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I'm going to be a visiting teacher! I've never done this nor have had VT's myself. I understand the concept but I need help in planning a lesson. I know that ensign has the material and I do have a copy of this month's, I'm just not sure how to talk about it or to develop a lesson from it......can you give me pointers on how to prepare? What would you consider makes a good lesson?

Thanks in advance!

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The VT message is just that -- a message. It's not intended to be developed into a full lesson. I usually read the entire message, then pick one or two quotes from it for each of my VT sisters, and present just those quotes to them, not the entire thing. Usually, it's a different quote for each sister I visit, depending on their circumstances. I've had visiting teachers that have read more than half the page to me during our visit. I hate that. Just pick one or two sections from it that apply to your sister, read them (or even just a sentence or two), and share your testimony about it -- maybe why you chose it or why it stood out to you. That's all.

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I concur with Wingnut. Also, one of the important parts of VT is that it is supposed to be a visit. Meaning, this is your opportunity to get to know these sisters and attempt to build a friendship so they will be more apt to come to you when they need help. So, when you get there, sit down with them and just chat a bit. It's meant to be casual as it is done in the home. If they're taking care of their kids or doing their laundry, maybe offer to help a bit while you're there and talking about what's going on in their life. This chat, along with your prayers for spiritual guidance before leaving, will help you know what part of the message to share.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Celia,

did you already go VT yet?

I think VT is a great opportunity to get to know the sisters and bond with them. The message does not need to be a long part of the conversation but if you share your testimony with the sister you visit, I'm sure it's gonna be successful. :)

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My visits are usually social calls. A time when I can have "girl talk" with them. I've become friends with most of the ladies in RS, so usually, my partner and I just "hang out" with the sisters we visit. I do have one inactive sister in my route. It's a hit or miss with her - she's not open to becoming friends with me - so we just drop off some knick knacks with a print-out of the VT message and any relevant flyers (like Ward Activity invitations, or RS enrichment meeting dates, etc.). Sometimes she opens the door and we personally hand it out to her with a big smile and a "how are you?" and she cautiously says, "I'm okay". Sometimes, she won't bother opening the door, so we just drop it by her door.

It has become a time where the sisters look forward to telling their husbands - this is my time, so for the next hour, you got the kids while I relax with my friend... Sometimes, we take them out to ice-cream even. I've become really good friends with my VT partner too and we always look forward to another girl-time...

We always talk about the VT message - no, not like a lesson or anything - but, for example, February's message was about getting out of debt. So, we just bounced ideas on how we can do that. We didn't break out any scripture for that one.

Some tips - if at all possible, do not bring the kids to VT. Also, if at all possible, always go with your VT partner. Of course, there are times when we just couldn't leave the kids, or there's just not a time when you and your partner can synch up your schedules. For these times - I would meet with all the sisters in my route all at one time and we'll go to ice-cream together.

Also, what I really hate about VT is when my visiting teacher keeps on looking at her watch during a visit. Also, I don't like it when the conversation is going so well and they get up and leave at exactly 1 hour... like the bell rang to indicate class is over or something. It makes me feel like it's just something they have to check on a checklist. Also, I don't like it when the visiting teachers come by and are very nice and friendly during a visit then I meet them at church or even at the store and they don't even bother to say hi.

My route are my friends now - we don't limit ourselves to 1 hour a month, but we make sure we meet at least 1 hour a month. A lot of times - we end up planning other activities together - like getting together so I can show them how to make eggrolls or sitting in line for 2 hours to the first midnight show of New Moon or something...

Edited by anatess
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