resources/links for your marriage


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Having a thriving, happy, eternal marriage in today’s world seems to be more and more difficult. As a student of gospel doctrines and as a Marriage and Family Therapist I find it my passion and joy to work with couples and guide them on a path to increased success and happiness in marriage.


During my time working with clients and teaching the gospel I developed a questionnaire to help individuals and couples explore their individual readiness and marriages. I would value your insight and feedback on the questionnaire. You can remain anonymous if you would like. Or feel free to post your ideas here to this thread.


Please rate and comment on the questionnaire here.


What are your thoughts on the questionnaire?

Where the question relevant? Helpful? Thought provoking? Dumb?

Would love to know what you believe makes your marriage or future marriage joyous, exciting and profoundly enduring and loving.


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  • 9 months later...

I have a blog on marriage and intimacy from a LDS perspective at


The intended audience is married LDS adults.  While topics related to sexual intimacy are discussed in places, it is done so in what I hope everybody will find is a reverent and respectful way.

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  • 2 years later...

One blog that I have found very useful is The writer, Sam Zarazoga, does a good job at presenting good gospel references to answer questions related to married romance, and specifically, though not exclusively, married sexuality. As such, the blog is not for everyone, but first and foremost for married adults. Brother Zarazoga is also good at answering questions posted to him. At the same time, I have always considered to handle acred issues in a respectful and reverent manner, without being so vague as to not actually teach anything. 

If you find, as I do, that the blog is helpful to you, I would ask you to consider donating to his gofundme, Brother Zarazoga has some education as a sex counselor, but is seeking a masters degree to be able to be of more help. The gofundme is for that particular cause.

I have no attachment to Brother Zarazoga other then being a long time reader of his blog. Its a hard thing to share about a blog like his on facebook or similar pages, but a little bit easier on an anonymous board such as this.

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  • 2 months later...

MARRIAGE MATTERS - is a program in the region of southern California, I know it at least includes the Orange Stake and Huntington Beach Stake. Speakers are arranged for to speak to the group ever so often, perhaps every other month. A few text messages and likes to talks by General Authorities are sent out during weekly. 

Recently the speaker was Merrilee Boyack, a family and estate lawyer. One of the many great things she talked about was having a regular weekly date night for the parents (without the kids). Evidently she has many sisters, those who hold regular date nights have remained married to the first husband, those that did not have been divorced 3 or 4 times. 

She went on to talk about how they need not be expensive, but they are a part of the ongoing building of a loving relationship. She gave many examples. It can a walk on the beach, maybe grabbing a hot dog out, taking a long drive, maybe even necking the car, or course it might include movies, plays, concerts and more. The important thing is to continue the relationship we started before marriage. How we should not stop trying to show our affection, not stop showing we care, but show that you still love them and how special they are. She pointed out that God requires most of us to give 3 hours a week on Sunday for Him, that we should also give 3 hours to the love of our lifes, who want to be our eternal mate. 


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  • 6 months later...

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