What will we be like after the resurection?


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That is how I also believe it will be but I am interested in hearing diverging beliefs. One of my relatives for example was taught by their baptist preacher that there will be no gender in heaven and no family of any kind, that we will be some kind of genderless beings that basically do nothing but worship God for eternity. He didn't elaborate on what that worshipping would consist of.

I admit I have never heard anything like this before, but then I know nothing about the Baptist religion.

I am no longer LDS, but this is how I remember it. Latter-day Saints believe marriage can be eternal, depending on if the couple makes covenants with each other and Christ. (If I'm wrong, will someone LDS please correct me.)

However, I do not think it is only Latter-day Saints who believe this. For example, I often hear, especially if the person is terminal, that they are anxious to see loved ones when s/he passes on. They believe after death, the person is now home with her husband, or loved ones, and they will be together forever.

In fact, there are many songs that sing about loving a person "forever." For example, Randy Travis sang a song called "Forever and Ever, Amen":

I'm gonna love you forever

Forever and ever, amen

As long as old men

Sit and talk about the weather

As long as old women sit and talk about old men

If you wonder how long I'll be faithful

I'll be happy to tell you again

Just listen to how this song ends

I'm gonna love you

Forever and ever

Forever and ever amen

I have never heard there will be no gender, though I have heard other religions say there will be no marriage. Latter-day Saints do believe you are the same gender, among other things.

So, after blabbering on, I don't have an answer for you. I just do not believe Latter-day Saints are the only religion with an emphasis on meeting loved ones after death. I've heard too many non-LDS speak of it as well.


PS: For no reason other than I never liked Randy Travis, I hated that song!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would depend when you shall resurrect. If it is before the second coming or after the second coming or in the Millennium or just at the end before the resurrection of the unjust.

Those who are resurrected or translated into heaven before the Lord sets up here on the earth...shall most likely go into that Holy city in heaven called Zion. For no man receives the fullness of their goodness nor for that matter the fullness of their wickedness until that last day of the plan of Salvation.

There shall Be two holy cities in the Millennium..Zion and New Jerusalem.

Isaiah 2:3 - And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

Peace be unto you


I would be curious to hear what various preachers / pastors teach about what we will be like after the resurection, such as will we be human like in form, will we have gender, will we recognize those we knew on earth, will there be any kind of family relationships, etc.

I realize that I can research the 'official' doctrine of various faiths on the web but I have found that individual preachers have their own understanding of what they think it will be like and would like to hear the various things that are being taught out there in the churches of the world.

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Here's what I teach (non-LDS, Assemblies of God perspective--though my homily is not an official positon paper for my church):

Heaven Is Real!


Jesus hard on self-righteous, gentle with sinners.

Most people have tasted of hell, but how many have tasted of heaven?

Proposition: Heaven is the ultimate answer to life’s disappointments.

Interrogative: How does heaven answer life’s disappointments?

Transition: First, heaven is the reason we trust God.

I. John 14:1-3

A. Jesus wants us to trust Him and the Father.

1. This is the key to heaven. Trust & Obey for There’s No Other Way . . .

2. When times are tough Satan tempts us to be angry at God.

a. Job–where are you God?

b. David–why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer?

c. Why did that baby have to be born addicted to crack cocaine?

d. Why did my loved one have to get cancer–or even have to die?

3. My solution:

a. God is good.

b. God is just.

c. Heaven will make everything right.

d. 1 Cor 13 says that now we see through a glass darkly–then we shall see clearly, because we shall see Jesus face to face.

B. Jesus says He is preparing a place for us. If earth took six days to make, and Jesus has been working on our new place in heaven for 2000 years, how wonderful it will be!

C. Jesus says He will be there with us. He loves us!

Transition: If heaven is the answer, what will be different there compared with here?

II. Revelation 21:1-4

A. The first heaven and the first earth passed away.

1. All the injustices.

2. All the pain.

3. All the broken relationships.

4. All our mistakes.

B. God calls the New Jerusalem a bride. Compare with earth, which he simply called good.

C. God will be with us!

1. No more separation.

2. No more loneliness.

3. No more desperate searching and waiting.

C. All hardships will be gone. Why?

1. The curse of the Fall of humanity is broken! Gen. 3:15

2. Our relationship with God is now complete. Rev. 3:20

Transition: So our hardships will be gone. What will take their place?

III. Revelation 21:22-27

A. We no longer go to worship God. Our very existence is worship and communion with Him!

B. We no longer depend on nature, or any creation of God, for what we need. God, Himself, is our source.

C. We no longer worry about safety. There is no evil and no danger.

D. We no longer struggle with sin and temptation–there is no evil intent in heaven!

Transition: Wow...direct relationship with God! Our finally passage shows that all doubts are removed, and our lives gain tremendous purpose.

IV. Revelation 22:3-5

A. The curse of sin (sickness, corruption and death) are gone!

B. We will know God personally, and we will clearly belong to Him! No more doubts!

C. God will be our light and we will rule with Him!

1. This means, in spite of how much God will provide, we will still have very meaningful work to do.

2. But it won’t be hard–it will be the work of rulers.


1. Heaven will be so wonderful.

2. I want to be there. So, I must follow Jesus–the only way to heaven. John 14:6

3. I want my loved ones there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

4. I want everyone there–so I must tell them about Jesus.

Edited by prisonchaplain
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Here's what I teach (non-LDS, Assemblies of God perspective--though my homily is not an official positon paper for my church):

Heaven Is Real!


Jesus hard on self-righteous, gentle with sinners.

Most people have tasted of hell, but how many have tasted of heaven?


I. John 14:1-3

A. Jesus wants us to trust Him and the Father.

1. This is the key to heaven. Trust & Obey for There’s No Other Way . . .


I thought to comment on the concept that heaven involves trust and obedience. I personally think this is a great key. Trust and obedience are parts of righteous discipline which I believe is the first step one takes in the “way” or path to heaven with Christ. Anciently Jesus was called “master” by those that “believed” on him and he, in return, called such followers “disciples”. A master teaches discipline and a disciple learns and develops discipline.

Those that experience the tutelage and training given by The Master to those that follow after him realize that the discipline of righteousness is not magic or fantasy but very real as the master molds the disciple through covenants, ordinances, calls to service and sacrifice as well as trails and exercises. Through all of this a great change takes place so that those that see Christ will be like him.

The Traveler

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