Scott Brown wins in MA


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This is not only a win for the republicans and a blow to the President's agenda (especially healthcare), it's also a win for pickup trucks.

Scott Brown said he had a pickup truck, thinking it might get people to vote for him.

The Dems said he had a pickup truck, thinking people would vote agains him.

The people voted.

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:sing: Because there's something women like about a pickup man. :sing:

Gosh, first he's in Cosmopolitan, then he drives a pickup. He got the entire female vote didn't he. I bet even Martha Coakley voted for him.

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Yeah; the conundrum of that Downfall scene is that you can re-dub it for many, many scenarios (e.g., the woes of the BYU football team, or popped real estate bubbles) and it works very well; but the downside is--well--it's Hitler, and you're flirting with Godwin.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Shouldn't this be in Current events? That seems to be our de facto political section :P

I'm not surprised. The Dem candidate didn't run a very good campaign. I think making a campaign speech at a MLK jr day event was the nail in the coffin.

Bad candidates that run bad campaigns win all the time.......she lost because people are worn out by Pelosi/Reid and the Obama train wreck. This was in a very Democrat state and was Kennedy's seat..... a seat vacated because he died. The nail in the coffin was held by Pelosi and hammered by Reid and the coffin belongs to the Democrats and Obama.

Prediction: Hillary will challenge and beat Obama in the 2012 Democratic Primary.

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I was listening to someone on the radio the other day saying that one of the reasons Brown was doing so well is that Mitt Romney gave Mass. a version of Obamacare when they demanded it, and now they decided they don't like it.

Wouldn't it be called Romneycare? He did it first so he should get the credit :P

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