New Reality Show Features . . . Polygamists!


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When I flip through the satellite channels and get to TLC I never see anything on but trashy shows that seem to go for the shock value. I think it's TLC. I get TLC and the Health Network mixed up. They exploit midgets, over weight people, people with too many kids, etc... What a freak show. Make it look pretty all you want, a middle class freak show is still a freak show.

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And so much for these "Mormons" respecting marriage if they are willing to put it on TV.

“Their children were so well behaved and polite and healthy and happy,” he added. “Pardon the cliche, but the proof was in the pudding. I thought, ‘What a bunch of great young people, and there was nothing strange about them.’ They have an unusual lifestyle, but for them, it was their lifestyle.”

Nothing strange about them? Of course there's something strange, or else they would not be put on TV and you would not hope to get big ratings off this and make lots of money.

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Not any stranger than those that post such intimate details of their life on a public forum for every search bot to have access to and thousands to read.

Have you ever googled some of the subjects? You'd be surprised how many posts that individuals have made on show up on google.

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I don't think shows like this will help the image of the church. People don't distinguish between the LDS Church and these. It will just confirm to everyone who already dislike the LDS Church that it is a weird cult.

Well, if we can't convince people that we're not polygamists, maybe the next best thing is to convince people that polygamy isn't always such a horrible thing. :rolleyes:

Here's hoping the producers are right, and the family represents itself well . . .

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I don't think shows like this will help the image of the church. People don't distinguish between the LDS Church and these. It will just confirm to everyone who already dislike the LDS Church that it is a weird cult.

These? Don't take it personal because it is not but....Isn't funny that what we as Church practiced hundred years ago we label it now as a "weird cult"? Oh the irony!

I am not saying we should agree with their lifestyle but let's reflect in our past folks and let people live in the way they think is right.

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Well, if we can't convince people that we're not polygamists, maybe the next best thing is to convince people that polygamy isn't always such a horrible thing. :rolleyes:

I like being in an area where there is lots of national diversity. Sometimes during lunch someone bring up mormons and polygamy. I tell them we stopped doing that 100 years ago. Then I turn to someone from China (once it was the person that brought it up :)) and ask, "hey, weren't you able to have lots of wives in China?" They typically look a little embarassed about it and say, "yeah, but we stopped that about 100 years ago."

I don't ask to embarass or shame anyone who has had polygamy as a part of their history. My intention is to point out that it's not the big deal the west has made it out to be.

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I don't ask to embarass or shame anyone who has had polygamy as a part of their history. My intention is to point out that it's not the big deal the west has made it out to be.

I can see lots of advantages too polygamy as well as disadvantages, As long as the children are loved and cared for and the adults involved are cared for I don't see it as a bad thing.

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Well, if we can't convince people that we're not polygamists, maybe the next best thing is to convince people that polygamy isn't always such a horrible thing. :rolleyes:

Here's hoping the producers are right, and the family represents itself well . . .

You might have been joking but I think this is kinda of a good point. I think it is hilarious that people are so accepting of gays and lesbians but totally freak out over polygamy. I am sure I will get flamed over this but if we are going to let everyone marry who ever they want how can we put a number on the amount of people that are involved in the marriage.

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