Signs of the Times


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I may need to go back and re read the scriptures pertaining to Sodom and Gomorrah but im pretty sure that god was having trouble finding even one righteous man. i believe we have alot more than one righteous preson in the world. i do believe we are in the last days but i dont think we're as wicked as in those days.

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I am an 18 year old boy, and i have often heard of the signs of the times. I think they are becoming more and more relevant in our day and age. I have thought about the days of Sodom and Gamora. These cities were described as vile, evil places. Where the commandments of God were not obeyed or upheld. Men and women both committed acts that were abominations in the eyes of God. I look around and i see that Sodom and Gamora are not only cities on this planet currently, but they engulf the majority of it. I see men cheating on their wives, wives cheating on their husbands. Sex has become an act that is committed among teenagers and in some cases younger and committed by older people as well. Man has corrupted the true purpose of sex, which is meant to bring man and woman closer, when the right covenants have been made. Alcohol and drugs both illegal and prescription drug problems have become wide spread and plague the spirits and bodies of our brothers and sisters. Addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex and pornography have destroyed countless lives and brought down many families. I see the once great nation, a chosen land for God's children, which is being brought to its knees by those who we entrusted to uphold our values and lead this country forward with the same great values our founding fathers had. I remember hearing a quote that in the Last Days the constitution will hang by a thread. Now more then ever we can all see that to be true, as we are lead down a path that we did not sign up to go down. I feel that the days ahead are going to be tough for us all, domestic and abroad. I think it is time for all of us young and old to prepare for the rough times ahead. Just recently my whole family, aunts uncles and others have all felt that the time has come to prepare their food storage and gather the supplies that have been deemed necessary by our church. In these dark times we all need to cling to this gospel and feed our spirits so we will be able to endure what lies ahead. I am nowhere near perfect, i have many flaws and am only a teenager but i can feel and see what lies ahead. In my opinion which i truly feel is somewhat right, we are not only approaching the last days but we are immersed in them. I would just like to know your opinion of what Signs of the Times you have personally seen and how you feel about what i have spoken on.

I realize that I am a little late getting in on this discussion, but I only joined up yesterday.

My serious answer to this would be that our modern day prophets indicate that the time is getting very near. And that is the evidence I would put the most confidence in.

Beyond that, I think much of it is relative. There is much wickedness, but when hasn't there been. There are a lot of disasters, and they seem to be increasing, but people could argue that it is no more than mankinds increased ability to detect and record them.

What does seem measureable is the decline in Christian memeberships. The percentage of Christian followers has decreased and certainly that is a measure of the increased wickedness.

I would also include the declining morality that we see exhibited. How much of what we see on tv would have been allowed twenty years ago. And certainly the people in the 50's would have been shocked at what is permitted today.

I have done some research on the topic for a story I am writing and many of the early LDS leaders discuss the corrosion of the Constitution as one of the signs. I think several of the posts in this thread indicate some evidence of this coming about. I believe that the current administrations attempts to halt gun sales and their war on Foxnews are both anti-constitutional.

Then, as has also been mentioned, there are some positive signs; like the reforming of the Nation of Israel and the teaching of the Gospel to the Lamanite people, and the restoration of the Church.

I think one of the real important signs that it is almost upon us will be when the order is given to rebuild the temple in Israel.

I love this topic. It is one I enjoy discussing with my friends. Hopefully there will be more to be discussed in this thread.


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You gonna respond deadpan? Okay's not the best writing--very popular and simple in style. On the other hand, it would give you an easy overview of literalist premillenialism. :cool:

I love the Left Behind series. The first book is not the best, but the second book on is edge-of-your-seat brilliance.

It is simplistic, but I enjoy the author's take on what the End Days will be like. I enjoy the little things he put in, like naming the Antichrist Nicolae(From the Nicolaitans in Revelations) and his use of prophecy from Daniel onward to discuss what the world will be like. It's enjoyable, fun and has brought many people to be baptized. That series has changed lives, so I'm glad it exists.

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Punk rocker im not saying we dont have good people, because we do. But if you look at it that less then .5% of the world knows the truth that God still talks to man and modern day revelation, and that Gods church is on the earth again. I think the world is far past the evils of Sodom and Gamora. Sodom and Gamora were contained cities. The whole world has pretty much become that now. There are good people yes. But we are far, far out numbered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure I buy the idea that more disasters are occuring - it's very likely (and even probable) that we're just doing a better job at recognizing them disseminating information (no consolidated record of natural disasters); perhaps it just seems like more because we hear about them 24/7. Kind of like hypervigilance of flu symptoms because of H1N1.

On the other hand, I'm unsure where it says that there will be an increase (vs prior times) in the calamities of our times, only that there would be many. Does it actually matter that there are more or just that they occur? Probably same difference.


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I talk to my youth leaders about these matters. They believe we are close, but they always stress that the end of times will not come until all the stakes of Zion have been established.

And we mustn't be afraid. If we heed to the teachings of the prophets, and are strong in faith, and keep a sufficient storage, we will persevere.

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Punk rocker im not saying we dont have good people, because we do. But if you look at it that less then .5% of the world knows the truth that God still talks to man and modern day revelation, and that Gods church is on the earth again. I think the world is far past the evils of Sodom and Gamora. Sodom and Gamora were contained cities. The whole world has pretty much become that now. There are good people yes. But we are far, far out numbered.

I hope no one is upset that I have taken this post to use as an example of viewing things without a very good understanding. In the sentence “I think the world is far past the evils of Sodom and Gomorra.” Let us examine this together.

Most think they understand the evil this is given symbolism in the term “Sodom”. If fact the term Sodom (or Sodomy) has a legal definition that we all should understand. However, very few know and understand the sin of Gomorrah. Some scholars have suggested that the sin of Gomorrah is associated with the sale or traffic for profit of sex. I believe it goes beyond that to the sale or traffic for profit of human life to which I believe the student will find parallel of Cain’s covenant to become “Master Mahan” – trading the life of his brother Able for the wealth of Able; or from the Book of Mormon the covenant of Kishkumen.

The final point I think needs to be understood is the relationship between the two symbolic cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is the bringing together of these vises of evil under one umbrella which is given the symbolic reference in scripture of evil that has become “fully ripe”. The great sign of this evil is that in order to do business one will have to have a symbolic tie in with this evil gone fully ripe or that one cannot do business or buy or sell without support and giving part of one’s profits (taxes) to governments using human life for profit.

The Traveler

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