Tithe and Garment


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I have two mostly unrelated questions I have pondered for a long time.

I have noticed several of you advocate or at least state you pay tithe on gross income. What do you plan to do when taxes (all combined, every tax you pay) reaches or exceeds 90% of your gross and you don't have 10% left for tithe. And don't think this is purely hypothetical as all combined taxes is some areas exceed 75% already. Especially if you live in a a property tax region. My taxes already take over 60% of my income and are taking more every year.

Second: I have tried for years sleep with garments, going to bed with them on but waking to find them off. Sometimes because they become so twisted from my tossing and turning that I remove them to sleep or not knowing I have taken them off at night. They are the last thing off and the first thing on in the morning. I can't imagine not wearing them every waking second. I have had very mixed responses when discussed with my priesthood leaders. Am I the only member that struggles with this?

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First, I can't sleep not wearing something. Never have been able to. Before I was endowed I tried a number of times; some places I've been were so hot that even a T shirt felt like a fur jacket. I'd always wake up in short order and couldn't get back to sleep until I put a shirt on.

Bottoms don't bother me either way; I just think most people would prefer it if I kept my bits to myself when having to share a room with me.. out of jealousy, you see...

On tithing, I don't know what to say. Recently I've had so little income that were I to pay my tithing right now, I literally could not afford the fuel to get to church. Or eat more than a couple of times per week. And that's no exaggeration. I do in actuality forgo a full day of meals and contribute that money as an offering whenever I fast; latey that's been multiple times per month.

I fully intend to pay my tithing in full at or before settlement; I keep very accurate records. But right this minute my budget for food is less than $5.00 per day; many days being half of that. Work is non-existant where I'm at; I've maybe had 45 days of labor in the last 12 months.

I can't even afford a telephone at the moment; my internet is courtesy of a neighbor who doesn't know how to, or doesn't care to, secure his wireless access point.

All I can say to you is follow the dictates of your conscience. And FWIW, I only pay tithing on my actual take-home; that is all I'm 'gaining" IMHO, since I don't use welfare benefits and SS won't be there when I retire (it doesn't really exist now). The CHurch has no stand on whether tithing is to be paid on gross or net; that is for the individual to decide based upon the dictates of his concience.

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I have noticed several of you advocate or at least state you pay tithe on gross income. What do you plan to do when taxes (all combined, every tax you pay) reaches or exceeds 90% of your gross and you don't have 10% left for tithe.

I'll have already left for my bunker in the woods to wait out the ensuing civil war.

We might get away with taxing the top .05% of earners at that rate. But you can't do that to a sizeable portion of the population--they'd revolt, pure and simple.

I think you'll see America default on its public debt before you see across-the-board 90% tax rates.

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I think this is a very thoughtful and well written question.

When it comes to tithing just remember one word, "Increase". I think Justinator has a great way of doing that.

As for garments, I'm struggling to wear mine right now because my body is going through hours of the day and night where I'm so hot I can't handle it. I break out into horrible sweats and soak my clothing.

I haven't taken them off yet but if this continues, I'm going to have to find relief somehow. Oh the joys of being a woman who's approaching the changes of life.

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Oh the joys of being a woman who's approaching the changes of life.

Use Black Cohosh- at least 1000 mg once to twice a day. It took me nearly a month before it started to work, and I took 3000 mg a day. 1000 mg in the morning and 2000 after dinner.

The only place I found it in doses bigger than 45mg was through Pilgrim's Pride - on-line. Bought a case of it!! I am through menopause and have 1/3 of a case left.

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Use Black Cohosh- at least 1000 mg once to twice a day. It took me nearly a month before it started to work, and I took 3000 mg a day. 1000 mg in the morning and 2000 after dinner.

The only place I found it in doses bigger than 45mg was through Pilgrim's Pride - on-line. Bought a case of it!! I am through menopause and have 1/3 of a case left.

I've never seen anything like this. People tell me about hot flashes. FLASHES? At least that would indicate it came and went. This is like every day from 3 pm to 8 pm.
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Here's the secret.

Are you ready for it???

Stop looking at pictures of me; I regularly cause women to feel flush and faint.. and its not because of the peperspray or tear gas either! Although that does get them running.. usually away from me though..

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Here's the secret.

Are you ready for it???

Stop looking at pictures of me; I regularly cause women to feel flush and faint.. and its not because of the peperspray or tear gas either! Although that does get them running.. usually away from me though..

Oh brother...between this and the jealousy comment.

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Here's the secret.

Are you ready for it???

Stop looking at pictures of me; I regularly cause women to feel flush and faint.. and its not because of the peperspray or tear gas either! Although that does get them running.. usually away from me though..

You know, I wondered if it was you!

I'll have to close my eyes when I read your posts from now on. :D

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You know, I wondered if it was you!

I'll have to close my eyes when I read your posts from now on. :D

That is wisdom.

I've had more than one girlfriend claim to me that I've caused them to spontaneously 'go into heat' when dropping by after an absense.


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