Why do we fail to live the Gospel?


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Any of us who live to an age of accountability have done so for a reason. With God there is no coincidence or happenstance and we need our earth life and specific circumstances of birth, family, religion, etc., to gain specific knowledge and experiences to overcome weaknesses that --as far as I understand prophetic and scriptural teachings-- we have always had.

I don't mean to suggest that certain people have always had a weakness for pornography for example, but perhaps some general propensity that leads to a specific worldly sin. In other words, we weren't even perfect before we came to earth but we wanted to be.

Therefore, God creates a plan and a way for us to achieve perfection. We come to the earth and through our sins and failings; learn humility and obedience (ideally of course). If we learn the lessons we need the atonement takes over and pays the price of our sins and we gain the highest reward God can give us—eternal life with Him in His presence and the gift of eternal marriage and eternal increase. If we don't, God has a backup plan. This is where I see that the multiple degrees of glory (and the degrees within degrees) are evidence of a wholly compassionate and loving God. Absolutely no one is left without the opportunity for some level of glory, even if they rebel against their Creator and His laws till death.

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Because it is easier to talk about the gospel than living it, I often see people giving some very "touching" talks in church and they don't do it, I remember this brither that even cried because he loves going to the temple , he said it in a conference and everyone was like "oh yeah.. he is right" turns out that the brother didnt go to the temple this trip... anyways, I think it's easier to talk and listen than do the actual work.. It's easier to stay at home resting than going and visit people that needs us, it is easier to stay in our comoftable every-day life than trying to see what God wants us to do.

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PC, that's the billion dollar question.

Technically, I'm sure there are many answers. People have different reasons for making bad choices. But, I'll never forget a personal interview I had with an awesome individual. He asked me why people doin't do their Home Teaching. I think that question could be broad, anmd encompass everything you mentioned, PC.

His answer, as always, hit the nail on the head. He said, "Because they're not fully converted to the Lord."

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Perhaps if I fine tune the question...why do we fail so very often. Sometimes our churches/wards don't look much different than general society. Okay, we're not perfect. But whether you brag to have salvation, the restored gospel, or even the Holy Ghost--surely we have something that should make us better performers? No?

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I think what Justice said is the truth. Conversion is an ongoing process and until we are fully converted (if that is possible in this life) then we will make mistakes -- mistakes that make us appear un-Christlike. I'm not sure I'm getting my point across very well.

Yes, we should be better performers and that is the conversion process in my way of thinking.:confused:

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Isaiah tells that we “grow” in understanding line upon line upon line and precept upon precept upon precept. In the New Testament we are taught about the “milk” and “meat” of the gospel.

I believe the correct understanding is not that we join the correct “religion” but that we become engaged in walking the correct path which involves establishing covenants by ordinances and the renewal of covenants by ordinances. The metaphor in restored teaching is holding to the “iron rod” which is the word of G-d through scriptures and also through his living prophets.

We fail whenever we attempt to engage life with our skills, knowledge and abilities rather than through prayer and fasting and seeking divine guidance. Sometimes our failures are more visible than at other times. When we are smart, well studied and financially independent or praised by others it is very easy to hide our failures and human short comings and become caught up in our abilities.

In general I believe the greatest failure is to see shortcomings in other more keenly than within ourselves.

One thing I appreciate in the restored teachings is that of service (individual church callings) as part of our commitment to the L-rd and our journey in life. Because callings change often I personally find myself struggling with various difficulties either because of my lack of skills or the lack of skills of those I am called to serve with. It would appear that to struggle is a blessing to keep us engaged and seeking divine assistance.

The Traveler

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Well, I think folks can be fully converted to the Lord and let things like fear and discouragement influence them. Most people do know what Heavenly Father expects them to do, but lack the courage to act. They really doubt their ability to live the gospel. They know the gospel is true, but don't believe they can be true to the gospel.

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We fail because Satan tempts us and we choose to give in. That is why we fail. We have two forces working on us all the time; the spirit of God and satan. Gaining a testimony of Christ and even commiting to live his word does not stop these inherent conditions of earth life. In fact, conversion might just intensify the influences of Satan. What is a better victory for him? To take down an unbeliever or one of the most trusted of God?

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I can only speak for myself -- but when I joined the LDS church and truly repented of my sins -- the sins I thought were fun or easier to do became less and less attractive. True repentence brings a change of heart.

So.....are they really converted if they haven't had a change of heart?

Edited by candyprpl
wanted to add
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I see our time here on earth as a period of learning how to walk. God knows how to walk. We try, we fall, sometimes we keep up for extended times and at other times we just can't make ourselves give it a go. Ultimately we need Christ to know how to walk like God.

Lucifer and the natural man can both distract and discourage us. Ignorance and wrong priorities can cause us to fail to see that there even is a benefit of learning how to walk like God. Sometimes others push us down to the ground when we are trying our best. All of these and more can comprise the force that pulls us down once we're up. Some of us give up entirely even if we have a distant idea that "we're supposed to learn it".

None of us who are alive have learned it yet. Life on earth is a messy exam hall: some students do their best, others just want to pass, yet others couldn't care less. Even the best of us can't do that which we're being tested on as effortlessly as those divine teachers who will judge us.

Even atheists slip and relapse from keeping to their ideals. I consider it part of the human condition.

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We fail because "pull of the flesh" is strong. We believe that before we were born we did not have a mortal body. Now here on earth we experience lust (oooo la la), fatigue (I know i should go help my neighbor but I'm so dang tired), envy (I want what he has but I don't want to work as hard).

The list can go on and on.

Almost all addictions are pulls of the flesh. Overcoming weakness is only part of the way to overcome this pull. Lack of RELIANCE upon and GRATITUDE for the Savior's sacrifice also contributes to our inability to be righteous and avoid sin.

We need grace both to overcome [sin] and to grow [good works]. We can do neither one fully by ourselves. -Elder Bruce C. Hafen

Edited by Clarity_over_agreement
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Protestants, Catholics, LDS...we often fail to live the gospel. We wax selfish and arrogant, we "cut corners" in our businesses and on our taxes...we fail. Why?

its very easy to get caught up into satans snare; its everywhere we look everything we do, *I;E movies, commercials, sales, everyform of entertainment, clothing, morality standards, drugs, alchohol, gossip, backstabbing, bitterness,hatred, "better than thou standards", everyones in a big hurry; dishonestly in our business dealings, when we line ourselves up in any of these things the spirit does slowly but surely withdraw from us. Why do we let ourselves get to this point yu ask? its very so simple that most people overlook it; its because we forget that we need the lord in everything we do; we canott do it on our own, we seem to think we know what is best instead of putting everything on the line to the lord. Then step by step by step we lose the companionship of the spirit.:mellow:

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