Four Most Important Callings??? Need a reference!!

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I have heard it said by local leaders that it has been said that the "four most important callings in the ward are bishop, ward clerk, ward mission leader, and EQ president."

Does ANYONE have a reference for this quote? I can't find anything.


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All I have ever heard in conference type talks in reference to the"most important" would be home teachers and that of a parent, though parenting isn't technically a church calling.

If you are talking about the ones that tend to get the most attention / effort as far as who is called, then I am guessing Bishop then Elder's Q Pres, followed by the YM/YW presidencies, but I doubt you will ever here a "GA" come out and say that any calling is "most important".

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I say all callings are just as important as the next. You can't have a smooth running and functioning ward without people magnifying all their callings from Bishop to Primary teacher to visiting teacher to ward employment specialist. It takes all working together to make things work.

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I have heard it said by local leaders that it has been said that the "four most important callings in the ward are bishop, ward clerk, ward mission leader, and EQ president."

Does ANYONE have a reference for this quote? I can't find anything.


I don't have a reference for the quote, but the most impoprtant calling is the one you currently have.

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Guest mormonmusic

As soon as you try to rank order positions in the Church, you're on thin ice. I do agree that some callings are more time consuming, and carry greater responsibility or consequences than others (for an example, a Bishop holds a position of trust, and could lose his membership if he misuses Church funds, or commits and indiscretion). But the thought of rank ordering positions is a dangerous place to go thinking.

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Theres no such thing as the most important calling sorry but there isn't. Callings with greater responsibilities - granted there are those with more responsibility to them like bishop but a helper in nursery has in themselves a great responsibility.

The tiny little insects may seem very insignificant in the great web of life but by decomposing (sorry thats probably not the right word but bear with me im tired) :P!! By discomposing of the dead carcasses they create the soil that creates the oxygen.

So the bigger animals are not nescasarily the most important animals, if it wasn't for the little creepy crawlers we all wouldn't be able to breath!! :)

Every one has a crucial purpose - a cog in the mechanics that make the church work. Without them things wouldn't run as smoothly.

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Sounds like false doctrine disguised as Mormon Myth to me.

Nov 2008 Ensign: Gospel Teaching—Our Most Important Calling

Feb 1982 Liahona The Most Important Job in the Church: "The most important job in the Church, on the other hand, is the one in which service is willingly, and faithfully rendered." "I believe that the most important job in the Church is the one we hold right now."

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Being a ward clerk, I like the idea that my calling is one of the four most important callings. Unfortunately, the argument for making clerk a "more important calling" is that my responsibilities are to make sure that the quorums and auxiliaries have all the resources they need to effectively fill their purpose--which has a much greater (and more direct) influence on the lives of individual members than anything I do.

So, when you really get down to it, every calling is important because the system doesn't work when not every calling is being fulfilled in concerted effort with all of the other callings.

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At the end of the day, it isn't about the callings we have. I think some mistake by identifying too much with their calling or defining themselves by their church service resume. (I know I am guilty of that.) But if we really understand our religion, we know that its how we serve and who we serve that is really what its all about.

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