My thoughts so far about the LDS Church


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Since I started researching how to plan and develop a food storage and preparedness plan for my family I've learned alot about the teachings of the LDS church.

I'm wondering if members who aren't converts have the same appreciation for what they have. I keep thinking that if I had this support system and this church family that is part of this church, my life would have been different.

I sometimes think you have to be on the outside looking in before you can really see what there is inside. I'm getting the opinion that persons who have been members all their life don't have the same appreciation. I hear terms like intrusive, and other such terms describing life in the LDS church and let me tell you I wish I had what you've had all these years.

Through the years I've been in several Protestant churches as well as the Catholic Church and haven't ever found what you have in the LDS Church.

So far I'm loving what I'm learning and everything seems to make more sense to me. I feel more peaceful and settled. I've never been anti mormon but I've never know anything about the teachings either.

There are some teachings that are a real stretch for me but I'm praying that Heavenly Father will make things clear to me and direct my next step.

I've felt alone all of my life and even during the investigating phase I'm feeling more of a family feeling. I'm really hoping that I'm not just fooling myself just to find that it's like every other church that I've been in.

I want a church family and I want to feel like I'm not alone in this journey. I've never found that in any church that I've attended.

I love the idea of having a support system and a place where teaching are clear. Where you are expected to live what you believe and you are held accountable.

I guess I'm rambling but I've looked for years for what you have and I just wonder if life long members really appreciate what you have.

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I would say that lifelong members do take things for granted. I am a lifelong member myself and it took going inactive and making some poor choices that gave me a greater appreciation for the church. I think this is why even people who have grown up in the chruch have to develop a testimony, they have to be converted to the gospel just like someone who did not grow up with the church. Because growing up with the church around you all your life does not give you a testimony, it does not convert you, every person needs to look deep into their own heart and pray in earnest to know that the gospel is true, otherwise you ride on the knowledge and belief of others and never know for yourself.

As for the family aspect of the church, I have found that in every ward there is a sense of ward family. Some ward families are stronger than others, but almost always there is a family aspect there, the feeling that people are there for you to support you when things aren't going so well. As someone who has never been a member of another religion I don't know how other religions are in regard to church family. One thing that I do like though in the LDS church, no matter where you go, no matter where in the world the church is the same everywhere. The lessons are the same, the gospel is the same, even the meetings are the same. You can visit another ward and it feels like home because everything is familiar.

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Do not join the church for the "community" "support" .

I have seen it happen . Just as members can leave for the wrong reasons (I.E.the people offend them/ they find the social aspect stiffing ) investigators can convert for the wrong reason (the people amaze them /they like the social aspect)

If you join do so for the right reason.

Where you are expected to live what you believe and you are held accountable.

I've been a member my whole life and have no idea where i am supposed to live.:D

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Reading your post, I got all these warm fuzzy feelings remembering my own process of investigating the Church. Even though I am inactive and disfellowshipped, for now, I still feel like I am stepping into something that is very definitely not of this world when I step into a chapel for sacrament meeting. I still feel power and truth in the Book of Mormon when I read it. I still have a burning conviction that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet. And I still feel the Spirit's anointing on the General Authorities when I hear them speak.

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I do love that sense of community about our church. My son's girlfriend isn't LDS. In recent months I've had to rely on the church's help for food. She's come with me to the Bishop's storehouse and to the dry packing center and helped put up some cans for me because I've herniated a disk.

She's made a comment on how she wishes her church was like that. All of us pitching in together and having a system of support the way we do.

I am a convert. I was drawn to the church because of Joseph Smith's experience with Christ and our Father in Heaven. I knew that such visitations were possible and this was the only church that really believed that.

There is so much about the church that is true and good. And there are some things that I still take on faith. But I know that I will grow and understand as time moves along.

I'm so glad you are having such a wonderful experience. Food storage is one of my passions. I've gotten along for two years on my food storage. I believe it is a great practice.

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Ok folks. Help me out here AGAIN.... I am seriously in the learning mode as you can tell. Did I just read someone say they were a member but were not converted yet??? So, joining the church does not automatically mean you are leaving any past faith like Baptist, Catholic etc and once a member become LDS? Please break down the "converted" term for this simple country boy. :) Thanks...AGAIN!!! :P

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Ok folks. Help me out here AGAIN.... I am seriously in the learning mode as you can tell. Did I just read someone say they were a member but were not converted yet??? So, joining the church does not automatically mean you are leaving any past faith like Baptist, Catholic etc and once a member become LDS? Please break down the "converted" term for this simple country boy. :) Thanks...AGAIN!!! :P

People who grow up in the Church are often older when they are finally converted to the Gospel. By that I mean that for many years, they lean on the faith and testimonies of their parents and church leaders without bothering to find out for themselves. Just because one is baptized does not automatically mean that they have a strong and firm understanding of all doctrines. Conversion is a life-long process. I recommend this talk if you want to delve a little deeper into the idea of conversion as a process: - Ensign Article - The Challenge to Become

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People who grow up in the Church are often older when they are finally converted to the Gospel. By that I mean that for many years, they lean on the faith and testimonies of their parents and church leaders without bothering to find out for themselves. Just because one is baptized does not automatically mean that they have a strong and firm understanding of all doctrines. Conversion is a life-long process. I recommend this talk if you want to delve a little deeper into the idea of conversion as a process: - Ensign Article - The Challenge to Become

Thank you, he's one of my very favorites. I will read it for sure.

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I'm not LDS, but almost feel like I am.

My family moved to a small Utah town from a fairly large city when I was a teenager. I didn't even know what a Mormon was until my friends found out we were moving to Utah. I would be both an ethnic minority and a religious minority... up to that point my experience as a minority involved slurs and a couple of beating when I ended up in the wrong part of town.

Then we were in Utah, and whatever preconceived notions I had were quickly squashed. My experience consisted of Ward Volleyball and Basketball, the Boy Scouts, Father-Son activities, campouts and the list goes on and on. It's been over 20 years since then and I am still close friends with the people I met during that time.

Sure there were some people that didn't feel I should be allowed to take part in Church activities, but the large majority welcomed me and my family in like we were long lost family. I'll never forget when we took the U-Haul to our new house and virtually the whole neighborhood showed up - the men to help us move in and the women who brought food.

My father is a native Utahn, and his brother died when he was a kid. His family couldn't afford the funeral and the Mormon Church paid for it, even though they weren't members.

And I'm not sure if people are aware of this or not, but there are several other religions and denominations throughout Utah who have received considerable financial help from the LDS Church, and they have buildings and facilities because of that.

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And I'm not sure if people are aware of this or not, but there are several other religions and denominations throughout Utah who have received considerable financial help from the LDS Church, and they have buildings and facilities because of that.

In fact, if you are struggling financially and don't have enough food, you should contact the Bishop assigned to your area and get a food order to feed your family.

I have heard from several people that the church is happy to help people with food and clothing. (You can get simple clothing items at the Bishop's storehouse as well)

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