Half a Sacrament


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Today's Fast Sunday was amazing. The spirit was sooo strong and I couldn't hold back teary eyes. It doesn't surprise me to be reminded that the Church is TRUE!!

Anyway, at sacrament I took the bread, but the Deacon forgot to pass the water to me. Just out of curiosity, does that me I only did half the ordinance and it doesn't count as a renewal of my covenants? :huh:

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Today's Fast Sunday was amazing. The spirit was sooo strong and I couldn't hold back teary eyes. It doesn't surprise me to be reminded that the Church is TRUE!!

Anyway, at sacrament I took the bread, but the Deacon forgot to pass the water to me. Just out of curiosity, does that me I only did half the ordinance and it doesn't count as a renewal of my covenants? :huh:

Under the circumstance i think heavenly father will consider it a done deal.:)

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Does the partaking of the sacrament provide the forgiveness of sins or is it the broken heart and contrite spirit. Partaking of the sacrament is in rememberance of His sacrifice.

I am not convinced that the partaking cleans one of sins. I have seen people racing in to church to sit down to partake of the sacrament, I have seen people running around playing with their kids in the hall or visiting with their neighbor partake of the sacrament.

Personally I am not sure of the cleansing that happens by partaking of the sacrament without proper preparation and can forgiveness be given by humbling oneself and coming before the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and not taking the sacrament?

Food for thought.

Ben Raines

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Anyway, at sacrament I took the bread, but the Deacon forgot to pass the water to me. Just out of curiosity, does that me I only did half the ordinance and it doesn't count as a renewal of my covenants? :huh:

I like BenRaines comments and think they are wise ones. I think our attitude is more important than the technical aspects.

Having said that, I'm in the camp of people that think the sacrament is an ordinance--and as such has been prescribed by Jesus to be done in a certain manner. If a priesthood holder misspeaks the prayer, he has to begin again to get it correct. I think we as partakers also have an obligation to do it correctly--bread first, then water. I have waved down a deacon before because I was passed up for the bread or water. So, my recommendation is that if that happens again, to feel free to get a deacon's attention to participate fully in this ordinance.

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Just out of curiosity, does that me I only did half the ordinance and it doesn't count as a renewal of my covenants?


There is a reason why we do both. Both are part of the sacrament. Missing one is missing part of the sacrament.

Like it has been said you need to make sure the deacons catch everybody. I assume there was more then just you (and your family) on that row.

What happen on those Sundays when you have Stake Conference and nobody gets bread or water?

Nothing happens. We don't take the sacrment that week. Same with this week for some of us its General Conference and we don't take the sacrament.

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I learned something interesting about the sacrament. When my father was in the hospital and totally incoherent...there were 2 couples assigned to the hospital to bring the sacrament to those in the hospital.

Because he couldn't eat or drink anything..just putting the bread and the water to his lips (even though he didn't actually ingest of it) it was the same as if he had taken the sacrament. That was really a comfort that in his last days he was still able to take the sacrament.

I had no idea this could be done.

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