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I'm considering updating the board to the newest version, which would allow more features and reduce risk from attack. At the same time, I would consider putting in an intergraded chat and blog system (online journal.) But if you don't think it will be used or help "wake up" the site, then I don't see the point. A board license is $70, the chat would be $70/year and the blog is $50. The site is only making enough to cover hosting and domain right now, so I would be buying this out of pocket. That’s why I would like some input before I proceed.



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Heather, is there not a way, within the workings of the board as it is, to set it up for blogging?

I am the administrator on a board that was dumped on me (that I would be willing to dump on someone else if they want a board of their own (it is virtually dead right now as I am not doing anything with it)), and the settings can be changed from forum to forum so that personal journals can be created within it. I realize that BB's have different features, but that is a free board and we still have that feature, so I was just wondering if this board could be set up the same way.

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Yes just like that Franken.

Jenda, I don't think it's possible with this board, because the blog is an add on right from invision. I could look around and see if it's free from another developer. The problem is finding a free board system that is secure and would allow the conversion from the system we have in place now.

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