Gaming Addiction Support Group


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I agree Mahone. This is spot on. I still think the biggest problems people have with games are lifestyle choices and not the games themselves. If someone lacks self control and plays constantly, it is not the fault of the video game.

The harm that comes from a sedentary lifestyle can be devastating. Again, this is not the problem of the video game, nor is it specific to video games. Watching TV, reading, or knitting for that matter can have the same effect.

I stand by my position that video games are not the problem, nor do I believe they can actually be "addictive".

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  • 1 month later...

I heard someone mention Runescape. I started playing Jagex's multiplayer chess back in late 2000 and when Runescape Beta came out in January 2001 I was hooked. I befriended a few pre-beta-testers who helped create different quests and test new parts of the game before they came out. Rab created Melzar's Maze (dragon slayer quest), Romeo & Juliette Quest, Doric's Quest (lol), and a bunch more. Lightning and Merlin mostly tested stuff and found bugs though Light gave alot of suggestions which are still inplace in the game today. Merlin pretty much moulded the whole PK'ing culture having started the most popular high level clan in pre-wilderness RS. Eventually I made money off Runescape selling old accounts and gold I had from the game. I moved onto bruteforce cracking and account merchanting. By the time I was 16 I moved out of my parents house making almost as much money as them off Runescape, and some other computer related money-making methods. I am one of the most well known cheaters on the most popular Runescape cheating site, aswell as many others.

I learnt alot from my addiction but I don't spend near as much time on the computer anymore.

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  • 1 month later...

I would say most of the people who do not think video games, especially the online MMORPG variants, to be dangerous to your spiritual well being, either have not experienced or watched it hurt someone else, or are in denial.

We are commanded, for example, to abstain from addictive and damaging substances such as coffee and alcohol. Scientific study has shown that actually drinking small amounts of each, every day can actually help the body. So why are we commanded to abstain? One large reason is that both can create addictive habits, and addiction is slavery.

The same is to be applied to video games. Yes, of course, if we control our selves, and play within limits, we will not be overly damaged as a result. The same is also true of coffee and alcohol. But the fact remains that the majority of MMORPG players spend 6 or more hours a day, often as much as 16 hours a day playing these games.

We are told that it is not well that we should be commanded in all things. We have also been instructed to choose better and best activities over good ones, so even if gaming is not an addictive habit for you personally, there is very little, if anything, to be found in almost any game on the market these days, that could be considered spiritually uplifting.

I know firsthand the damage that MMORPGs especially can do to someone. Fortunately I opened my eyes before the damage was irreparable, but I have lost jobs, neglected family, and had countless fights with my wife as a result of playing MMORPGs. I can garauntee you that there will be no MMORPGs or video games in the celestial kingdom, or in the spirit world for that matter. Now is a time to prepare and to learn. You will have to give up video games at some point, and trust me when I say, it will be so much easier to do so in this life when you are physically able, than it will be in the spirit world when you are not.

Do not kid yourselves. Video Games are not a creation of Godliness, and any good thing that comes out of Video Games are overshadowed a hundred times over by the bad.

It is another tool of Satan in this world to lead away souls to captivity. God does not find delight and entertainment in war. God does not find delight and entertainment in the conquering of rival kingdoms. God does not find delight and entertainment in the idea of slaying animals, monsters or 'bad guys' in a fantasy world.

But even if these are only the backdrops of our desire to create, progress and build, there are other destructive forces at work. The social communities of MMORPGs are akin to a chapter from the Lord of the Flies. They are anarchistic, contentious and filled with vulgarity, swearing, mockery, and almost impossible to maintain the Spirit with for more than a few moments at a time.

Elder Bednar recently wrote about this in a recent Ensign article. He told us that it is Satan's desire that we live in virtual, fantasy worlds, so that we deny the glory that is our physical body. He says that in doing so, it is as if we remained in the spirit world, because we act in a way that denies the sanctity of physical interaction, that being one of the great purposes of us receiving a body.

No, video games are not alone in their power to create compulsive behavior. But our leaders have also warned us about what we watch and how much time we spend watching television. And if compulsive knitting were an epidemic problem in our society you can be assured they would be speaking out against that as well. In the most recent general conference, I heard at least 3 talks alluding to a direct commandment to be wary of video games, not to mention other recently published material such as Elder Bednar's talk. Be honest with yourselves, and put personal pride aside if it is preventing you from feeling the Spirit on this. If you doubt the validity of what I have written, approach Heavenly Father in prayer, and ask, sincerely, if this is true. Certainly if you are spending inordinate amounts of time on video games, I feel confident that I know what the answer will be.

"Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble".

If it is a Celestial eternity you seek, you will never find it in a video game. Leave it behind now, of your own accord, and be blessed, or be compelled to do so, and suffer for a greater time as a result.

Edited by Gicker
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm not saying all gaming is bad, but I will say that I personally hate it. My first husband played some repulsive games that really shocked me. Of course...I'm easily shocked :). But in talking to my girlfriends I've noticed there is one similarity we all seem to share. If I say "video games" they all role their eyes! Come to find out, most of my married women friends loathe the fact that their husbands play. Interesting, yes? Several have even told me it's their main or only conflict in their marriage. Wow. (Not a problem; I told my husband how much I can't stand games before I married him and he agreed not to do it- except when he's at his brother's house, and even then if there is something in the game that would be offensive or directly conflict with the gospel (ie- immodesty, engaging in illegal activites, etc) he doesn't play it.) It's interesting how many wives get SO upset by this. I thought I was one of the few who could instantly turn into a mean grumpy monster just by turning one of those things on!

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  • 4 months later...

I would say most of the people who do not think video games, especially the online MMORPG variants, to be dangerous to your spiritual well being, either have not experienced or watched it hurt someone else, or are in denial.

We are commanded, for example, to abstain from addictive and damaging substances such as coffee and alcohol. Scientific study has shown that actually drinking small amounts of each, every day can actually help the body. So why are we commanded to abstain? One large reason is that both can create addictive habits, and addiction is slavery.

The same is to be applied to video games. Yes, of course, if we control our selves, and play within limits, we will not be overly damaged as a result. The same is also true of coffee and alcohol. But the fact remains that the majority of MMORPG players spend 6 or more hours a day, often as much as 16 hours a day playing these games.

We are told that it is not well that we should be commanded in all things. We have also been instructed to choose better and best activities over good ones, so even if gaming is not an addictive habit for you personally, there is very little, if anything, to be found in almost any game on the market these days, that could be considered spiritually uplifting.

I know firsthand the damage that MMORPGs especially can do to someone. Fortunately I opened my eyes before the damage was irreparable, but I have lost jobs, neglected family, and had countless fights with my wife as a result of playing MMORPGs. I can garauntee you that there will be no MMORPGs or video games in the celestial kingdom, or in the spirit world for that matter. Now is a time to prepare and to learn. You will have to give up video games at some point, and trust me when I say, it will be so much easier to do so in this life when you are physically able, than it will be in the spirit world when you are not.

Do not kid yourselves. Video Games are not a creation of Godliness, and any good thing that comes out of Video Games are overshadowed a hundred times over by the bad.

It is another tool of Satan in this world to lead away souls to captivity. God does not find delight and entertainment in war. God does not find delight and entertainment in the conquering of rival kingdoms. God does not find delight and entertainment in the idea of slaying animals, monsters or 'bad guys' in a fantasy world.

But even if these are only the backdrops of our desire to create, progress and build, there are other destructive forces at work. The social communities of MMORPGs are akin to a chapter from the Lord of the Flies. They are anarchistic, contentious and filled with vulgarity, swearing, mockery, and almost impossible to maintain the Spirit with for more than a few moments at a time.

Elder Bednar recently wrote about this in a recent Ensign article. He told us that it is Satan's desire that we live in virtual, fantasy worlds, so that we deny the glory that is our physical body. He says that in doing so, it is as if we remained in the spirit world, because we act in a way that denies the sanctity of physical interaction, that being one of the great purposes of us receiving a body.

No, video games are not alone in their power to create compulsive behavior. But our leaders have also warned us about what we watch and how much time we spend watching television. And if compulsive knitting were an epidemic problem in our society you can be assured they would be speaking out against that as well. In the most recent general conference, I heard at least 3 talks alluding to a direct commandment to be wary of video games, not to mention other recently published material such as Elder Bednar's talk. Be honest with yourselves, and put personal pride aside if it is preventing you from feeling the Spirit on this. If you doubt the validity of what I have written, approach Heavenly Father in prayer, and ask, sincerely, if this is true. Certainly if you are spending inordinate amounts of time on video games, I feel confident that I know what the answer will be.

"Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble".

If it is a Celestial eternity you seek, you will never find it in a video game. Leave it behind now, of your own accord, and be blessed, or be compelled to do so, and suffer for a greater time as a result.

i joined just to post in this thread(late night rampant insomina aside)

as someone that has been down in the gutter far more than 1 occassion. gaming does appear harmless on its know compared to other things i was dealing with....drugs,porn,Satan,not even going to church, generally wanting to end my life etc. overcoming those things certainly was far greater a priority than dealing with movies and games.

in fact i dont really intend to actually not game ever. Ive spent tons of money on it really tons and have a ridiculous collection the hallmark of an addict is certainly i havent even played half of the games i own in their entirety(spelling?)

that said you are right. i have come to reality over the past couple of months that i do need to not let games control me. admittely compared to other problems ive dealt with this is tame in comparison.

but i do intend to not let it control me. turn on the xbox play it when i want but turn it off when it needs to be turned off. also perhaps get through the never ending back log of games ive acquired. admittly im in general a bit anti social so this does sort of help. but its clearly an addiction and it seems more and more lately i feel impressed to bring it under control. especially that bit in the temple talking about behaviours and appetites being within the Lords bounds always brings my mind to bringing my gaming hobby under control.(i know that part is probably in the scriptures somewhere but i dont know where it is just know its said in the temple hope mentioning that doesnt violate some temple covenant but seems brief and summarized not even quoted fully so i hope it doesnt)

of course part of my problem is i LOVE computers. i have studied a lot about them. even built 2 of my own. learned a bit about programming and generally know my way around a computer so i do have a natural love for the electronics and gaming is a general natural extension of that. heck i did want to even make my own games....but looks like im going to head into psychology instead but doesnt change a natural love i have for electronics in general. so im fully aware i could never break this natural enjoyment nor should i have to because its not just needs to be brought into control and not control me. its not like other drugs that are just blantantly bad.

and i would say avoid the rated R stuff but for me personally. my mind has already been rotted far too much. the famous internet slogan "what has seen cannot be unseen" applies here. while it is a strange a first post might say i know the pains of a damned soul.....quite frankly the most horrid of horrible things that have ever occured on this planet are tame and G rated in comparison to the pains of a damned soul. something ill never forget nor do i think i was meant to forget. so in all reality virtually everything is G rated in my eyes. and ive seen some downright disgusting stuff and i would add there are certainlly some R rated moments in the scriptures thats for sure....wars in the book of mormon book of revelation etc. and life just isnt rated PG its rated R for reality. heck the news sure isnt PG either.

that said this is on my goals to do list starting tonight or today whatever. end the OCD like compulsion of gaming. not stop gaming as it is an enjoyable hobby that isnt destructive(helps brain surgeons actually) but rather bring it under control and not let it rule over me.

just wanted to say your post was relatively spot on and i appreciate it. but also just wanted to clear up gaming itsself isnt bad....its when its addictive its bad. you can always avoid the online community or play online with mute on. always avoid the most sickening games out there(manhunt2 for example and the newest duke nukem) and of course learning to seperate reality from fiction just because you play mortal kombat doesnt mean your going to kill anyone if you can seperate the two fiction from reality.

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I think gaming can be a really good thing, it can provide a fun escape. Some people seem to think it's less than other media, but I disagree. I really love gaming, but I agree that it can be a harmful addiction. I never play the MMO's because they take up too much time. I got really addicted to games for about 3 years, and I haven't been the same athletically, mentally, or spiritually sense. I just wasted so much time that I didn't have time to develop my other talents. Now I've got it trimmed down to 1-2 hours a day with the occasional splurge if I've got nothing else to do. The secret is matching that time with other productive things. Example: Play 2 hours of games, Practice basketball for 2 hours, or read for 2 hours, or help someone, etc. It can be a problem, and I admit that I probably couldn't quite entirely even if I wanted to, but I think it is a good thing if you keep it under control. After all, you don't get anything back from that time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pspence2

Here is a great solution to gaming addiction recovery. Get a life. Realize that there are plenty of people without water, food or shelter much less electricity and here you are sucking up electricity for those who need it. get out, play a sport or just go run or bike, then you will get skinny and attractive and lots of people will want to be with you in the biblical sense.

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  • 2 months later...

From the writer of Ecclesiastes comes some sound advice for all of us with regards to how we spend our time: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3)

Games are becoming a popular medium for artists to express their ideas where players interact with formulated surroundings in fun and new ways. While games can temporarily relieve stress and often provide unique learning opportunities for you and your growing imagination, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Imagine if it were summer all year long. Too much sun just isn't healthy. Or if it were ever winter. Rivers would freeze. Ecosystems along with crops would fail. You simply have to set limits for yourself. Time is too valuable a commodity to waste. I love games. Games can literally alter the way we see and experience the world around us and give us insight as to who we really are, but you must have limits. If you don't have limits you will find that you have fallen into the trap of losing track of time. When that happens you lose yourself.

Edited by Schmendrick
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  • 3 months later...

A few years back I started playing a real time on-line game called Evony. It got so bad I was playing 6-8 hours a day, all day Saturday, Sunday mornings before church and after church. It was a very addictive game...if you didn't play you lost things, you went backwards. I finally realized after 8 months like this I was wasting my life and my families life and I erased my me I went through withdrawals. There are a lot of these types of games out play and build and get to a point where you hate to quit because of all the time you invested in getting to certain milestones within the games. My 11 year old has been playing Disneys Toontowne online for a few years now...we pay $10 a month..he enjoys it but has maxed out his characters levels...he cannot get any better. I told him he could play a different game. He knows if we stop paying every month his character goes away and all the work he put into it goes with it. Don't let anyone fool you....internet games are addicting and are designed that way.

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