Question about missionary


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Hey! English isn’t my first spoken language but I hope you will understand me anyway.

What I understand young mormon boys are supposed to do mission and might do the mission in a foreign country.

During their mission they get to meet new countries with different religion, cultures, political views, enviornment that they probably isn’t used to in their ordinary life. So my first question is how well prepared are these guys before they go on a mission to a foreign country? Do they get learned how things “works” in the specific country they will serve in?

I assume there’s got to be times where the guys end up in less attractive situations that might affect them in a perhaps negative way. I can imagine those situations must be hard to deal with mentally for a young boy in a foreign country. What kind of support get these guys from there church after a such experience?

Thanks in advance!

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During their mission they get to meet new countries with different religion, cultures, political views, enviornment that they probably isn’t used to in their ordinary life. So my first question is how well prepared are these guys before they go on a mission to a foreign country? Do they get learned how things “works” in the specific country they will serve in?

You mean culturally? They'll get some language training if applicable, and once in country they'll probably have aspects of the culture pointed out to them (and sometimes I imagine they get pranked about their lack of knowledge). I imagine at the MTC basic rules of etiquette are taught, for instance don't make the American A-Okay sign in Brazil and the like. This is just a guess though, my Mission was within my Birth country. Someone who served in a country outside their mission might be able to tell you more.

I assume there’s got to be times where the guys end up in less attractive situations that might affect them in a perhaps negative way. I can imagine those situations must be hard to deal with mentally for a young boy in a foreign country. What kind of support get these guys from there church after a such experience?

They are with someone 24/7 which helps that they aren't facing things alone and they spend a lot of time in prayer and scripture study while being close to the Spirit, also they are able to talk to priesthood leaders before and after the mission. I must confess I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean readjusting to their home country's culture? Dealing with traumatic experience (for instance if they got beat up)?

Hope I'm not coming across as evasive, I'm just not quite sure what you are asking about. You English is very good by the way.

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Most people that learn to swim do a lot of floundering first. (meaning they struggle)

Although the missionaries get formal training it is primary theoretical most of the actual integration and training is done in the first few months of the mission, they will have a seasoned companion who can help them as well as receiving weekly trainings by other missionaries and occasional other training meetings. They also study their language every morning for a period of time

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Hey! English isn’t my first spoken language but I hope you will understand me anyway.

What I understand young mormon boys are supposed to do mission and might do the mission in a foreign country.

During their mission they get to meet new countries with different religion, cultures, political views, enviornment that they probably isn’t used to in their ordinary life. So my first question is how well prepared are these guys before they go on a mission to a foreign country? Do they get learned how things “works” in the specific country they will serve in?

I assume there’s got to be times where the guys end up in less attractive situations that might affect them in a perhaps negative way. I can imagine those situations must be hard to deal with mentally for a young boy in a foreign country. What kind of support get these guys from there church after a such experience?

Thanks in advance!

Serving a mission as a 19 year old is an extraordinary experience. I served a mission in the North Western States (Idaho, Oregon and Washington of the USA) not really that far from my home in Utah. When I served, the missionary training amounted to 1 week of instruction at what was called the Salt Lake City Mission home. I had been a missionary for 2 months when I was given a new companion fresh from his 1 week of training. On his first day in the mission we inadvertently walked into the middle of an FBI stake out and my new companion spent his first night of his mission being questioned by authorities as we were at the time prime suspects a bank robbery, hostage and murder investigation.

The Traveler

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On his first day in the mission we inadvertently walked into the middle of an FBI stake out and my new companion spent his first night of his mission being questioned by authorities as we were at the time prime suspects a bank robbery, hostage and murder investigation.

That. Is. AWESOME.

I can't wait to tell my sons about this to help them know what to look forward to on their missions.

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Serving a mission as a 19 year old is an extraordinary experience. I served a mission in the North Western States (Idaho, Oregon and Washington of the USA) not really that far from my home in Utah. When I served, the missionary training amounted to 1 week of instruction at what was called the Salt Lake City Mission home. I had been a missionary for 2 months when I was given a new companion fresh from his 1 week of training. On his first day in the mission we inadvertently walked into the middle of an FBI stake out and my new companion spent his first night of his mission being questioned by authorities as we were at the time prime suspects a bank robbery, hostage and murder investigation.

The Traveler

ha - was that in Yakima?

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When I got to Russia, I knew grammar, several thousand words, and a little bit about the culture. Then we went to work. There is no special culture training or anything like that. Mostly, you just learn it all as you go, either from an missionary who has been there longer, or from situations you get into. There is a mission president and other missionaries that you can talk to at any time, and of course, most importantly, there is the Lord. Of course it's hard, but that is partly why it is so valuable. Learning to rely on the Lord, and not on other people, or tv, or whathaveyou.

On his first day in the mission we inadvertently walked into the middle of an FBI stake out and my new companion spent his first night of his mission being questioned by authorities as we were at the time prime suspects a bank robbery, hostage and murder investigation.

That is awesome! A lot of stuff happened to me (guns, drugs, etc.), but I was NEVER a murder suspect. Wow.

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Thanks all of you so much for your replies. It enlighten me pretty much. :)

At first I thought some boys where just sent away on their own to a foreign country without any knowledge of it. I'm glad to hear that the boys get good support from the church and other missionaries during their mission :)

Once again, thanks for your replies :)

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So my first question is how well prepared are these guys before they go on a mission to a foreign country? Do they get learned how things “works” in the specific country they will serve in?

Before any Missionary goes out, they go to a MTC (Missionary Training Center). Foreign missionaries spend 8 weeks learning the language and Culture. Most of the ones that are teaching the Missionaries are missionaries that have come home. Meaning its the job now to teach Missionaries.

Also there are more and more MTC's around the world. Meaning you might actually end up going to a MTC in a different country.

What kind of support get these guys from there church after a such experience?

Each week the Missionary writes a letter to the President (head) of the Mission. They also have other Missionaries in the area that are leaders over them. Also Usually once a month (depending on the mission) the Missionary has a one on one visit with the Mission president. If the Missionary is struggling, they have chances to share it, if they choose.

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