What are the names for yw activities?


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Please tell me if I'm right (newish to the church and trying to get it right!). I've been told I'm right or wrong, depending on who I talk to...

class activity: activity that involves only one class (like bee hives)

joint: activity that involves all three classes of yw

combined: activity that involves yw and ym

mutual: any of the above activities


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Mutual is an old name from the '70's that the current YM/YW program was called. It stemmed from the older complete name of Mutual Improvement (Association(?) not sure of the last word), or MIA, for short, which came from the late '50's and '60's. Before that it was called M-Men and Gleaners (don't ask me why, it was waaaaay before my time.

Don't be surprised if people are using the terms inaccurately, sometimes it gets confusing, even for the leaders, to keep terms straight. If you're not sure what they're talking about, ask for clarification.

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