Polygamy in the celestial kingdom?

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If Eternal Marriage is the only way for us to achieve Exaltation and receive the fullness of glory promised to us by God, then what do you do in this case: You have a woman who has done everything right and has lived up to everything she needs to in order to receive those eternal blessings. But through no fault of her own she has no Eternal Companion. She can't get to Exaltation without one. So what can be done to help her? What solutions can you offer for her?

Wait for an exalted man! If the celestial kingdom required pologamy (for only the men) then I personally don't want to be there. It's that simple for me.

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How is it that you can believe that there will be no polygamy in the Celestial Kingdom? Men whose wives have died and remarry to a woman not previously sealed can marry her in the Temple.

Doctrine and Covenants 132

They can do so and choose to only marry her for "a time" and not

time and all eternity." this would be for only their earthly lives.

I have to say the very thought of pologamy is utterly sickening to me and I honestly don't think that it was ever an "inspired" teaching. I think a bunch of men wanted a bunch of wives...plain and simple. There is nothing inspiring or Godly by what those men did. I think it was shameful and the church still has to carry that burden of bad choices. That is my final say on this matter cause the more I read the more grossed out by the many who are so accepting of it.

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I have to say the very thought of pologamy is utterly sickening to me and I honestly don't think that it was ever an "inspired" teaching. I think a bunch of men wanted a bunch of wives...plain and simple. There is nothing inspiring or Godly by what those men did. I think it was shameful and the church still has to carry that burden of bad choices. That is my final say on this matter cause the more I read the more grossed out by the many who are so accepting of it.

So all the Old Testament prophets were just horny too eh. I guess the twelves tribes of Isreal weren't really in Heavenly Father's plan he just had to put up with them cuz one of his prophets couldn't keep it in his pants.

BTW, what is wrong with having a "bunch of wives", anyway? Not considering it is forbidden by the church right now. I mean inherently wrong in the practice.

Edited by deseretgov
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That's a pretty bold statement.

God has promised us incredible Joy in the celestial kingdom - why wouldn't you want to be there?

all I am saying is that if God really wanted us to be with multiple wives/husbands than He would have created it that way from the beginning. He would have given Adam 10 wives to begin filling the earth with children. My point is if pologymy "for men only" is part of my "incredible joy" than I don't want it.

So yes, bold statement - but for a good reason.

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BTW, what is wrong with having a "bunch of wives", anyway? Not considering it is forbidden by the church right now. I mean inherently wrong in the practice.

Nothing as long as I can have a "bunch of husbands." Let's here some of the men who are absolutely comfortable sharing their wives with 2 or 3 other men. I haven't seen one post yet that is quick to say they would be okay with it. Just statements of, "what so wrong with having a bunch of wives." I'd love to see someone think of it the other way around and give an honest comment about that.

I also think that the women of the Old Testament were probably pretty resentful about having to share their husbands. Even if at that time it was thought to be God's will. I'm still not convinced it was.

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Nothing as long as I can have a "bunch of husbands." Let's here some of the men who are absolutely comfortable sharing their wives with 2 or 3 other men. I haven't seen one post yet that is quick to say they would be okay with it. Just statements of, "what so wrong with having a bunch of wives." I'd love to see someone think of it the other way around and give an honest comment about that.

I also think that the women of the Old Testament were probably pretty resentful about having to share their husbands. Even if at that time it was thought to be God's will. I'm still not convinced it was.

Let me state, K: If God commanded it, I would do it. Would I be excited about it? No. But I recognize that God knows a whole lot more than I do.

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all I am saying is that if God really wanted us to be with multiple wives/husbands than He would have created it that way from the beginning. He would have given Adam 10 wives to begin filling the earth with children. My point is if pologymy "for men only" is part of my "incredible joy" than I don't want it.

So yes, bold statement - but for a good reason.

God has never commanded multiple husbands.

Do you have any scriptural basis for the bolded, or is that just what you personally hope is true?

In the beginning, Adam and Eve's children had to multiply with each other - is that what he still wants us to do? No.

There's no reason to believe that just because that's the way it was in the beginning, doesn't mean it's the way it always will be.

Your feelings towards polygamy are natural for us here on earth.... but I suspect we won't have the same perspective on the other side of the veil.

God has promised eternal joy in the Celestial kingdom. My belief is that if polygamy is practiced in the heavens, we will understand it and it won't take away from our joy in the slightest.

I understand how you feel.

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wow, can i just say...

those men that are like, "whats wrong with polygamy anyways" Listen to President Hinckley or the commandments, you should feel like it is wrong, because that is what we are taught. KPatrey, I feel you for sure, its hard to think that was inspired, thats when my twisted imagination comes into play to be honest.

Wow, guys that think that is cool.. are you even married? I think once you find someone that you love, you will realize you just want her.

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Of course there will be polygamy in heaven. What, you think Brigham Young is going to have to choose just one of his wives? Come on...

no but i think they will be able to choose if they want just him, like joseph for example, i think emma will jump all over the oppotunity to just have it be him and her.

have you ever thought that maybe polygamy was practiced for the earthy blessings. Women having a home and protection?

COMMON SENSE! Polygamy does not equal peace and harmony and good feelings... why does everyone think are brains will be totally different after we die, we are the same people with the same feelings...

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I would say yes, but on a lighter note Eternal Marriage will still exist in the TER and TEL kingdoms....

I have actually heard against that. In Jospeh F. Smiths book he says that that is only in CK, marriage will not be in any other kingdom.

That could just be speculation, I dont know.

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Yes, he has.

Joseph Smith and polygamy/Polyandry - FAIRMormon

Polyandry happened in the early church. If God asks a woman who is already married to marry another, that is a commandment to have multiple husbands.

Do we know God commanded it? We know with absolute certainty that Joseph Smith was commanded to practice polygamy.

I didn't click on every link, but from what I read the evidence isn't very conclusive as to what exactly happened.

Is there any recorded evidence that God instructed women to take many husbands?

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Nothing as long as I can have a "bunch of husbands." Let's here some of the men who are absolutely comfortable sharing their wives with 2 or 3 other men. I haven't seen one post yet that is quick to say they would be okay with it. Just statements of, "what so wrong with having a bunch of wives." I'd love to see someone think of it the other way around and give an honest comment about that.

If God commanded it through His living prophet and my wife and I recieved personal confirmation of it I would not have a problem.

You still haven't told me what is wrong with a man having more than one wife.

I also think that the women of the Old Testament were probably pretty resentful about having to share their husbands. Even if at that time it was thought to be God's will. I'm still not convinced it was.

So you're saying we can't trust that anything a prophet says is from God.

wow, can i just say...

those men that are like, "whats wrong with polygamy anyways" Listen to President Hinckley or the commandments, you should feel like it is wrong, because that is what we are taught. KPatrey, I feel you for sure, its hard to think that was inspired, thats when my twisted imagination comes into play to be honest.

I'm not asking what is wrong with in view of modern revelations. We all know that God has forbidden the practice in our day. What I want to know is what is so horrible about the practice itself.

Wow, guys that think that is cool.. are you even married? I think once you find someone that you love, you will realize you just want her.

Yes I'm married almost a year now. My baby daughter should be arriving any day now.

Here's a message I posted in another thread that explains why I don't have a problem with polygamy:

Honestly I wish polygamy was still acceptable in the church(not refering to one wife dying and marrying another). I'm sorry if people get upset at me for saying this but honestly I do. While serving my mission in the Philippines I saw this over an over. There were way more righteous women than men. In one branch I served in there was the Branch President, us two missionaries, the branch president's teacher and decon aged sons, and about twenty women. Most of the women were not married. So they face the option of marrying an unworthy man(chances very likely) or waiting for a righteous men to marry(very reasonable but less likely). Another woman I knew didn't marry a member and committed suicide after her husband had an affair. Another woman had her husband (who was working in canda) break it off with her(they got married in the Phils and there is no divorce so technically they are still married). Now apperently she is a prostitute. there are tons more examples.

Sure you can say that if these women were really righteous they would have worked through the situations better. I'm not saying the men are all to blame but how much better would it have been if they had a righteous husband.

So for me I wish there was polygamy so that righteous women in the Philippines(which by far outnumber the righteous men) could have a righteous husband. Even if it wasn't me they were married to, they deserve something better than what they have right now. Of course it would be a nightmare if I could marry more than one woman and they were from the Philippines. The government fees and immigration paper work for my one wife was insane. I'd go insane if I had to do it for more than one woman.

I'm sorry if this makes me unrighteous or a bad person. They need rightous men so badly and I wish I could do more.

But having said that I did marry a Filipina and we are happily married. She is pregnant with our first child, a daughter. So while I wish I could do more, I am more than happy to be a righteous husband for my wife. I'm working to be the best I can be for her. Since we have been married Oct 08 I have become much more responsible, and I have a long way to go. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be married to such a wonderful woman. At least I can be a righteous husband to her. I asked here[sic] once what she [and] where she would be now if we hadn't gotten married. She said she probably would be living in Manila(she's not from there). She also said she probably would not have married in the temple neither woud[sic] her husband have been a member.

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  • 8 years later...

Here are some quotes that may help.  Wilford Woodruff made these quotes:

" President Young said there would be men saved in the Celestial Kingdom of God with one wife..."  There was also an explanation given about a quote Pres. Young had given about polygamy in heaven, he had been speaking to a group of men who had been commanded to be polygamous.  That was the context of the quote.  His words may have been different if he had been speaking to a group who had not been commanded to be polygamous, as we are taught in our day to be monogamous, which we have been taught is the Lord's standard.  The Book of Mormon taught monogamy.

  " Pres. Young said a Man may Embrace the Law of Celestial Marriage in his heart and not take the Second wife and be justified before the Lord"

  And the Seminary Manual states:  

"We have no knowledge that plural marriage will be a requirement for exaltation"

I hope that helps


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I seriously understand your anxiety over this. All I can offer is that I know of no place where there is any suggestion in the scriptures or through new revelation or the writings of any modern day prophet or apostle that indicates that there will be any dating or searching and subsequent sealing of any sealed/married man in the celestial kingdom to any other woman that wasn't first sealed here by that person or by proxy. In short I personally do not believe you will have to sit in your new celestial home right down the street from our heavenly parents,  full of tension and anxiety, while you husband goes on a celestial date. That doesn't sound much like heaven to me.

But lets say I'm completely wrong. If I am wrong then there is something that you and I don't understand yet. If it is the case that somehow your husband will be given or assigned other celestial partners then I would guarantee you that it will only happen with your complete support, love and understanding. I seriously feel that God loves you and will not create a celestial circumstance that causes you pain. I do not speak for the church. I am not even close to being a General Authority. But I do speak as someone who studies scripture and the words of our leaders, who tries to live a Christ-like life and has a Temple recommend in his pocket.

I hope this helped.

Edited by SBLACKMD
Clarification (married/exalted vs single/exalted)
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While we have no doctrine that it will be required, we do know that it will be practiced. 

I wouldn’t get too concerned about it at this point. I believe that our understanding of everything will be so much greater in the next life that even if we were required to have plural marriage we would not oppose it. However the idea that plural marriage would be practiced on a large scale presumes that there will be many more women than men who inherit the celestial kingdom. I don’t know that that will be the case.  

Edited by BJ64
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We really shouldn't say polygamy will be practiced on  a large scale in heaven, we really don't know everything.  We should be sensitive to a woman's feelings.  Brigham Young said there would be couple's who would be monogomous in heaven and that the Lord would justify that.  Perhaps it is a test if a man would be selfless enough to leave polygamy alone.  What does a man value?  More wives or the feelings of one wife?  What does a man value?  The "glory"  of having more worlds populated faster by more childern or having patience and and learning to actually get to know his wife more, and his children more and growing and building an eternity together and valuing those relationships instead of just having more of something to look better and "keep up with the Joneses"  or the "God next door"


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1 minute ago, jewels8 said:

We really shouldn't say polygamy will be practiced on  a large scale in heaven, we really don't know everything.  We should be sensitive to a woman's feelings.  Brigham Young said there would be couple's who would be monogomous in heaven and that the Lord would justify that.  Perhaps it is a test if a man would be selfless enough to leave polygamy alone.  What does a man value?  More wives or the feelings of one wife?  What does a man value?  The "glory"  of having more worlds populated faster by more childern or having patience and and learning to actually get to know his wife more, and his children more and growing and building an eternity together and valuing those relationships instead of just having more of something to look better and "keep up with the Joneses"  or the "God next door"


And, if there happen to be women in the eternities who couldn’t find a worthy man to be sealed to:  well, quite literally—to Hell with them.  After all, we’ve got ours, and isn’t that what Heaven is ultimately all about?

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Having the Spirit of the Lord is important, and I am not saying I am perfect, but I do know that speculating about it is not ok, and the seminary manual cautions not to do that.  Monogamy is the Lord's standard.  Perhaps some would like to sensationalize about polygamy, or they simply just wonder about it, but polygamy was a test, and to "raise up a righteous seed"  as the Lord commanded.  But in heaven there really isn't a point, from the same perspective as earth-life, to be tested, as I see it.   Of course we don't know everything.  But I think a  woman should have  a right to have a say in what her heaven is like.  And woman who live in polygamous countries on the earth don't have much of a say now.  I'm just saying that monogamy is a good thing.  I don't think men should be discredited as being less righeous or that we should speculate that their will be less of them in heaven.  There may be quotes, but that may be more opinion than church doctrine, on the subject.  We really don't know.  I think we should strive to work on monogamous marriages, where we care about one person, and their feelings, and the children, and those relationships.  I think the Lord can test someone as to where their heart is.  Are they willing to obey His commandments at the price of being callous to their wife's feelings?  Or are they going to learn to respect the Lord, counsel with the Lord and care about their wife, and work something out?   Didn't a prophet ask the Lord to spare the city of Sodom and Gommorrah if 8 righteous people could be found?  He wasn't trying to defy God's commandment.  God understood that.  I think when Jacob taught the men in the Book of Mormon who sought wives and concubines, as David of old,  that they were breaking the hearts of their wives and their children and that this displeased God, that he was on to something.  Perhaps the test of polygamy is tied more into monogamy then some men think.  And maybe too many are missing the point.  Maybe too many are failing the test.  Who knows how many will have their wives taken away?   King David lost all his wives because he went after Bathseba and had her husband killed.  Of course that is different, but his heart was not right.   If a man can love all his wives, great, but seriously, who can have time for meaningful relationships with 900 women?  And endless scores of children on this earth?  In eternity, I guess its easier, but does anybody really need that many?  I doubt it.Leave some for others

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Polygamy on earth has been a disaster, for the most part.  Statistics show higher rates of STDs, less men having wives and families, as more women are taken by richer and more "righteous" or better prospective husbands as wives, leaving more men to commit crimes, thus  creating a higher crime rate and more crimes against women and in the community in general and some men being worse off.  Children of polygamous marriages often suffer from less education, less time with dad, as he must work more to provide more, he spends more time away, as he is with his wives, his vocation, and maybe away at leisure time, trying to combat the added stress & strain, also there is more friction, jealousy and problems among the sister-wives, who have less quality time with the shared husband, and  this can put a strain on the whole family.  Also studies show that even the the Lord may have said polygamy was to increase seed, women in monogamous marriages had more babies than women in polygamous marriages.  Maybe they just felt more comfortable having babies and having a relationship with their husband that was soley theirs alone.  Makes sense, right?  Monogamy is the Lord's standard.  Jacob was teaching that and chastising the husbands who were desiring polygamy.and or becoming adulterous in their hearts or in their lives. Joseph Smith lived polygamy, but we have a very mixed record whether he even had any or few children from his polygamous marriages.  So if it was to raise up seed, in his case, that didn't seem to be what happened.  But we do know that it was a test.  It definitely was a sore test for him and for Emma.  And for many others.  It doesn't mean though, that they have to continute to live it indefinitely, we really don't know.

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13 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

I really like the love Elder Richard G. Scott felt for his wife, Janene.  I also liked the Spirit I felt from his talks he used to give at General Conference when he was alive.  What a sweet man.

What about President Nelson's love for his wives?

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