I say you respect their decisions.

If I left a board, and someone from it tracked me down, it would feel creepy to me.

There is a reason the person left, and even if you were able to recruit that person back into the fold, s/he will only leave again.

Obviously there would be exceptions to my scenarious. Still, I think it has the potential to do more damage than good.

Besides, it's not like this is church or anything. :P


I'm soooo with you on the creepy thing. And the "leave me alone I don't want to be there" thing.

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I think you are kept on the rolls of this forum till age 110. Besides, what if Pam brought you some wonderful home baked rolls on a monthly visit?

haha...Elphie is only a year or so older than me. When she is 110 I will be much too old to be bringing home baked rolls to her. Can I send her virtual pictures of them on a monthly basis?

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If users have left - it is probably not that they have anything against the board, but maybe that it isn't very active. I am a member on another board that consistently has three or more pages of New Posts because the discussion isn't limited to just talking about our dogs, etc. To be honest, I search more for threads than actually look at new posts because most of the time there just isn't anything and everything is so serious instead of being fun. I hesitate to post anymore because even the most innocent things can be blown out of proportion. JMHO.

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