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My wife and I are having the hardest time trying to get our 8-9month old sleep through the night.

We are feeding her some cereal (tried plain and with some fruit) just before she nurses at bed time. I am the morning person so I am pretty routine about getting me and her up about 630-700. We are having her room bright when she naps during the day to keep naps short (read it on some website). Its not quiet in our house during the day and we have a fan and a radio going at night for some white noise.

Any suggestions.

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with my kids 8-9 months was to early to sleep through the night. i don't even pretend to dream of that (no pun intended) till 1 yr. sometimes i've gotten lucky but that's all i see it as.

the best tip i got (the doc waited till after #3 to tell me, i was so mad lol) if the baby is nursing the baby can smell mom's milk up to 6 ft away. if the baby is in the room with you move it out, close the door. then it won't wake up slightly and smell mom, or if it would sleep through a normal nursing time mom's body won't wake it up. if it's already in another room, then you may just have to give the baby time.

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I don't have help, only horror stories about both kids not sleeping through the night until 2 or 3. And one kid that would wake from a dead sleep if we tried to put her down, or even sit down.

Well, I guess my help would be: They eventually got over all the problems, and now life is good. We all survived.

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Might be worth getting the No Cry Sleep Solution by ELizabeth Pantley it didn't get my now 2 year old to sleep through the night but did reduce him from waking every 2 hours to just once a night. He now comes through to our bed at about 4 am and dozes until he wakes for the day at 5am... it is just luck if they sleep through early I've had one dream baby as far as sleep is concerned (slept through from 3 weeks), another nightmare (up every 2 hours until he was 18 months), and another right down the middle at 12 weeks he wakes once a night


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Wait it out.... That's kinda what I guessed. I'm pretty ok with it but my wife is going insane. She can't wrap her mind around the fact that we may just have to wait it out. May need help dealing with my wife next. Thanks for your help.

have you tried cosleeping? if she is nursing means your wife doesn't need to wake up


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