The People before Adam


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If my calculations are right from watching PBS, people (homo sapiens) were around for at least 194,000 years before Adam.

What are your thoughts about these pre-adamic people?


There is scientific evidence of peoples very much like ourselves that existed and are recorded in the natural records of this earth. Adam and Eve were the first of man and woman according to the covenant of G-d that were subject to the fall and in need of redemption.

The Traveler

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There is scientific evidence of peoples very much like ourselves that existed and are recorded in the natural records of this earth. Adam and Eve were the first of man and woman according to the covenant of G-d that were subject to the fall and in need of redemption.

The Traveler

Considering the earth is made up of failed fragmented worlds, you will find fossils of remnants of those past worlds but never a human fossil. Even if, those who seek ‘five seconds of fame’ would claimed animals fossil and try complete those fable stories of men concerning the earth beginnings. That is not the case. Even animals vary from world to world as to mortal design. An example of a dog here will not look like a dog on another world. Look at the dinosaur that was left from a failed world and go to John’s vision of animals [four beasts] in Revelation, it is clear they only adapt to that world. Humans do not adapt but remain the same, no matter what earth you visit in this local universe.

To understand the past, as Saints, it would be better for us to ask GOD to help us to see the past as an observer to understand ‘what was’.

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If my calculations are right from watching PBS, people (homo sapiens) were around for at least 194,000 years before Adam.

What are your thoughts about these pre-adamic people?


i'll wait. quite possibly time frames from both science and/or the bible are off.
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It is interesting to note of a provided timeline when this earth was not even located in this solar system prior to the fall. This speculation for any believer in the gospel is completely unwarranted in providing any measurement of applicable timeline. Do we actually know the obit length or its daily axis rotation from the last habitation? If the earth is made up of fragmented worlds, can we truly measure the earth’s age?

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Guest mysticmorini

science only deals with measurable evidence, religion is largely based on non-observable factors. reconciling the two can lead to some interesting speculation. I imagine the truth is both simple and completely unexpected.

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Considering the earth is made up of failed fragmented worlds, you will find fossils of remnants of those past worlds but never a human fossil. Even if, those who seek ‘five seconds of fame’ would claimed animals fossil and try complete those fable stories of men concerning the earth beginnings. That is not the case. Even animals vary from world to world as to mortal design. An example of a dog here will not look like a dog on another world. Look at the dinosaur that was left from a failed world and go to John’s vision of animals [four beasts] in Revelation, it is clear they only adapt to that world. Humans do not adapt but remain the same, no matter what earth you visit in this local universe.

To understand the past, as Saints, it would be better for us to ask GOD to help us to see the past as an observer to understand ‘what was’.

Wow! I would never refer to any of G-d's creations as a failure.

The Traveler

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It is interesting to note of a provided timeline when this earth was not even located in this solar system prior to the fall. This speculation for any believer in the gospel is completely unwarranted in providing any measurement of applicable timeline. Do we actually know the obit length or its daily axis rotation from the last habitation? If the earth is made up of fragmented worlds, can we truly measure the earth’s age?

The thing with scientists in our day is that to measure the age of the Earth, they would compare it with what they believe were it's neighbors while it was being created. They compare the earth to the moon to the sun to mars to jupiter, etc... to get a general number in years of age. However....that doesn't work when the earth wasn't created here. There are many things we'd need to know about it's area of creation in space to have any kind of reasonable idea about that.

Wow! I would never refer to any of G-d's creations as a failure.

The Traveler

What would you call a planet and possibly it's inhabitants who choose captivity and death according to the will of the devil, instead of liberty and eternal life through their Savior and Creator?

Heavenly Father lets all of His creations, as well as His children, possess the gift of agency. It is the eternal law by which the family of the Gods work. It is a plan of voluntary participation according to the bounds which He has set to all things. We are free to choose for ourselves, but we accept the consequences of what results from our actions. Scripture tells us that mother Earth has fulfilled the measure of her creation, and has been faithful and true to her Master, our Savior Jesus Christ. We also know there are planets, among many other things, that have chosen the path to spiritual death.

If, for example, you were to become a son of Perdition, would Heavenly Father as your spiritual parent be considered a failure because of your choices? Is the failure with the creator, or parent, if his child makes wrong choices? In the case I use as an example, anyway.

I do not necessarily believe this planet is made up of 'fragments' of other worlds, thus explaining the many fossils we have. Those fossils came from a myriad of creations of God that were placed here intentionally to prepare the earth's surface for His children to have a mortal probation.

After the creation process was complete, and the Earth was sanctified, Adam was the first man on the earth, the first mortal, through the Fall. We must remember to distinguish between the earth's preparatory period BEFORE it was sanctified and Adam placed upon it, and the things that happened after it's sanctification and the fall.

For example, I think I could reasonably say that no dinosaurs were present after the fall of Adam. However, they were on Earth as it was being created and prepared for modern plant, animal, and human life.

We know that humans are capable of great moral and societal degeneration, even to very low orders of subsistence and living.

Edited by Gillebre
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Because I disagree with you on a number of points do not think that I do not respect your thoughts. But I do wonder how you came to such conclusions and I hope to have continuing dialogue with you.


What would you call a planet and possibly it's inhabitants who choose captivity and death according to the will of the devil, instead of liberty and eternal life through their Savior and Creator?

I would call it a stunning success of G-d's wisdom, mercy and justice

Heavenly Father lets all of His creations, as well as His children, possess the gift of agency. It is the eternal law by which the family of the Gods work. It is a plan of voluntary participation according to the bounds which He has set to all things. We are free to choose for ourselves, but we accept the consequences of what results from our actions. Scripture tells us that mother Earth has fulfilled the measure of her creation, and has been faithful and true to her Master, our Savior Jesus Christ. We also know there are planets, among many other things, that have chosen the path to spiritual death.

If, for example, you were to become a son of Perdition, would Heavenly Father as your spiritual parent be considered a failure because of your choices? Is the failure with the creator, or parent, if his child makes wrong choices? In the case I use as an example, anyway.

This is one way of looking at things but G-d knows all things from the beginning. We all make choices because of us and the essences of us was not the creation of G-d. That which G-d creates and does is a success and I do not think we should call it anything other than the greate and wonderful blessing his creation is to all.

I do not necessarily believe this planet is made up of 'fragments' of other worlds, thus explaining the many fossils we have. Those fossils came from a myriad of creations of God that were placed here intentionally to prepare the earth's surface for His children to have a mortal probation.

After the creation process was complete, and the Earth was sanctified, Adam was the first man on the earth, the first mortal, through the Fall. We must remember to distinguish between the earth's preparatory period BEFORE it was sanctified and Adam placed upon it, and the things that happened after it's sanctification and the fall.

For example, I think I could reasonably say that no dinosaurs were present after the fall of Adam. However, they were on Earth as it was being created and prepared for modern plant, animal, and human life.

We know that humans are capable of great moral and societal degeneration, even to very low orders of subsistence and living.

What is described in scripture is not complete concerning the origins or our earth. We are left to speculations in light of truths evident from valid scientific studies. I would submit the speculation that it is more likely that Adam and Eve existed in Eden somewhere quite different from the environment we have from the valid and true natural records of earth. That in this Eden environment there was no death and Adam and Eve were the first of man and the literal parents of all humans to follow. Because of the fall – Adam and Eve were exiled from Eden and sent to earth which according to plan was already prepared and in existence, perhaps for some time, where death is both common and inevitable.

The Traveler

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Guest Godless

Considering the earth is made up of failed fragmented worlds, you will find fossils of remnants of those past worlds but never a human fossil. Even if, those who seek ‘five seconds of fame’ would claimed animals fossil and try complete those fable stories of men concerning the earth beginnings. That is not the case. Even animals vary from world to world as to mortal design. An example of a dog here will not look like a dog on another world. Look at the dinosaur that was left from a failed world and go to John’s vision of animals [four beasts] in Revelation, it is clear they only adapt to that world. Humans do not adapt but remain the same, no matter what earth you visit in this local universe.

To understand the past, as Saints, it would be better for us to ask GOD to help us to see the past as an observer to understand ‘what was’.

Hemi, how old do you believe the Earth, in it's current state, to be?

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The thing with scientists in our day is that to measure the age of the Earth, they would compare it with what they believe were it's neighbors while it was being created. They compare the earth to the moon to the sun to mars to jupiter, etc... to get a general number in years of age. However....that doesn't work when the earth wasn't created here. There are many things we'd need to know about it's area of creation in space to have any kind of reasonable idea about that.

The oldest dated rock is something like 4 billion years old. Ignoring the solar system only knocks half a billion years or so off the estimated age of the earth. A significant chunk of time admittedly but even disregarding those .5 billion or so years the earth is old, really old.

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Wow! I would never refer to any of G-d's creations as a failure.

The Traveler

Nor would I. God works through Creation/Destruction cycles. These are not failed worlds, but are just recycled worlds. Our earth's history shows many destructions. 250 million years ago a disaster occurred that wiped out 90% of all animals and plant life. 60 million years ago, all dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid. 10-15 thousand years ago an Ice Age wiped out many species, possibly including Neanderthal man, and killed most of the human race in the northern hemisphere.

Each of these destructions opened the door for new creation. Without the death of the dinosaurs, the mammals would not have arisen. Without the Ice Age, human beings could not have become the dominant species.

I believe there were pre-Adamites. But Adam and Eve were the first humans given a covenant. It is akin to the Nephites coming to the Promised Land, even though there were probably others already there. Yet they were the ones with the covenant with God, so we don't really hear much in the record regarding the other peoples.

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Hemi, how old do you believe the Earth, in it's current state, to be?

If we listened to Joseph Smith, it is over 2 billion years old and built from myriads of inert fragmented worlds. I would use his number for now until a clearer number is given. But, I am not interested in the mortal length of time but what had occurred during the last failed creation. After reading a captured journal entry that Elder B.H. Roberts found when he was tasked to write church history, it seems worlds can fail in their creational periods. Brings back Abraham observance of the creation [read the Book of Abraham physical creation].

For me, I cannot even fathom in dating this world or its material unless I have the original data pinpointing the beginnings of this universe and when those materials used to create the first modeled earth. As I gathered, worlds are nothing more than reuse inert matter when not celestialized. I wonder what age Joseph would give the universe? That would be interesting to see…

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Wow! I would never refer to any of G-d's creations as a failure.

The Traveler

The point being observed here when using such a word, is noting Abraham's own writing concerning the creational periods and that the GODs had to wait until it obeyed. When they failed to obey, then what word would you give it Traveler? Whether we call it a failure or another masking word, it really has no bearing to what had happened.

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