Taking medication and the Gospel


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You've been judged for taking your medications? And you go to a mormon church??? Holy smokes, what kind of members do you live around? It always stuns me when I hear the situations that people go through with other members and judging. My cousin fell away from the church because of it, as well as countless others.

Do what is right and is best for you. Don't worry about what others think.

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With all due respect a statement like this is the same as someone being condemed for taking medications that help the quality of their lives. We need to stop judging and start helping ... I have strughgled with weight all my life and believe me this kind of statement does not help at all. needing to use meds or being over weight makes us no less human. Nor does is make us less deserving or less productive. I have 4 church callings a full time job and I raise train and show dogs and in between all that I have a busy life.

There is a saying ...don't judge someone until you have walked a mile in their mocassins. When you have been where I am or your firend is or where the brother on meds is don't judge.

No it is not condemning of people who take medications, it is sound advice -- I said, after all, that medications may be necessary at times but it's best to take a wellness approach and try to reduce the need for the medication. We should not condemn or be too quick to pass judgement but if you go to your doctor and he prescribes medicines to help you relax without giving you suggestions for natural relaxation (i.e. exercise, meditation, etc.) then there's something wrong. If a person smokes a couple of cigareetes a day and is obese, and their doctor doesn't tell them that obesity will take more years of life off you than smoking a couple of packs a day (yet he asks you to stop smoking two individual cigarettes) then again something is wrong.

Again, we should not judge someone if they are LDS and are on medications or judge someone LDS who has to drive a truck and takes caffeine pills to stay awake. All I am saying is that becoming too dependent on pills is dangerous -- and with doctors giving our prescriptions for powerful mind-altering drugs to little kids nowadays for conditions that are suspect at best our society really neds to re-evaluate what the costs and benefits are to our increasingly drug dependent culture.

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When I started this thread I was more curious about the attitudes of other members

toward those like myself who rely on medication to be able to function, be it for pain, or brining bodily chemicals in balance. I have no desire at this time to stop taking my pills, I have gone that route in the past with disastrous results.

I feel that when the time comes that the medications I use are hard to obtain or are not available, that if my life is in order, my needs will be taken care of, if I have been blessed with being able to find "relief" or treatment now when I have access to the medication and Doctors, then I know my needs will be taken care of if circumstances change. In the past when I had no insurance I was able to obtain my medication at no cost(current cash price in mi $295, or more a month) through a program from the manufacture.

Thanks for your response Hemi, we have talked about this before, I assure you I am able to feel the Holy Ghost, while on my meds, no "zombie" reaction here.

The gift of education and knowledge are given for the betterment of all mankind, but beware of those who would abuse and distort the truth or knowledge, for their own benefit.

I have been blessed to be able to find what allows me to function properly, and while my mind is clear of racing thoughts, I have been building my arsenal of weapons to combat this condition, IE educating myself and building up proper reactions to the things that set me off, I am working to fully understand myself and any warning signs that may be there before any changes occur. As I stated in an earlier post I have not had a major episode in many years, I am very aware of myself and how I may react and have learned to deal with the situations, that are pleasing unto my Heavenly Father.

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I don't like the change in tone this thread is taking... I am more into wellness than most and with using all the tools I can find. I am not sure I can continue to manage my depression without meds.... I have never taken any med because it was advertized on TV... I do not think Drs or Lawyers should advertize but in no way is that the reason folks need meds, the meds adveretized usually cost twice as much or more. I may have to go back on my antidepressant drug I don't know at this time . I have 3 months to try to overcome this affliction or at least be able to handle it in a better way..... I am on pain -management meds.... I don't have to take them because I am overweight... my weight has no bearing on my pain level.. kins of a judgement call from one of our posters.... My pain meds are a tool to help me live the most positive productive life as possible... Could I survive without probably but my quality of life would probably be greatly diminished.

Wellness--- non med alternitives are just a part of the whole picture, If we are using all the tools available and need meds that is for no one to judge... As far as feeling th Holy Ghost while on meds I don't have a problem... I am more in tune with the promptings as I rely on them so much... I am not sure why it bothers me when it was implyed we don't heve the gift of the Holy Ghost as much because we are on meds..... it does..... I will have to think about that one... just another way of being judged for needing medication my first guess.... This is a battle I would wish on no one and if you have no idea you shouldn't judge.

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Do I need more faith so I won't need glasses anymore? (I have very bad eyesight.) The notion is ridiculous!

If your brain doesn't work right you won't work right. Your medicine is your glasses for your brain. There's no shame in that. None at all.

There was an Ensign article on the subject of mental illness. It condemns improper judgement and that there is nothing wrong with taking medication under the supervision of a doctor.

I want to add this: God in His wisdom gave us the ability to discover such things as glasses and medication. it's even in the WoW that herbs are here for us, and many medicines come from herbs.

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Medication is necessary at times but I think we should try to find as many options that are natural as possible. I know someone who is overweight by 20 kilograms and she has a problem with portions of her foot that have torn. She definently needs to use pain medications but if she would loose the excess weight that would be like taking a 20 kilo backpack off your shoulders -- which might cause the problem to heal or at least get far less severe.

I think we are way too into the drug thing -- no doubt due to the influence of huge drug-making corporations wining and dining doctors, lobbying in congress and even the ads we now see on TV that would not have been allowed in the early 1990s.

The part that bugs me about this is: you aren't familiar with her complete medical history nd why she may be overweight. There are health conditions that can cause weight gain even if you aren't eating much at all.

and then there are other reasons for foot injuries as well.

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I also think that God gave us the wisdom to develop medicine, and that it can work in addition to prayer and blessings. It's not because of a "lack of faith" that people get sick, the brain is an organ just like any other organ that could have problems.

I have just read through the thread and figured I would add my 2cents. What Adoyle said is right, certain medicines are there due to Heavenly Father and given us in benefit to help live our lives to the fullest.

In my opinion the issue falls when due to addiction or desire to alter yourself beyond the need of medicine is where the issue is. For example, you break your leg and get pain medicine while its healing and once its healed you think that the meds made you happier, a high if you will, so you take the meds without needing them.

I was diagnosed with a disorder (Bi-polar) 8 years ago now and was put on medication, because of that I have been able to live a 'normal' life. Now the doctors have altered my medication as science has improved to remove the zombie effect and has given me a better take in life. I know that without my medication that I would not be the person here today.

I even had a bishop give me spiritual counsel during this time and what he said was a reason I fell from the church. He read a passage from the KJB and told me that mental disorders were equal to possession, that I had not enough faith and or I was displeasing Heavenly Father. This felt so wrong that it gave me the 1st seed of doubt. However through prayer and faith I know that the reason I was diagnosed and the reason I was given medicine was because Heaven Father loves me and wants me to be successful on earth. So what I say to those that judge me for having a mental disorder. I smile.

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I want to add this: God in His wisdom gave us the ability to discover such things as glasses and medication.

The logic is faulty, because you could also say that God also gave us the wisdom and ability to create weapons of war, tools to destroy his creations, industry that is slowly (or not so slowly) killing the planet. Not that I disagree with taking medication, just saying you can't use that logic as justification.

And I agree with Fiannan too. I work with (although not in) alternative/complementary medicine. The core of these things are finding the source of the problem, and not just covering up or externally managing the symptoms, but lifestyle change to fix them. (Not to say that there's no immediate short-term help, but there are longer goals that don't seem to exist in standard western medicine.)

But don't take me as an antagonistic judgmental other, I take medication too. I have a as-yet undiagnosed problem for two years. To sum it up in one word: Pain. I've seen multiple doctors/specialists regarding this, and every one of them has given me a clean bill of health. That means they otherwise have nothing they can do to help me (or that I can do to help myself), because they can't even find the problem. My family doctor gave me the pain medication so I could deal with it otherwise.

If I could do something to overcome the source of the pain without pills, I would, but I can't because nobody can counsel me on how. I don't like taking medication, even when I'm sick. I try to let my body deal with itself as much as possible. But sometimes, I just have to - when I can't even get out of my house to get to work, I have to. When you're in pain, you can't think in lines of code, you just think you want to not be in pain.

The people who judge: they're not medical professionals, and don't know any better. You can either try to educate them, tolerate them, or just befriend them so they can see that you're not a bad guy.

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My wife and I were drawn together over thirty years ago. Part of the connection, non physical (don't get me wrong, there was a lot of physical attraction.), was the fact that we both grow up with dysfunctional families and felt the need to feel whole. We mistakenly thought that love would fill that void that you feel from depression.

Thirty years later, we are still fighting the evil that is depression. The only thing that saved are marriage is/was the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My wife takes medication and I do not. I think that those who would think me the hero, don't have a clue. We all should be living our lives, as individual children of our Heavenly Father, counseling with him, through prayer and his through servants, such as a Bishop.

The only thing that is universal, in this matter, is all pain, physical or mental, has been suffered by our Savior, and we must find ways too give up that pain. This aspect of the atonement is often overlooked but it is the most powerful tool when it comes to fighting off depression.

Depression attacks faith and without faith, you can't receive the full affect of the atonement. So the work is finding ways to fight the depression long and hard enough, to believe that you can, as a partner with the Savior, win.

My advice is to do what ever it takes.


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That's an appropriate question for some people. I know other people who struggle mightily to feel anything good or positive, either on or off medication. On top of that, finding a correct medication can be like a game of horseshoes or darts - you don't end up with the right balance on the first try.

In some rare cases, some folks are faced with the choice of 1) no meds, feeling the holy ghost, but not being able to hold down a job or keep together a marriage; and 2) meds, diminished or missing ability to feel the spirit, but able to function in society and in a family.

Folks with mental health issues sometimes have a very unique set of challenges, and often common-sense answers like "do what keeps you close to God" have extra dimensions and complications that need addressing.


Taking meds for the right reason will not prohibit the Holy Ghost from interacting with you. I can attest to this.

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