The Conservative movement?


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This is not a Democratic nation. When you consider it as a Republic, things change.

... Justinator? You might not be aware of this, but a Republic is a form of Democracy. It is not a True Democracy, with one vote for one man, but it is Democratic.

This is why the party is the 'Democrat' party and not the 'Republicrats'. By allowing people to vote for representatives, you achieve something called a 'Democratic Process'. It's not a 'Republican process' because the overarching idea is Democracy, expressed through Republican ideals.

What you just said,

This is not a Democratic nation. When you consider it as a Republic, things change.

would be the equivalent of if I said 'This is not a fruit! This is an apple. When you consider it as an apple, things change.'

Yes, it's an apple. It is also a fruit, because 'Fruit' is a generic term for an overarching group of things. So... Yes. The US is Democratic and follows the Democratic process.

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Since no one has responded yet - I thought I would add some things. Where do you think corrupt politicians and corrupt big labor is getting power and funding? Might I suggest the corrupt elements of the corporate structure that has overgrown in this country?

Do you realize for example that lending institutions make more in fees than in interest charged? Do you realize that if most mortgages are not refinanced every 5 years there will be another collapse in financial markets? Do you not realize there are profits in creating mortgages that people cannot pay for – especially if the loses can be passed on to “lower” or smaller financial institutions just trying to comply with the laws and that there are currently in place protections for certain large institutions? And that these large institutions will end up owning the property without paying for it?

Did you know that prior to the great depression that 90% of the farm land was owned by families (small businesses) and that after the great depression the over 80% of the farm land in the USA is now owned by large corporations? Do you realize that with the last economic problem that 90% of the small loaning institutions were taken over by the Big boys?

And all the “conservatives” are, for some reason backing the fat cats controlling the large institutions – saying they worked hard to take over all the small businesses and that they deserve the wealth they took? Why become an illegal thief when a legal thief is so much more profitable and honorable – to both conservatives and liberals?

The Traveler

Since when did making profit or even large bonuses become evil? There can be corruption anywhere, why should I be penalized from other peoples wrong choices? That makes no sense.

Aren't bonuses are form of motivation??

This reads like a rant thread.

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