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A young mother has a small boy who is constantly fussing and crying during sacrament. Being a dutiful parents she is constantly taking the boy out into the foyer while her husband stays with the other kids but she is quickly getting frustrated over the routine. She turns to her Visiting Teacher, the Bishop's Wife, for advice.

The Bishop's wife after hearing the mother's complaints tells her to meet her outside the Bishop's office next Sunday before Church starts. The young mother, desperate for relief does as suggested and as soon as she meets the Bishop's wife outside the office the Bishop appears, asks her to hand over the boy and wisks him into his office for several minutes and reappears handing the child back without a word before being accosted by assorted leadership. Unsure what happened the mother carries the boy to the chapel and surprisingly as soon as she crosses the double doors leading into the chapel the child falls asleep instantly allowing her to listen to the Stake President who is speaking that week.

Several Sunday pass with the same routine, as soon as the boy is in the chapel he falls asleep. Estatic that now she can enjoy sacrament with her husband and other less fussy children the wife doesn't speak to the Bishop again for several weeks. Finally, curious to know what happened she approaches the Bishop and asks, "What did you do to little Timmy? As soon as he's in the chapel he falls to sleep. It's wonderful!"

The Bishop looks left and right making sure nobody else will hear his response and with a sheepish grin response, "We made him a High Priest."

Yeah, yeah, you've all probably heard it before.

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The Stake President was quite upset when he heard what the Bishop had done. It was not right for anyone - infant or not - to sleep through meetings. He arranged for an appointment with the child. The President met with the child in his office and afterwords asked the parents to report on his behavior the next Sunday.

Sacrament meeting came, and to the mother's fright the child did not sleep. Timmy started fussing and crying and pounding the pews. This continued until several minutes after Sacrament meeting. Despite all this, nobody seemed to mind the child. She ran over and told the Stake President about the meeting and how no matter how loud the Timmy got or how much he whined, everyone just ignored him. "What did you do?" she asked.

"Well, I couldn't undo what the Bishop did," the President said. "So I made him a High Councillor."

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  • 3 months later...
Guest jonusb3

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