"How Obama got Elected?"


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And I could post some YouTube videos of McCain ralleys where people spout out "Obama's a terrorist! It's in his bloodlines!" "Obama's a Muslim!" "You have to touch him with gloves!" etc. etc.

Ignorance is no respecter of party lines.

I'm really getting tired of the threads that have been posted lately where, in leiu of ragging of Obama, ragging on his supporters is the focus.

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I'm really getting tired of the threads that have been posted lately where, in leiu of ragging of Obama, ragging on his supporters is the focus.

I also usually don't read YouTube threads because I haven't liked most of the videos I've seen posted on this site. It's pretty easy to avoid them when they're posted in the YouTube forum.

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Clearly, all the morons voted for him. I already told y'all that I voted for Obama just because he's handsome. What do you expect from people?

My daughter's Primary teacher, a McCain voter, could find no country other than the United States on a world map in Sharing Time last Sunday. Found France by accident. My seven year old's advice of "Israel is right there, at the east end of the Mediterranean" didn't help.

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Clearly, all the morons voted for him

Well hmmm...I'm sure there are many people would call morons that voted for McCain as well. lol I just think we need to see the humor in this..not think about who voted for who.

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Guest SisterofJared

They should ask the questions BEFORE people vote... and don't let them vote if they can't answer most of the questions correctly.

Scary that so many uniformed people somehow they they are qualfied to vote.


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They should ask the questions BEFORE people vote... and don't let them vote if they can't answer most of the questions correctly.

Scary that so many uniformed people somehow they they are qualfied to vote.


People who make statements like that should also have their votes taken away. And people called Obama an elitist?!

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I wish that commercial advertising was limited to a candidates policy on an issue. No mud and no glitz and glamor. I also wish that each candidates policy statements were required reading before a vote could be registered and were printed at the top of the ballot. So much of politics is about misinformation and mudslinging.....the real issues often get drowned out by the media and political ads.
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Talking about Obama and his true national birth identity, the national Supreme Court will be hearing the lawsuite case on Dec 15.

What do you do with a elected president when we find out he lied about his national orgin?

Really??? I thought that was all some weird internet lore?? I am guessing the he would get a pass..... or boy would there be issues. Who would be President? If he had been, and I don't think he was....an illegitimate candidate? Not Biden" Maybe......:confused:

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Really??? I thought that was all some weird internet lore?? I am guessing the he would get a pass..... or boy would there be issues. Who would be President? If he had been, and I don't think he was....an illegitimate candidate? Not Biden" Maybe......:confused:

There is NO WAY he should get a pass if that's true. This sounds like the worst type of lie.

I can -guarantee- that if he wasn't an American citizen, that would have been found out long before the election was over.

If it turned out to be true, turf him. Biden becomes President. The US President has always been and should always be a US citizen. And this is from a non-American, so there is no bias here.

However, this definitely sounds like something that is in the 'not true' pile. Please cite sources.

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Really??? I thought that was all some weird internet lore?? I am guessing the he would get a pass..... or boy would there be issues. Who would be President? If he had been, and I don't think he was....an illegitimate candidate? Not Biden" Maybe......:confused:

*sigh* Addendum to previous post. This is clearly a lie.

FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A.

A cursory search shows this rumor doesn't even have a hint of being true. It's just a lie sent by people who hate Obama trying to stir up hysteria. And it's a bad lie, too.

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Does anyone know what state he claimed to be born? If you know the answer, you will find some curorsity to the number on his aledge birth certificate does not match the common pattern for that state. This was discovered by a party staff member. When he tried to attract a copy from the state, he was refused due to the closure of the file. Hmm...I thought being a public figure his records are made public.

Now, I wish it was a 'lore' and nothing more. This will destroy the faith that is left in people in our government and parties system.

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The Supreme Court will only be convening to determine if the case is worthy of oral argument. If fewer than four Justices vote to hear the arguments, it will be tossed. One of the Justices (Souter) has already rejected this case. Furthermore, this same case alleges that John McCain and Roger Calero were not eligible for their nominations. So far, it doesn't seem like a very creditable case.

World News Daily article 1

World News Daily article 2

Hawaii officials declare Obama birth certificate genuine

Edited by MarginOfError
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*sigh* Addendum to previous post. This is clearly a lie.

FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A.

A cursory search shows this rumor doesn't even have a hint of being true. It's just a lie sent by people who hate Obama trying to stir up hysteria. And it's a bad lie, too.

So was the Wiki god or the Gospel according to SNOOPS. Please...it could be worse in subscribing to Consumer Report or listening to JD Powers for auto quality. :lol:

Why should it be a hater when the original suitor was a democratic party member who worked on one the staffs to elect the man? Come on now....

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So was the Wiki god or the Gospel according to SNOOPS. Please...it could be worse in subscribing to Consumer Report or listening to JD Powers for auto quality. :lol:

Why should it be a hater when the original suitor was a democratic party member who worked on one the staffs to elect the man? Come on now....

Too true, Hemi. After all, I quoted sources and you quoted absolutely nothing. So surprise me. Quote a reputable source that's better than FactCheck.org.

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I already told y'all that I voted for Obama just because he's handsome. My daughter's Primary teacher, a McCain voter, could find no country other than the United States on a world map in Sharing Time last Sunday

MMMhhMMM.......that's exactly why I voted for McCain....just so darn handsome....:blink::wub: and the primary teachers in our Ward...all required to know where Canada is too......(I wonder if they voted for Obama???:confused:)

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