Provo Named Best 'College Town' For Jobs


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Despite the recession, Provo has the nation’s strongest growth for college town jobs, according to a Forbes report released on Tuesday.

Thanks to a plethora of small student-related businesses and campus construction, Provo experienced a 2.9 percent growth in jobs between March 2008 and March 2009.

Provo managed to outrank 67 other college towns that experienced growth, including towns surrounding Duke University, University of Virginia and Texas A&M.

To read the complete story go to: Provo Named Best 'College Town' For Jobs

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Oh yeah, there is absolutely no place for students to live in Provo. It's the dorms or nothing.

Or two to a bedroom same sex living. There ought to be a proclamation about that. :D

Shouldn't allow landlords to profiteer so heavily on student housing.

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