Joseph Smith's teachings equate with modern cosmology


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Joseph Smith's teachings equate with modern cosmology

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By Aaron Shill

Mormon Times

Monday, Aug. 24, 2009

ARTICLE EXCERPT: When the Big Bang theory emerged around 1930, Joseph Smith's views of the universe didn't look good from a scientific perspective, according to a former NASA physicist.

But times, and the climate of cosmology, have changed.

Ron Hellings, a believing Latter-day Saint who earned a doctorate in physics and spent 25 years as a research scientist at NASA, is well-aware of the contradictions and uncertainty out there.

ARTICLE LINK: MormonTimes - Joseph Smith, modern cosmology and the age of profound confusion

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  • 4 years later...

Joseph Smith's teachings equate with modern cosmology


By Aaron Shill

Mormon Times

Monday, Aug. 24, 2009

ARTICLE EXCERPT: When the Big Bang theory emerged around 1930, Joseph Smith's views of the universe didn't look good from a scientific perspective, according to a former NASA physicist.

But times, and the climate of cosmology, have changed.

Ron Hellings, a believing Latter-day Saint who earned a doctorate in physics and spent 25 years as a research scientist at NASA, is well-aware of the contradictions and uncertainty out there.

ARTICLE LINK: MormonTimes - Joseph Smith, modern cosmology and the age of profound confusion

I thought to read the article before making any comments. When I followed the link, I did not find the article but rather I found pages of articles (4 or perhaps more pages) on all kinds of things. Some articles by general authorities. Somewhere among all the articles may be the one you are referencing - but it would help me if a better link was provided.

BTW the link seems to take me to the Deseret News and not Mormon Times.

Is anyone else have a problem linking to the article or am I the only one???

The Traveler

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Presently, scientists and astronomers have several working theories about the creation of the universe, and I find them fascinating to study. One aspect that seems consistent in all the theories is the idea that the universe is presently expanding. They calculate that based on the blue shifts in distant stars, indicating that the color of a star's light is being distorted by the insane speeds at which it is racing away from our location.

The thing I find cool about the idea of the expanding universe is that it falls right along with Abraham's vision of the stars, in which the Lord showed him the sun, moon, and stars. The verse says,

"12 And he said unto me: My son, my son (and his hand was stretched out), behold I will show you all these. And he put his hand upon mine eyes, and I saw those things which his hands had made, which were many; and they multiplied before mine eyes, and I could not see the end thereof."

Sounds to me like Abraham saw the universe expanding, which makes sense, coming from a creator who is constantly creating.

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My uncle has a theory that I find interesting and is along these same lines. It goes something like this:

Kolob is where the earth was when it was the Garden of Eden but when Adam and Eve transgressed and all things changed the earth was removed from Kolob and put in it's current place and state.

His theory is that when all is done after the Millenium, the earth will be changed to it's paradisical glory, becoming the celestial kingdom, and will again be in Kolob which is next to God (I'm not sure how that ending goes exactly).

Any thoughts on this?

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My uncle has a theory that I find interesting and is along these same lines. It goes something like this:

Kolob is where the earth was when it was the Garden of Eden but when Adam and Eve transgressed and all things changed the earth was removed from Kolob and put in it's current place and state.

His theory is that when all is done after the Millenium, the earth will be changed to it's paradisical glory, becoming the celestial kingdom, and will again be in Kolob which is next to God (I'm not sure how that ending goes exactly).

Any thoughts on this?

If that is the case then the Earth and all its matter changed from one type to another and there would be no physical evidence of it ever being of another type (as we don't have any understanding of "fine" matter). In other words, that completely takes it out of any big bang type theory or other studies of the universe available to us now. ...which is fine with me.

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My uncle has a theory that I find interesting and is along these same lines. It goes something like this:

Kolob is where the earth was when it was the Garden of Eden but when Adam and Eve transgressed and all things changed the earth was removed from Kolob and put in it's current place and state.

His theory is that when all is done after the Millenium, the earth will be changed to it's paradisical glory, becoming the celestial kingdom, and will again be in Kolob which is next to God (I'm not sure how that ending goes exactly).

Any thoughts on this?

Kolob is a star right? And it was described as being very large and old?

(which is impossible for a star since the largest ones burn out the fastest)

Maybe it wasn't a star maybe that's all someone in the 1800s could comprehend something like that, who knows?

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Kolob, as explained in Abraham chapter 3, is the star "nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it." The Lord describes Kolob as the "the greatest of all the Kokaubeam (stars) that thou hast seen, because it is nearest unto me."

The scriptures aren't clear on what is meant by "greatest," except to say that it is the nearest star to God's dwelling. And whether the term star was being used in the exact same definition as its use today isn't clear.

Abraham 3, with the whole discussion of the cosmos, is one of the most beautiful metaphors of Jesus Christ. Abraham got the most incredible object lesson imaginable. But the prophets have never suggested that the vision was ONLY a metaphor. Actually, there have been many things said implying that it is very literal. The scriptures are packed with true stories that illustrate grand principles and provide incredible types of the Savior.

Actually, the more science learns, the more it falls in line with what the prophets have been teaching for centuries. What once sounded to people like strange mythology (such as the idea of the sun rotating around something bigger, and that rotating around something bigger than that), is now known scientific fact.

Regarding the Eden/earth traveling through space question, we know very little. One quote that suggests this idea came from Brigham young, when he said,

"This earth is our home, it was framed expressly for the habitation of those who are faithful to God, and who prove themselves worthy to inherit the earth when the Lord shall have sanctified, purified and glorified it and brought it back into his presence, from which it fell far into space. . .

"When the earth was framed and brought into existence and man was placed upon it, it was near the throne of our Father in heaven. And when man fell. . . the earth fell into space, and took up its abode in this planetary system, and the sun became our light. . .

"When it is glorified it will return again unto the presence of the Father, and it will dwell there.”

- Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, (London: Latter-day Saints Book Depot, 1874), 17:144

Joseph Smith said, "This earth will be rolled back into the presence of God, and crowned with celestial glory."

(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, page 181)

Not sure what that means, but it's awesome.

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