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I just turned on Cold Case and I think that Barry Boswick is playing a Mormon serial killer - crazy serial killer - but Mormon; and worse, not Mormon in the way that Mormon are Mormon. I think they are taking about and showing garments.

When you see Mormons on TV, they never get it right. You know when there is a show about doctors, they hired medical consultants so they get it right? They should hire Mormon consultants to make Mormons of TV like real Mormons instead of fundamentalist Evangelicals.

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Originally posted by Snow@May 1 2005, 09:27 PM

I just turned on Cold Case and I think that Barry Boswick is playing a Mormon serial killer - crazy serial killer - but Mormon; and worse, not Mormon in the way that Mormon are Mormon. I think they are taking about and showing garments.

When you see Mormons on TV, they never get it right.  You know when there is a show about doctors, they hired medical consultants so they get it right? They should hire Mormon consultants to make Mormons of TV like real Mormons instead of fundamentalist Evangelicals.

That would be a refreshing change, an actual Mormon who could tell them what being a Mormon is really like. That's why I love the Mormon movie makers, like the ones who did "home teacher" and stuff like that. LOL :lol:
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My wife is a fan of the show, and was pretty disappointed in the episode, both for the ignorant story line and the bad acting. They were way off on how "Mormons" act and believe. I saw it, and thought it was pretty lame. The guy playing the doorman gave one of the worst performances I've seen on television in a long time.

It was one of the goofiest portrayals of "Mormons" I've seen, though I think the title still goes to the old Charles Bronson film Messenger Of Death.

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I like Cold Case and would class it as oone of my favorite current TV shows.

I was APALLED at this episode and the misrepresentation and actually emailed them, not failing to mention the "garmies" scene.

That having been said, there are religious fanatics of all denominations, including no denomination at all, but if they were going to make the serial killer an LDS religious fanatic, it could have been done in a factually correct and inoffensive manner.

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Originally posted by Idacat@May 3 2005, 08:13 PM

I like Cold Case and would class it as oone of my favorite current TV shows.

I was APALLED at this episode and the misrepresentation and actually emailed them, not failing to mention the "garmies" scene.

That having been said, there are religious fanatics of all denominations, including no denomination at all, but if they were going to make the serial killer an LDS religious fanatic, it could have been done in a factually correct and inoffensive manner.

Who did you email? I'd like to do the same.
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Go here, to the CBS website.

At the bottom of the page there is a link for feedback. Click on it and you'll get a form with a drop down menu at the top to choose your topic; Cold Case is one of the topics.

I can't honestly imagine they are not innundated with similarly outraged (OK, strong term) Mormons, but the "garmies" scene and the aunt using that term just simply pushed me over the edge, plus they DID actually show the killer in what certainly looked to me like garments.

They also used the terms "Latter Day Saints", and "LDS" along with Mormon, so no one would be confused as to which religion spawned this fanatic serial killer.

Must be my year. I emailed about misuse and mispronounciations of very common medical terms in the show Medical Investigations also. I think that one has been cancelled.

You'd think it wouldn't be all that hard to find a Mormon to verify the facts presented in Cold Case, nor to point out that the garments thing would be highly offensive to LDS.

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I didn't see the episode, so I am curious as to what was offensive. Was it the fact that mormon underwear was displayed? Was mormon underwear displayed inaccurately? Was mormon underwear displayed inappropriately, in some manner? Maybe a woman was shown wearing her secret mormon underwear (bra) UNDER her garments?

Do tell.

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Emailing them probably won't do much good; I doubt accuracy was a big concern, judging from the storyline.

A serial killer is up for release and tells them he's going to kill more people, but they can't find a way to keep him in? :rolleyes: No doubt they wanted a religious fanatic, and someone thought "Mormon" would sound good, so they ran with it.

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Originally posted by Jenifer@May 4 2005, 01:06 AM

Was mormon underwear displayed inappropriately, in some manner?

ANY display of garments is inappropriate, and referring to them as "garmies" on network TV was inappropriate, not to mention silly, and something only a Mormon would "get", which means that to "get" it would be to find it offensive.

There were also numerous other "sound bytes" in which the church and its beliefs/theology were inaccurately portrayed, in a manner that could only perpetuate some of the more sensational misconceptions about the church.

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