How can I find a job?


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I just got back to denver and have looked in the sunday paper and craigslist with no luck. This economy is bad! I really need to find a way to make some money because my car is broken and I cant afford to fix it and I owe my parents money and have bills every month. I was hoping to get some fresh ideas talking to people.

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I just got back to denver and have looked in the sunday paper and craigslist with no luck. This economy is bad! I really need to find a way to make some money because my car is broken and I cant afford to fix it and I owe my parents money and have bills every month. I was hoping to get some fresh ideas talking to people.

In my experience, forget looking online for the most part (especially websites like craigslist). I've been unemployed twice since I started work 5 or 6 years ago, each for a period of several months. During these times, I applied for scores of jobs, most of them advertised on reputable websites online. I also handed my CV/resume to companies/organisations who hadn't actually advertised any vacancies. Finally I applied for multiple jobs in the local paper. In total so far I've had four different jobs. One I gained via a friend. The other three were advertised in the local paper. Out of the many jobs I applied for online, I only received one phone call back, which went no-where. I've come to the conclusion that more often than not, jobs advertised online (on websites where anyone is free to submit adverts) are either 1. there simply to get your personal details in order to spam/scam you, or 2. Agencies simply re-advertising jobs without permission of the original company, so even if the agency like you, the company is most likely going to turn the agency down as they didn't request their help in the first place.

Edited by Mahone
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Do what I do-- I get paid to make educational videos on YouTube. If its a really good and popular video, YouTube partnership program will pay you, and so will Google Adsense. That's what I have been earning money through, because my videos gets A LOT of views. They won't pay you until your earnings reach the $100 mark, but again, if they are popular, and you take all the promotion suggestions, that shouldn't take long. :)

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I just got back to denver and have looked in the sunday paper and craigslist with no luck. This economy is bad! I really need to find a way to make some money because my car is broken and I cant afford to fix it and I owe my parents money and have bills every month. I was hoping to get some fresh ideas talking to people.

Are you a member of the church?

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You need to get your Resume up to date. You need to have some references if you can.

Post your Resume on or I lost my job last year, found a Job in July of Last year. It really didn't have anything to do with my Resume I knew some people at that company.

But I kept my Resume out there just to see if anything better would come along. In the Last month or so it seems like I have been getting an e-mail or a call a week for some job. (This is in Utah).

Now some of the jobs were Contract Jobs but I already have a full time job, but I would suggest start there.

You can contact an LDS employment specialist if you want to. They can help with some one and one stuff. But pretty much everything they know and have learned is found online. - Employment

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I am wondering similar, except with the added bonus of living around 4000 miles from where I would like to be. How would I go about finding work in the USA (I am a US Citizen), from a long distance? My current job I like, and found in the local paper.

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I like the youtube videos Idea that would be fun! I really want a 9-5 because I am very serious about working out. My goal is to start doing ultramarathons so all my time when not working is used to workout. I am a member I was thinking about calling my bishop but am hesitant because every time I go back to church I feel like people try to manipulate me.

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1. Get ANY job. Go into places and ask for an application. Here's my hint: Any and every place that tells you to "go online" and submit your resume goes to the BOTTOM of your list. You want to complete a paper application. You're nearly GUARANTEED to get a phone call from completing a paper application than some flunky to actually go through the TONS of lazy job-seekers who are submitting online to any and everything. Don't be selective. Apply for minimum wage. If you get something that's minimum, don't stop job searching and applying and ask people who you work with (after a week or so) about other opportunities they may know about from their friends and family.

Once you have A job, it gets easier to either a) climb the ladder or b) NETWORK for your next one, or c) start something else on the side.

2. You need to NETWORK your way to your next job. Talk to everyone and anyone and get referred to your next place. How about previous co-workers? Do they know of any competitors that are hiring now?

3. You may want to join LinkedIn and use it like a professional online resume. Then, if you're on facebook or other social networking, post a link to it every 2-3 days and ask your network to help you find work related to your field. (Since you're networking, you can try to be as specific as you can.)

4. You can place an ad that you're looking for work. Here was one that was talked about on facebook a long time ago that was in the Sacramento Craigslist. (I cleaned it up because of the nature of this forum, but you'll get the idea).

Let's cut the ********. I need a job.

I've posted polished, detailed, vacuous resumes on Craigslist, Monster, and CareerBuilder. They're not getting me anywhere. Some people love to create resumes that are beautiful, perfectly formatted, creative, and embellished to the point of no longer being truthful. Are you the kind of person that hates that kind of **** like I do? Looking to hire a regular guy who works hard and won't blow smoke up your ****? Here's your chance.

Bottom line: I have two kids that need to eat and go to preschool. That **** is expensive.

I have been in school for years, and as a result my work experience is limited. However, I now have a BA and a JD. That means I'm smart as hell. Obviously that already puts me above all the other losers out there that you've been thinking about hiring.

I've worked in a professional office. I've worked in retail sales. I've worked at a ******* florist. I've done work that only women used to do, like typing, drafting and editing memos and letters, copying, filing, and answering phones. Aside from that stuff I've also done construction, landscaping, delivery, A/V installation, painting, wrenching, and other things men do. What I'm getting at is that I'm handy. I can do a lot of **** with minimal training and supervision.

So there you go. I'm educated, capable, and smart. Read this post again - do you see any ******* typos? No, you don't. Why would you hire a ******* that can't put a sentence together? Quit wasting your time.

Think you have a job for me? Email me. Let's get **** done.

Finally, if you send me ******** emails about working from home or for Google I swear to ****** I'll spam the **** out of you for months. I hope you like tons of ************************. Take your pyramid schemes and shove them **********.

5. You may need to consider moving to an area of the country that has more jobs than where you are right now.

Economic Stress Index:

Associated Press Interactive: AP Economic Stress Index

Kansas Counties top financially healthy list:

Kansas counties top financially healthy list - NBC Action News KSHB-TV 41

Now, I'm not telling you to move to Oz. I still live in California myself (although I do want to get out of this state). You should be willing to consider as many options as possible and expand what can be done.

Edited by skippy740
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