The City of Enoch - What really happened?


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You lost me...

I think he's referring to whether or not the account of Joseph pointing at a particular star and saying that the ten tribes were living there, was true or not. It is a true a account. He was stating that the ten tribes are not here on earth, they're like the City of Enoch.

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Um... how reliable is this George Laub? And has anyone ELSE recorded the assertion that Zion was in 'low orbit', thus provoking the Tower of Babel?

I would consider it this way: We only have one source for the teaching, therefore it is an outlier. It may be true or not, but it is still interesting and worth mentioning in a discussion, as it gives a different insight into the Tower of Babel story.

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Joseph Smith taught B.F. Johnson that the Lost Tribes were in the belly of the earth. Johnson stated in his book, that Joseph explained that the earth was like a pot, with an opening in the north, where the tribes are awaiting to come back. Those who believe in this theory suppose that the opening is covered in ice now. But while strange, it does tie in interestingly with the prophecy of their return in D&C 133 (the ice flowing down before them and a highway in the great deep).

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  • 3 years later...

This thread was interesting at first, but due to a lack of additonal information, it is now turning into entertainment.

My stake patriarch read a quote by Joseph Smith last year about the Tower of Babel being built to reach "the city in the sky."

The Book of Jasher mentions in chapter nine that they were building the Tower of Babel to overthrow heaven and that when they shot their arrows into the sky, God made them fall to the ground with blood on them. Entertaining read. There are many versions of the Tower of Babel.

Edited by missionary0204
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This thread was interesting at first, but due to a lack of additonal information, it is now turning into entertainment.

My stake patriarch read a quote by Joseph Smith last year about the Tower of Babel being built to reach "the city in the sky."

The Book of Jasher mentions in chapter nine that they were building the Tower of Babel to overthrow heaven and that when they shot their arrows into the sky, God made them fall to the ground with blood on them. Entertaining read. There are many versions of the Tower of Babel.

I like Josephus explanation of the Tower of Babel - that it was built as a refuge from G-d - to avoid another flood. At least it makes some sense - other explanations (including Biblical - to reach heaven) are by any stretch of the imagination foolish and nonsense.

What I find even more interesting is Josephus' explanation as to why he had a different opinion from what was in scripture.

The Traveler

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I am looking for a "High Priest Group" discussion here. No thought or theory is too outlandish or odd on this one, ok? Thanks.

Fwiw (and I realize the thread is three years old), in my experience high priest group discussions are anything but outlandish or odd. I have rarely heard such solid and doctrinally based discussions as I hear in my high priest group.

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Fwiw (and I realize the thread is three years old), in my experience high priest group discussions are anything but outlandish or odd. I have rarely heard such solid and doctrinally based discussions as I hear in my high priest group.

Hey - if some doe-eyed Icelandic chick (or Iron Man) were in my priesthood meeting I'd be on my best behavior, too.

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Nimrod was no advocate of true worship. He’s tyrannical rule and the building of the tower of babel had one purpose, to unite mankind under one government and under one religion, to create “a celebrated name for themselves”, in defiance to the divine will to spread man in the earth. As a consequence babel became the seat of all demonistic religion. In their wanderings from babel mankind took there demonistic religion with them and false religion spread in all the earth. Upon his violent death the inhabitants of babel deified him and he became chief among the gods, in later ages he became known as “lord” or Bel. The effects of what Nimrod did are still with us today.

To rap this discussion up, there was only one means for salvation in prediluvian times, the ark. All those in the city of Enoch along with all ungodly mankind, were judged, sentenced, and directly destroyed by the true God (יהוה). They underwent the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction. They stand before us, an example of things to come.

Edited by Everliving
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I have a copy of an article written by Joseph Young Sr about Enoch (the seventh from Adam) where he quotes Joseph Smith (only in a footnote) as teaching that the City of Enoch was lifted up from what is now the Gulf of Mexico and is orbiting within the solar system. If there's enough interest I can dig it out of my files and include the relevant portions.

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  • 4 years later...

I realize this is a pretty old thread, but just a thought, all of the info we currently believe and subscribe to on these issues is based on our acceptance of certain translations, which we've already seen argued in this thread, and throughout many readings, could all these different language and religious veiws have all these differing and unclear interpretaions because the translations we've subsribed to as a society was alwats wrong to begin with?  Hypothetically, lets take John C. Allegro's Copper Scroll translations, the only scroll to be translated within the deadline and not collaborated on by multiple vatican priests for an extra 10 years as the others were, and apply them to all the writings as well as other untranscribale artifacts found around the world, lets say using his translations we are able to decipher what these say and retranslating other writings reveals a much clearer, more sensible/scientific view rather than magical/fantasy that is kind of the bible now, i think at that point most people would have to agree that perhaps what we are told is true, isn't.  

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