Why did Jesus talk about Hell more than anyone else?


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If the law of justice were to take full hold upon us we would be cursed to spend eternity in damnation. He did not end on this depressing note however. He did not say, you can do nothing, you will go to hell, so give up. No. H e said, you can do nothing without ME, so FOLLOW me, do the best you can, and my grace will be sufficent for you.

I do not believe this. Yes. He did say all fall short of the glory of God. but it does not say do the best you can and my grace will be sufficient for you. Jesus says the only way to the father is through me and is not based on works. Ehem. Let me say this again. NOT based on works.

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Jesus says the only way to the father is through me and is not based on works. Ehem. Let me say this again. NOT based on works.

Others would agree that yes, we are all saved by grace. Matter of fact, everyone is saved by his grace because we will all be resurrected, thus saved from becoming like devils forever. Now exaltation, that's where works leading to a change in attitude comes in.

Although from the strength of stating your opinion, you'd tell me I'm wrong anyhow.

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I do not believe this. Yes. He did say all fall short of the glory of God. but it does not say do the best you can and my grace will be sufficient for you. Jesus says the only way to the father is through me and is not based on works. Ehem. Let me say this again. NOT based on works.

Yet we, as LDS, believe that we are saved by grace and exalted by works.

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More like an article than a reply but here it goes:

Alma describes in detail his feelings of “the pains of a dammed soul”:

12.But I was racked with aeternal btorment, for my soul was charrowed up to the greatest degree and racked with all my sins.

13.Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was atormented with the bpains of hell; yea, I saw that I had crebelled against my God, and that I had not kept his holy commandments.

14.Yea, and I had amurdered many of his children, or rather led them away unto destruction; yea, and in fine so great had been my iniquities, that the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror.

15.Oh, thought I, that I acould be banished and become extinct both soul and body, that I might not be brought to stand in the presence of my God, to be judged of my bdeeds.

16.And now, for three days and for three nights was I racked, even with the apains of a bdamned soul.

It doesn’t sound to me like he was complaining about ants biting him all over or hot pokers or people in red pajamas and pitch-forks. Rather he is explaining that his torment was all self-inflicted and what brought the suffering on is his realization of his guilt. You don’t actually need to go through what he did in order to have an idea of what “Hell” would be like.

Think back and recall your most embarrassing experience. Try to re-live it as best as you can. Feel the burning humiliation, how long it lasted and how badly you would rather not do it again. Now consider how much physical pain you would rather endure than have another experience like that. It may just be me but I can think of some moments that I would trade for burns any day. So what is left to conclude but that spiritual torment has the capacity to exceed any kind of physical torture the human mind can dream up? Now imagine standing before the judgment bar of God having a perfect recollection of all of your guilt. Boy would I like to be found spotless at that day!

Consider the word “damned”. These days it means taking someone and throwing him or her in a lake of lava. But let us go back to a more literal meaning- the stopping of the progress and flow of a river. Likewise, to be damned would imply to stop one’s progress through eternity. Eternity is going to be a long time. Personally, I can barely sit still for 5 minutes without needing to do something. I always love to improve, build, learn, advance, create, etc. Not being able to do that for the rest of forever- Knowing that you have come as far as you ever will- Seeing that the only one who has stopped you is YOU- knowing all of this ESPECIALLY after knowing full well of, and witnessing all the wonderful things you could have had- yes, that to me is Hell!

Too complicated? Then instead of imagining what you could have that you wont, try imagining something that you do have and could lose. Cut off your hands (kind of a physical example). Suddenly you are extremely limited in what you are able to do. Even the simplest thing is difficult. No one will help you and you can barely take care of yourself. Is life suddenly a lot harder? Yes. Almost a bit of Hell you might say because your progress and ability to act is now limited. Did God cause this suffering and consign you to this state? Nope- you did because you cut off your own hands! So it is with sin. We cant always see the immediate effects but they will limit our eternal progress if we do not repent. Therefore, those who “go to Hell” so to speak, will know why they are there and it will come as no surprise (unless they have managed to completely delude themselves).

Personally, I don’t believe in Hell as being a physical place at all. The damned will dwell together but the ‘where’ has nothing to do with it. Many people believe that Hell is a place of fire and brimstone where you would physically hurt all the time. Satan never was allowed to receive a physical body, therefore, how could he comprehend pain? So if he could somehow feel pain wouldn’t that be better than nothing at all?

The reason I believe that Hell is described in the Bible the way it is- because of the people who Jesus was teaching. Consider 2Nephi 9:

48Behold, if ye were holy I would speak unto you of holiness; but as ye are not holy, and ye look upon me as a ateacher, it must needs be expedient that I bteach you the consequences of sin.

First of all, Jesus was speaking to those who needed to repent. Can the wicked understand my above described concept of spiritual guilt? Probably not- otherwise they would repent. There are those that are “hardened in their hearts” who cannot comprehend such things. Therefore, Hell must be described in terms that they CAN understand, namely physical pain. The “fire and brimstone” descriptions are necessary for anyone who does not know of such guilt that can only be felt through humility.

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Ok, I just finished reading most of the posts on this thread and I take back what I said about my previous comment being an "article". More like a blip on this thread's radar.

My original post was to the original topic but to the 'other' topic of the atonement I would just like to say that to me the atonement is like a computer. I have no idea how it works but simply that it DOES work. It's wonderful thing that helps you in so many ways and so I use it all the time but take comfort in knowing that the atonement will never 'blue screen' on me. You dont need to know the micro-mechanics of it to use it.

A faithless man would say, "Until I know the meaning of all things, I will not believe." Therefore I would caution you to allocate your studies in more simple principles: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Holy Ghost. Thats why I like the Holy Ghost. When he tells you something works or something is true you can take it to the bank without having to wonder or over-study it. Some day we will understand all the mysteries of God but in this life time we should only be concerned about the things that are essential for our salvation.

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