prisonchaplain outs himself as a Republican!


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Actually, I did a post awhile back on why I am a party loyalist. However, the world has changed since then. So, why would I stick with a decaying, compromising, on the verge of death party like the GOP?

1. The two-party system works well. The winning party in any election is the majority party, and carries at least a mild mandate for its agenda. Multiparty coalitions, imho, are a mess, always in danger of fracture, and very prone to excessive influence by extremist minority groups that can tip the balance.

2. The GOP remains the party of Pro-Life and traditional marriage.

3. The GOP remains most open to cost-cutting, lower taxes, less protectionism, and less regulation.

4. The GOP remains the party married to the 2nd Amendment protection of gun rights.

5. The GOP remains the party most welcoming to the social concerns of religious conservatives (pornography, gambling, prayer at public events, etc.)

Have members of the GOP caved in at crucial times? Of course. Has the party as a whole sometimes disappointed? Absolutely. Does it sometimes use religious voters for its own victories, only to give us meager attention afterwards? At times, yes.

However, while the GOP sometimes disappoints, I see no fertile soil for my concerns with the Democrats. And third-parties, imho, make great lobbying groups, but should never govern. I would oppose the formation of a Christian party, even if it could replace the GOP. Power tends to corrupt.

I've voted for the occasional Democrat. In frustration I might vote for a third party, mostly to send a message to my own. But at the end of the day I remain a Republican. Father forgive me, for I have sinned...:cool:

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Me too. I am a registered Republican. However, I am really a libertarian, not to be confused with the Libertarian Party. I do not vote for third party candidates, even though I am disaffected by the Republican Party. I believe the best way to effect change is from within. It would be appropriate to describe me as fiscally and socially conservative. The idea of America becoming an even more debt laden nanny state makes me very sad. We have become a country of whiners. Filled with envy for the successful and brainwashed into believing that higher taxes and government spending leads to prosperity and makes American's some how more free.

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We have become a country of whiners. Filled with envy for the successful and brainwashed into believing that higher taxes and government spending leads to prosperity and makes American's some how more free.

Actually I think we've become a country of shortsighted greedy fools brainwashed into caring more about accumulating wealth just for the sake of having it than for their fellow man.

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Actually I think we've become a country of shortsighted greedy fools brainwashed into caring more about accumulating wealth just for the sake of having it than for their fellow man.

Great point. We have become a greedy, uncaring world. Popular culture, the instant gratification mentality have a great deal to do with this. People seem so very coarse and uncaring.

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I still think you should be able to thank and laugh in the same post.

Multiparty coalitions, imho, are a mess, always in danger of fracture, and very prone to excessive influence by extremist minority groups that can tip the balance.

Very well put. From what I've heard, this is what Israel finds themselves stuck with. You can't get anything done without pandering to half a dozen fringe goofy parties.

I dunno. From where I'm standing, every election I see starts looking more and more like this:


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Great point. We have become a greedy, uncaring world. Popular culture, the instant gratification mentality have a great deal to do with this. People seem so very coarse and uncaring.

I think the culture of self-entitlement and greed has more to do with our current problems than any regulation or lack of regulation. Unfortunately that is not fixable by passing laws or removing them.

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Actually, I did a post awhile back on why I am a party loyalist. However, the world has changed since then. So, why would I stick with a decaying, compromising, on the verge of death party like the GOP?

1. The two-party system works well. The winning party in any election is the majority party, and carries at least a mild mandate for its agenda. Multiparty coalitions, imho, are a mess, always in danger of fracture, and very prone to excessive influence by extremist minority groups that can tip the balance.

2. The GOP remains the party of Pro-Life and traditional marriage.

3. The GOP remains most open to cost-cutting, lower taxes, less protectionism, and less regulation.

4. The GOP remains the party married to the 2nd Amendment protection of gun rights.

5. The GOP remains the party most welcoming to the social concerns of religious conservatives (pornography, gambling, prayer at public events, etc.)

Have members of the GOP caved in at crucial times? Of course. Has the party as a whole sometimes disappointed? Absolutely. Does it sometimes use religious voters for its own victories, only to give us meager attention afterwards? At times, yes.

However, while the GOP sometimes disappoints, I see no fertile soil for my concerns with the Democrats. And third-parties, imho, make great lobbying groups, but should never govern. I would oppose the formation of a Christian party, even if it could replace the GOP. Power tends to corrupt.

I've voted for the occasional Democrat. In frustration I might vote for a third party, mostly to send a message to my own. But at the end of the day I remain a Republican. Father forgive me, for I have sinned...:cool:

Come and join us in revolting against the main stream two-party system....



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Hey, that wasn't on the Chaplain's list!

Oh I don't know...some connections between self/instant-gratification, lack of compassion for others, and the pro-life cause. :cool: Beyond that, imho, private charity is generally so much cheaper and more effective, because there is personal, and often spiritual, accountability.

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Me too. I am a registered Republican. However, I am really a libertarian, not to be confused with the Libertarian Party. I do not vote for third party candidates, even though I am disaffected by the Republican Party. I believe the best way to effect change is from within. It would be appropriate to describe me as fiscally and socially conservative. The idea of America becoming an even more debt laden nanny state makes me very sad. We have become a country of whiners. Filled with envy for the successful and brainwashed into believing that higher taxes and government spending leads to prosperity and makes American's some how more free.

Oh and the only differance being; one party puts us in incredible debt to bomb and kill millions. while the other party puts us into debt to help millions keep there homes e;t;c;;; i think i preffer the second.:)

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Oh and the only differance being; one party puts us in incredible debt to bomb and kill millions. while the other party puts us into debt to help millions keep there homes e;t;c;;; i think i preffer the second.:)

I am guessing by the "second" you are referring to the Democratic Party. You may recall that the Democrats in Congress voted overwhelmingly to invade Iraq? Whether or not we should have went there is an interesting debate, but pointless now.

If President Obama and the Democratic Congress had voted to spend trillions of dollars to keep people in their would still have been a huge waste of money and propelled America toward financial ruin...but since that is not what they did, it is even more infuriating to me. Good thing they have people like you to sit idly by while they bankrupt our country. Your comments, while humorous, are nothing more than fiction.

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Oh and the only differance being; one party puts us in incredible debt to bomb and kill millions. while the other party puts us into debt to help millions keep there homes e;t;c;;; i think i preffer the second.:)

don't forget about all the people he killed from causing the Hurricanes....:)
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Actually, I did a post awhile back on why I am a party loyalist. However, the world has changed since then. So, why would I stick with a decaying, compromising, on the verge of death party like the GOP?

1. The two-party system works well. The winning party in any election is the majority party, and carries at least a mild mandate for its agenda. Multiparty coalitions, imho, are a mess, always in danger of fracture, and very prone to excessive influence by extremist minority groups that can tip the balance.

2. The GOP remains the party of Pro-Life and traditional marriage.

3. The GOP remains most open to cost-cutting, lower taxes, less protectionism, and less regulation.

4. The GOP remains the party married to the 2nd Amendment protection of gun rights.

5. The GOP remains the party most welcoming to the social concerns of religious conservatives (pornography, gambling, prayer at public events, etc.)

Have members of the GOP caved in at crucial times? Of course. Has the party as a whole sometimes disappointed? Absolutely. Does it sometimes use religious voters for its own victories, only to give us meager attention afterwards? At times, yes.

However, while the GOP sometimes disappoints, I see no fertile soil for my concerns with the Democrats. And third-parties, imho, make great lobbying groups, but should never govern. I would oppose the formation of a Christian party, even if it could replace the GOP. Power tends to corrupt.

I've voted for the occasional Democrat. In frustration I might vote for a third party, mostly to send a message to my own. But at the end of the day I remain a Republican. Father forgive me, for I have sinned...:cool:


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Just because the Democrats are now in power doesn't mean Republican policies, values and beliefs are wrong. Even Hitler was in power at one time. I think it's the American people that are being duped.

What are you talking about... The American populace never makes a mistake! :D Edited by Maxel
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