So much has happened


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So many good things have happened. Sorry that I have not updated anyone. I moved and when I did a friend of mine come to me and asked me to help them get groceries for him and his child. He was having a tough month. So I spent my cable money on helping him so was without phone, internet and cable for a month. Well worth it. Anyway it is now hooked up so I can give you the update.

First my husbands court date came up and it got post poned to the 1st of October. I talked to the crown prosecuter and he agree to request an extension on the No Contact order. He will ask for the longest extension period.

Also Court for the kids came. Here is the low down. I am no longer on supervised visits. My husband is though. Also starting Thanksgiving weekend I get the kids every 3rd weekend. Then I get them for Christmas holidays. THe full 2 weeks. Then I get them every other weekend after that. THen I get them for Easter week and then the boys stay with me completely after that. When the school year ends then my daughter will be permiantly back home as well. I jumped for joy.

So all is going fantastic. I see the kids every week. This past Saturday I took them to DQ and to two parks. This coming Friday I am hoping to take them to McDonalds and then swimming. I love just being able to pick them up and go.

I just wanted to share this wonderful update with you all and let you all know why I have not been online. Chat soon

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  • 2 months later...

I posted a response to your other thread with an idea to help get your husband off your back. After reading this thread, I am glad to hear things are looking up for you. If you need any additional, more personal support, I wouldn't mind in the least if you wanted to personal message me. I am currently going through a similar situation (though I don't have to deal with my husband so much since he is far away and unable to come after me since he's on probation and can't leave his state). I understand the emotional trauma accompanied with all the temperal stresses of trying to get by and look to the future.

Here to offer a helping hand and listening ear.

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