Announcing a New Board for LDS Cyber Missionaries.


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I am still waiting for a FALLOUT on creating a NINTH and TENTH QUORUM of Seventies to handle the cyber space.

I think there will inevitably be something set up for cyber missionary work. But individuals acting on their own initiative from their own homes are already accomplishing a whole lot at their own expense guided by the Holy Spirit. The Brethren may not want to mess with that other than to provide more training materials online specifically for cyber missionary work, and possibly asking one or two of the Seventy to watch over what's happening??

The church is already heavily invested in official web sites. I think the best thing a cyber missionary can do is move potential investigators towards those sites where the Spirit can reach and teach them.

When I was serving a foreign senior mission the area president talked to me about being set apart as a district president. But I pointed out to him that imposing extra layers of authority sometimes dampens the initiative of people who are quite capable of doing things their own way and getting similar or better results. He must have thought that was a valid comment because it never happened.

But whatever if ever comes from SLC I'll sustain it and appreciate the help. Cyber's a massive place...

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Only 1st and 2nd Quorum of Seventies received cost of living expenses and so forth. From the 3rd through the 8th Quorum, they are locally called Seventies and are not paid any living expensive. This will add no expense to the church by adding two additional quorums.

Other than offices, travel expenses, and maybe clerical staff I suppose.

When I was there, the Area President in Hong Kong was a General Authority. He was provided with a furnished suite at the top of the new area office building. His counselors are "Area Authority Seventies" not GA's. They live in their own homes.

Please tell me what you envision all those new Seventies doing that isn't already being done in cyber space?

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Please tell me what you envision all those new Seventies doing that isn't already being done in cyber space?

I didn't mean to offend you if I did Hemi. (You're usually very quick to respond.) I'm just curious about what you have in mind for Seventies who might be assigned in the future to oversee cyber missionary work. You've tossed that idea around before, it's intriguing. Tell us about it.

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