1 Nephi 22:7-8


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Reference Search: 1 Nephi 22:7-8

7 And it meaneth that the time cometh that after all the house of Israel have been scattered and confounded, that the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the Gentiles, yea, even upon the face of this land; and by them shall our seed be scattered.

8 And after our seed is scattered the Lord God will proceed to do a marvelous work among the Gentiles, which shall be of great worth unto our seed; wherefore, it is likened unto their being nourished by the Gentiles and being carried in their arms and upon their shoulders.

Quotes for Discussion

It was from this American land, and from the great nation raised up to the Gentiles upon it, that the doctrine of the “voice of the people” has been proclaimed with such power… [and] felt in all the world.

Joseph Fielding Smith, Progress of Man, 463<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>



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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> The marvelous work spoken of is the restoration of the gospel, including the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

Bruce R. McConkie, New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 560<o:p></o:p>



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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> [speaking to the Indians] You had a rugged history with many tribulations, but you have a brilliant future. You are a chosen people; your destiny is in your own hands, your friends’, and the Lord’s. You were scattered in the great dispersion six centuries before Christ, and again on this continent in the pre and post-Christian eras, and your more complete dispersion came since Columbus, and the explorers and the colonists….Like the Israelites released from Egyptian bondage, you have been promised deliverance from your foes of superstition, fear, illiteracy, and from the curses of want and disease and suffering….Today you are arising from your long sleep and are stretching, yawning, and reaching….My Lamanite brothers and sisters, we love you. Our bringing the gospel to you is “likened unto their being nourished by the gentiles and being carried in their arms and upon their shoulders” (1 Nephi 22:8)….You have been preserved to this epochal day, and the gospel is available to you now. Wash your souls in the blood of the Lamb. Cleanse your lives, study the scriptures, accept the gospel and ordinances. These predictions can be fulfilled and come to you through one channel only, the path of righteousness and faith; else all these promises are but empty unfulfilled dreams. May God bless you that you may accept the truths now revealed to you.

Spencer w. Kimball, Conference Rep0ort, Oct. 1959, pp. 59, 61-62<o:p></o:p>

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