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What does it mean to be a mother? The world belittles and objectifies the role of motherhood. A mother bears her child through the extent of her pregnancy, endures the labor and delivery, and for many now that is it. Some will not even go through that. They shun motherhood, using whatever means or methods necessary to prevent pregnancy. Women leap out into the workforce, putting their children in daycare and, for the most part, forgetting about them. Are these women mothers?

A woman is a caregiver, teacher, nurturer, and provider for her children. Her purpose is to provide her children with the best environment and opportunities possible, to raise them up in truth and righteousness. She is to teach them through example, kind words, a firm discipline, and a gentle hand, so that they may have all the knowledge and capability to decide for themselves whether they will continue in righteousness or fall victim to the deceptions of the world.

While this can best be provided by a mother who devotes all her time to the care of her children, for many women this is not possible. The demands of our culture require many families to have both parents in the workforce just to get by. Some adverse circumstances have left many mothers responsible for the care of their children all on their own. Women who have no other choice but to go into the workforce should not be looked down upon. They should be praised for their efforts and given whatever aid possible so that they may devote more time to the care of their children.

Women who choose to go into the workforce when they could be caring for their children, however, have tossed aside their calling that has been declared by the Lord. Too many women today place little to no importance on the care of their children. They put their instruction in the hands of daycare providers and school teachers, determining that the proper instruction of these young people is not their responsibility and should be left to the “professionals”. What better person to instruct these palpable minds in the ways of the Lord than their own mother? Simply by being a woman, you have been given a divine calling to raise up children unto Him. He expects us to prepare ourselves for this responsibility and fulfill it to the best of our abilities.

A mother is selfless. She would give up all that she has to care for and protect her children. She does not bicker or complain or find her children a burden. She does not regret the sacrifices made for their benefit. She embraces the time and devotion put into raising and rearing her children, whishing she could only give more to teach and provide, and it is her selfless service that yields a strong prosperity.

Many women who offer this single-minded devotion to their children think of the life they have given up and are saddened. In a world that pushes consumerism and employment, it is easy to be deceived, convinced that your life is meaningless, pointless, and unfulfilling. Do not be fooled. Satan would have mothers believe that by fulfilling their God-given role, they have become useless and contribute nothing to society. This is not true! It is a most fiendish and horrific lie!

By convincing women to believe this lie, Satan tears apart homes and families, and would ultimately topple the entire church, having cracked the foundation of righteousness. Mothers are the cornerstone of strong families. Without them, the members of the family unit wander in every direction, lost and apart. Mothers are the glue that holds everything together. She keeps the home running while the husband fulfills his duties as the breadwinner, provider, and protector. She is the grease in the wheel that keeps the clock ticking.

Wherever mother falters, so does the entire family. If she is unorganized, her home will be unorganized and her children will be disorderly. If she is angry and short tempered, her home will be filled with tension and contention. If she is depressed, her home will be gloomy and her children filled with unrest. It is the mother that sets the mood and the environment for the home, encourages her husband and children to face each new day with enthusiasm, and orchestrates the composition of her family.

What greater calling is there than this? What greater service is there than to support your loved ones as they trod their paths in life? This does not mean that you are not living a life of your own. So you don’t have a career. So you don’t bring in a paycheck. But you are one of the most influential people in the world! Your education need not be put on hold, for education will help you be a better mother. Seek out education as you seek out ways to enrich the learning of your children. Support your husband in his career and make it the career of your family.

It is natural for a woman to wonder what she could have accomplished had she devoted her time to other endeavors. Raising children uses up the prime years of your life, and once they are living on their own, you begin to feel weary. It is harder to keep up with the pace of the world, and you wonder where the time has gone. Seeing your children now live out their own prime years, you wonder if yours were nearly as fulfilling as theirs. Just think- had you devoted your time to other endeavors, would it have felt nearly as fulfilling as seeing your knowledge, wisdom, and faith being passed on to other generations? Could anything be more fulfilling than the results of selfless service?

Motherhood is a divine call from God, and those who give it their all will receive his blessings, pouring down upon their heads as rain from heaven. Is this not better than following in the ways of the world? Why would anyone want to give up the blessings that come from being a mother? So many have fallen victim to an unwillingness to serve, an unwillingness to give to the future, submitting themselves to a selfish “look out for number one” philosophy. My time, my career, my money, my life… Give me all that’s mine and let me get as much as I can before this life is over. No need to waste time on children. We’ve got birth control, abortion, adoption, and daycare to deal with that. Right now it’s time to worry about me. It’s my life that’s important, what I want that matters. I’m living in the now, and I’m going to make the most of it.

And what will be their reward? These treasures- the money, the prestige, the social standing, the career- will be gone with time. These earthly treasures will always remain on the earth. These selfish actions will lead to an ultimately empty life. Emptiness and heartache is all that awaits those who pass up the opportunity to devote their time to family.

Women- you have been called to be mothers and raise children up on Mount Zion. Fulfill this calling to the best of your abilities and you will find joy that far surpasses that accompanying any other endeavor you may have pursued. Yours is a life of service, of giving. You are a teacher. You are a comforter. You are a support beam. You are a guide. You are a provider. You are a nurturer. You are a foundation. When you devote yourself to a life of service in raising your children, you are devoting yourself to a life of service to God- for these are His children, entrusted to your care, guidance and supervision.

Think not on things lost, for she that loses her life shall find it. Think not on the ways of the world, for the ways of the world perish. Fulfilling your role as a mother is the greatest achievement you could ever complete.

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Yes, motherhood is a divine calling and our most important job, but this is def. not a black and white issue. Before I was married and had my son I spent 7 years and thousand of dollars to become a speech pathologist. It was not a sure thing that I would marry and be provided for. So, I had to make sure I could take care of myself. I work part-time and yes, I do have my son in a daycare (gasp! pearl cluch!) I work to pay off my loans and have extra spending money for my family. Being outside the home part-time and working in my choosen field that I have worked so hard to be able to helps me stay balanced, and, ironically, family focused. When I am at home I am at peace and not burned out. I am wholley focused on my son husband, and home.

Being able to work outside the home is a blessing for me and my family. If anything should ever happen to my husband I know that I can provide for my child because I have a skill outside the home. My child is happy and thriving and being raised with the gospel. Who are you to say that God does not call each one of us as mothers in different ways? I follow with what I know to be right and true for me and my family...and so should everyone else-without people self-righteously declaring what THEY think you should be doing.

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I never said it was wrong for a woman to work. Merely that, so long as it is possible, all her focus should be on fulfilling her role as a mother and raising her children. If working part-time helps keep you focused on your family, wonderful! Keep it up. This is no different than many women who devote time to hobbies or other interests- spending some time on their "self' in order to maintain their confidence and dedication to their home. Your "hobby" simply brings some added money to the table.

If your job is not taking away from your ability to raise your family and is instead helping enrich your home, then I believe your heart is in the right place.

I wrote this as I did for three main reasons:

1. As WillowTheWhisp stated, I was echoing the First Presidency.

2. My own mother is depressed because she has given up her life to be a stay-at-home mom, and I was hoping these words could bring her comfort.

3. I wish that I could be a stay-at-home mom and not have to work, but because of my circumstances I will be stuck as a single mother (unless I manage to find the right guy to bring me to the temple soon).

Edited by JudoMinja
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