#1 Rose

Dr T

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Dr. T, as a father of four girls I can relate. It is not only mom who should get flowers. Daughters love them too. While my wife is my forever sweetheart I bought flowers for the girls for birthdays, Valentines and many other occasions. I sent flowers to my daughter in law on her first birthday with the family.

Ben Raines

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Awww! What a great Daddy. :) I bet she felt SO special! And good on you for knowing her favorite color.

Take her on a date. My daughter and husband go on what she calls "D Dad Daughter Dates" from time to time. He opens doors for her and whatnot...it's fun, and has the handy side effect of making any future lame dates really stand out for what they are. ;)

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My two daughters came when one was 4 and one was 5. Their first valentines day here my h brought me a dozen red roses in a vase and them each a single pink rose in a vase. Nothing for the boys. It was the first time they both said outloud that maybe dad likes us girls. It is now something they look forward to every year. I love dads that make their girls feel like they have value. It seems to be more and more rare. What a wonderful gift you gave to your daughter.:)

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Right on Mighty One :) I figure "If I don't pay attention to and listen to my daughter by showing her appropriate love and affection, she will look for someone else will fill that gap in her life!" So I try and do it now while she's young so when she gets to be a teenager she'll know she is loved and respected and will not look for that in yucky boys :)

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What a great thing to do! My dad always gave his single daughters chocolates for Valentine's Day. (yes, I still get them, EVERY year!) It was something that was special just for us as the boys did not get them. Your daughter might forget about this rose, but you will never forget how it felt watching her with it!

Don't forget to take pictures....

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Dr. T, what a wonderful way to show her she is special to you, and loved. Set the standard high, and she will know what to look for.

Little girls love their Daddy! I am, and have always been, a Daddy's Girl! Mama was given a large Valentine candy box...but Daddy never forgot his two little girls; we were given the small boxes of candy. It made us feel sooo special! :)

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