Can you feel the spirit on Antidepressant medication?


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I'm well aware that what you were discussing was more than eating carrots and praying harder. It's called sarcasm darling. I thought that was quite obvious, but perhaps not.

I agree with ryan. Your post has one of only two intents. The first intent is to glamorize the medical advice of a scam artist. The second is to display a condescending and holier-than-thou attitude towards people who recognize that they need medication and counseling to live a healthy, safe life.

I see through your nonsense. Hopefully others do as well.

ok Satan.

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There are cases when some people might benefit from getting off of anti-depressants. However, that doesn't mean all can. I think that some people with real chemical imbalances can be healed of those, through faith. However, that's between a person and God and if they ever try to go off their medications, they need to be monitored by a doctor and loved ones.

That being said, I went to the website offered (the one by Ms. Tracy) and the first thing I saw was what appears to be some sort of ad from Michael Moore. Apparantely, Columbine may have been a result of bad perscriptions according to him (not the satanic/suicidal music they loved to listen to, nor their lifestyle or- heck- even their own choices!). Anyone willing to put an endorsement/whatever from Michael Moore on their site, I'm willing to discount it as nothing more than a scam.

Can you tell I don't like the guy?

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I apologize.

It's sad that others are so quick to attack my views, yet, I didn't attack their views at all, only presented a differing opinion.

Anyways, I got the input I was looking for regarding the effects of antidepressants on feelings the spirit, and the way the discussion is going now there's not much point in continuing... so I'm on to other topics...

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It is difficult to approach depression from the objective position when you have suffered it's results. The logic of treatment is lost in emotion of self defeating behavior. My experience has been medication allows for the cognitive approach to work. It is difficult to reason when you are overwhelemed with emotion. I have found the medication allowed me to blunt the emotions and develop appropriate defense mechanisms to dealing with depression. Having been diagnosis of both depression and Post Traumatic Stress I am learning that I will never be "fixed" but I can learn to cope.

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Sorry, there won't be any doc recommending by me :)

My friend got off of the drugs completely and through faith, education and natural remedies was able to get rid of the depression and is now living a more healthy joyful life (without the inherent side-effects of all antidepressants).

I'm glad your friend is doing better. What works, works. But, for some, the antidepressants are a blessing. And there are some that have few, if any, side effects. They're not "inherent." Everyone responds differently to meds.

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There are a variety of herbs and natural supplements that can help with all kinds of problems. One of the most important things for many people involves a big lifestyle change... getting plenty of sunlight each day, drinking lots of water, exercise / physical activity, a diet of mostly fruits and vegetables. For some people they have to give up dairy, white sugar, sometimes even wheat and meat!

I've seen awesome things happen with people who were committed enough to make these changes and as a result got over depression, cured cancer, healed their liver, kidney's, gall bladder, got rid of asthma, allergies, all kinds of things.

And of course, along with the lifestyle changes, faith in God and the power of the Priesthood.

You're right- lifestyle changes do HELP people recover from depression and other illnesses. However, they won't always effect a complete remission of symptoms. Neither will medication, in some cases. However, in other cases, medication will remit the symptoms. When I work with a client, I use a holisitic approach. I encourage people to get outside in the sunshine, even if all they can manage is to walk to the mailbox and back or to sit on the porch. I also discuss sleep hygiene and diet. I am not a dietician but I encourage a reduction in caffeine, sugars, and increase in healthy foods. Mostly now, I work with crisis clients, so it's simple and basic coping skills and safety management.

From personal experience, an antidepressant probably saved my life. It balances the neurotransmitters in the brain that I cannot control. Combined with the lifestyle I live (good self-care), the CBT I had to learn to recognize depressive thought patterns and address them, and the medications- depression is not a problem in my life currently. However, no matter how well I care for myself, no matter how good I am at recognizing the thought distortions, no matter how good my life is- if I go off my maintence dose of antidepressants, I start having symptoms again. Mostly the physical issues, a sense of sadness, and having to "push" myself to do things I normally enjoy. It's very draining. And I can't control it. Because my brain does not manufacture enough serotonin and/or norepinepherine.

It's very similiar to someone who has high blood pressure. Diet and excercise might lower the BP in some patients. BUt, in others, diet and excercise doesn't. Same with chlorestrol. Or heart issues. Or diabetes.

I'm happy your friend's depression cleared. There are different types of depression.

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Can you feel the spirit on Antidepressant medication?

A friend of mine said when she was on antidepressants it put her in "zombie mode" and that it made it so she never felt sad but also never felt happy, and she didn't feel the spirit while she was on them.

I am hoping to hear from others who are on antidepressants, or have been on them, (which medication are you on specifically) and if you can feel the spirit while on them?

Why wouldn't a person who takes antidepressants be able to feel the Spirit? God is able to accomplish his purposes regardless of our afflictions.

I have bipolar disorder and take mood stabilizers and antidepressants, and I can feel the Spirit. It's true that some people feel their feelings are dulled, but as I said, God can reach you. Maybe sometimes people confuse manic episodes with the Spirit, because it feels good (and conversely, may see depression as coming from the devil). For my part, I'm glad to avoid the extreme mood swings and keep more level-headed. Clarity of thought and stability of affect can be seen, IMO, as gifts of the Spirit... (Galations 5:22-23).



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Why wouldn't a person who takes antidepressants be able to feel the Spirit? God is able to accomplish his purposes regardless of our afflictions.

How about we let Elder Boyd K. Packer answer that one for you, since I feel he explained it very well...

"Our physical body is the instrument of our spirit. In that marvelous revelation, the Word of Wisdom, we are told how to keep our bodies free from impurities which might dull, even destroy, those delicate physical senses which have to do with spiritual communication.

"The Word of Wisdom is a key to individual revelation. It was given as “a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints.” (D&C 89:3.)

"The promise is that those who obey will receive “great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures.” (D&C 89:19.) If we abuse our body with habit-forming substances, or misuse prescription drugs, we draw curtains which close off the light of spiritual communication."

(Boyd K. Packer, “Revelation in a Changing World,” Ensign, Nov 1989, 14)

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The situation seems to boil down to whether the antidepressants are effectively treating a real chemical imbalance in the body. If there's a chemical imbalance that the drugs fix, that's wonderful. If there's not that imbalance, the drugs further complicate the matter.

I take paroxetene (generic form of Paxil, and antidepressant) and I can feel the spirit very strongly when on it. My whole family has clinical depression, and for me paroxetene corrects the problem the best.

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How about we let Elder Boyd K. Packer answer that one for you, since I feel he explained it very well...

"Our physical body is the instrument of our spirit. In that marvelous revelation, the Word of Wisdom, we are told how to keep our bodies free from impurities which might dull, even destroy, those delicate physical senses which have to do with spiritual communication.

"The Word of Wisdom is a key to individual revelation. It was given as “a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints.” (D&C 89:3.)

"The promise is that those who obey will receive “great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures.” (D&C 89:19.) If we abuse our body with habit-forming substances, or misuse prescription drugs, we draw curtains which close off the light of spiritual communication."

(Boyd K. Packer, “Revelation in a Changing World,” Ensign, Nov 1989, 14)

Who said anybody is misusing prescription drugs? I would suggest that you not misuse the words of the prophets, my friend.


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